Well-Known Member
short throw - and - long throw?
ST - Short time (1-2 hrs)
LT - Long time (overnight)

short throw - and - long throw?
I will go back to school !!!
suri, is that a tip? andhra petro is now trading at 19 bucks.
25 Lakhs - Audi Q7: leaves me with 1.75 Crore
If wishes were horses...
FYI, my friend has one & is suffering with it so I suggest you keep away from
Make a good Fixed Deposit in Bank but before that would like to do something for animals.)....Will not spend on A/V since I am satisfied with what I already have.
1 Crore - invest in MF's [that's Mutual Funds for the dirty minded]
1 Crore - invest in Gold ETF's:
I just realized I can't think big.
10 lacs will pretty much take care of every material possession I ever wanted to have & things I wanted to do.
Or maybe 20.
Assuming that I have 10 Crores after taxes:
2 Crores - buy decent [huh? with 2 Crores?] flat in Mumbai: leaves me with 8 Crores
I would continue to live the life the way it is but play in the following way. :yahoo:
I would put the entire money in debt mutual funds with instructions to transfer every month 5 lac rupees in equity funds, the returns which i would get this way would be great, it is with these returns i would enjoy life while in-directly the 10 crores could be intact. :yahoo: :yahoo: