What unscrupulous people do to LP records


Well-Known Member
May 26, 2010
Trivandrum, India


















There are many more!! :mad:
It's sad to see records being treated by this way. But then again, I find it quite creative.
Nice post Reuben. Sad to see when one does not think that how much care, precision and technology goes to press one. It's okay if LPs which are not in a condition to play are used, but a good LP being treated this way is absolutely unacceptable.

However, frankly speaking, I liked a few concepts above:D

A couple of quotes from that article:

Said Chief Audio Engineer Isaac Dietz. Right now, Im using the Automated Build Platform to rip my entire MP3 collection to individual records!

I think MakerBot doesn't quite get the point of Vinyl. :rolleyes:

I can never get enough Justin Bieber or Rebecca Black until I listened to them on my turntable.

I'll just leave this out here, and refrain from commenting. :p

EDIT: That article was an April fool prank. No wonder it read that way. :D Nicely done, MakerBot, nicely done.
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The height of this is, when learned people or even some popular restaurants making it as a part of indoor decor.

An year ago, I saw it in the newly opened TGIF Restaurant, Ulsoor, MG Road, Blore using LPs for their interior decor, by nailing them on the wall. Sad, there were some popular LPs and are fairly in good condition.
When we were kids we broke a lot of LP records while playing them for frisbee disc(popular game in 80s) which my Dad had collected and he also had a gramophone, which was not working. :o
But those records were breakable, if you drop them. Little did we realize that it will make a comeback. BTW my uncle had a huge collection, which he gave it away to a recording shop in late 90s, after he was not able to find the spare parts for his existing turntables. He switched to CDs, as the companies stopped producing LPs.
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When we were kids we broke a lot of LP records while playing them for frisbee disc(popular game in 80s) which my Dad had collected and he also had a gramophone, which was not working. :o
But those records were breakable,

These were in all probability 10inch 78 rpm records made of shellac (easily breakable). If you had them today, they would have been priceless :sad:

More info on 78rpm records can be got from wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gramophone_record
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These were in all probability 10inch 78 rpm records made of shellac (easily breakable). If you had them today, they would have been priceless :sad:

More info on 78rpm records can be got from wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gramophone_record

Just saw 2 pics of LP 'art' and I didn't look further. I have always hated when people simply blow up speakers and amps and sometimes mint condition vintage stuff for fun. To me they seem kind of sadist.
I feel the same. There was a piano-smashing thing in the sixties [?] and I hated it. Even if the thing is broken, untunable, unplayable, it seemed to me to be a monstrous thing to do to a musical instrument. I'm a non-veggie, but I have similar feelings about killing for fun rather than for food.
I have LPs dating back to 1960s. They were subjected to the ravages of blunt styli and ceramic cartridges, and are completely unplayable but I could never bring myself to making lampshades out of them.

It occurs to me that, although they long since won the war of practicality, and I'm find with the sound, CDs could never evoke the same emotional response. I wouldn't bat an eyelid if the items were made from CDs. CDs might be able to win ears, but they never won hearts.
I may sound unpassionate but nothing to worry chaps. These may be non playable records or non listenable music or speech records. Think of it as Vinyls put to good use creatively, even after their designated life. Nothing lasts forever.
Before joining the forum, I never had a clue that vinyl was making a comeback and feared that my vinyl collection would face similar fate as I was thinking of disposing them. I recently got into vinyl groove after a period of hibernation - the last LP that I bought was sometime during 95. Playing LPs definitely bring back memories, but it will never replace my digital collection - may be Im not a critical listener or own hi-end gear to bring the best out of vinyl. Honestly, its the HFV members passion for vinyl that ignited my interest and hope to continue an eventful ride!
Sold my domestic scrap couple of days back and the scrap merchant refused to take black plastics, items.
*Mostly scrap merchants don't buy black plastics like Vinyl, cassette black flap cover, etc. That's why people use old Vinyls in these creative things, which is better to discard of old scratched Vinyls. In this way at-least they are using it and it look great, rare and unique.
Question. Why cant I put black plastic into my recycling collection?

Answer. Plastic items are sorted by optical scanners which use the reflection of light to identify the types of plastics. Black plastic doesnt reflect light, so can not be seen and sorted by the scanners and could end up contaminating other materials such as glass bottles. Microwave food trays which are normally black are also made of a special type of plastic which can not be easily recycled.
Source : SEE THIS

* That's why many shipping poly envelopes has black coating from inside so that the item inside can be non-scannable. Online sites use these kind of packagings. Many people use/wrap black carbon to hide the things from scanning.

Ha Ha. Good one arj.

As As for vinyl artwork, Reuben, a lot of it is probably not working vinyls or replicas so nothing to worry.
The record shop where I visit gives me LPs for nearly 150 but has some waste records to give for Rs 75 to a clock maker I met at the shop. Instead of going to garbage atleast they are seen in people's drawing rooms is my opinions.
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