What your favourite genre of music says about your personality

It is a fun read. I don’t know if the study was peer reviewed or replicated by others.
The article does point out: “Not all research supports the idea that personality traits play a role in determining musical preferences, however. One 2017 meta-analysis found that personality traits played very little of a role in accounting for these individual differences.”

Here is another interesting quote from the article:
“The study further suggests that people define themselves through music and use it as a means to relate to other people. This explains why people sometimes feel defensive about their taste in music: A criticism about their music feels like a criticism of them.1”

Then there is this 2016 study published in the PLOS that examined the links between empathy and musical preferences.

Musical Preferences are Linked to Cognitive Styles​

As one who uses ‘Personality differences’ as a tool in my work (executive coaching), I can see how it can be one of the factors leading to someone’s musical preferences. And I have my own hypotheses (some in line with those in the article, and others differing/different) on this. For example, I would associate ‘Openness to Experience’ (one of the Big 5 factors) with persons who enjoy a wider variety of musical genres. And not just musical preferences, I can also correlate personality differences with how different audiophiles approach the hobby… but that’s a different topic for some other time.

However, I do see that there are other (developmental and environmental) factors which are probably as much or more influential. For example, where you grew & when, the social milieu you were exposed to, your parent’s musical preferences if they were strong, who were (and are) your peers and what they listen/ed to etc.

Also, apart from personality/temperament, mood (a shorter term individual factor) can significantly affect what kind of music one listens to at a certain point in time.

Similarly, aging (and therefore life stage) can influence one’s musical preferences.

The problem with many analytical studies/articles is that they make it sound ‘deterministic’. Human mind is anything but. All these correlations are better applied as partial and tentative conjectures in order to form a more holistic and dynamic understanding of individuality (of oneself or of others).

But any discussion is good. One valuable insight/ suggestion in this article:
“Try listening to styles of music that you don't normally prefer; research suggests that this can have a lasting positive impact on the brain".
‘Flexing’ is one common action agenda for my clients once they understand their preferences. It is also one of the common and effective developmental efforts for anyone.
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I see that my music tastes are changing with time (slowly, say over a decade or so) and becoming more encompassing of variety of genre that i used to eschew earlier.
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