btw sony has just put up the their own version of edgelight LED lcd tv,called the ZX1 this is even thinner and has a wireless image processing,tuner box.
the price is a different story will be more expensive then the 46inch x450A.
the performance may not be as good as the samsung led lcds because the samsung uses a improved image processing,sony still uses the older BE2 and the samsung also uses a 09 panel ,where as the sony is a last years model,launched almost a year ago in japan so it uses a 08 panel with lesser contrast.
the price is a different story will be more expensive then the 46inch x450A.
the performance may not be as good as the samsung led lcds because the samsung uses a improved image processing,sony still uses the older BE2 and the samsung also uses a 09 panel ,where as the sony is a last years model,launched almost a year ago in japan so it uses a 08 panel with lesser contrast.