Where do you stand on accuracy vs euphonics wrt amplification

However class D has made huge strides, my most recent amp. being the nuprime st10 which I bought in 2017. Superb amp, It will compete easily with many $5000 Class A/B amps. I am considering a pair of evolution ones soon.
Nuprime ST10 is just my humble recommendation, having owned and listened to it for over an year, though I am far from being an expert, please audition before you buy, you may or may not like it. Also there are many options of Class D amps. available now, Nuprime is just one of them, and I definitely have not heard majority of them. Apologize for being OT to the OP.
Also most FM's here have far more listening experience than me with different types of amplifiers, sources and speakers, so do consider their advice.
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You are trying to graduate without going to primary school. It doesn’t happen that way :)

:D :D :D

Already too early too late : have already a dedicated HT room and a listening room (more of personal room). And the QRD designs are already in pipeline.

Mulling and inclining more on Hypex NC400 monoblocks.

(It's my dream of a de-stresser....not only of music).
Go ahead and buy what your heart is set on. Don’t over think :)

Hypex 400 monoblocs is a great start point

One major problem with this hobby is you always feel the grass is greener on the other side :)
Kannan, I already have a dedicated power line. I am only into vinyl. Isolation transformer too didn’t work for me. But I can understand it might work for digital because of the hash thrown back. Mine plays dead quiet and I don’t feel the need for any power cleaning
Any switching transistor/IC is a culprit in causing ground bounce.
Digital sub-systems can be running at high frequencies and cumulatively add to this.
An slightly elevated noise floor can definitely result from this, but if SNR is high enough it should be OK.
Remember, SNR is only a ratio. Ideally, one would want the ground potential to be as close to zero as possible.

Usually, PCB routing, ground pour, large ground plane, decoupling caps, etc mitigate the issue.
Cleaning up the power supply is good practice and most amp/component makers do a decent job of it.
But ground bounce happens even with clean power supplies.

I am more concerned with the vested subjectivity ......let's say from the snakecharmers side. How to bring them to accountability? Or will there be no saving grace of a herd wisdom etc?

Its a fact of life. Look at Carbonated Drinks and what the Ads say about it and the lack of accountability. Today at least its common knowledge that thats not the right option for thirst and not a water substitute.

For Audio, having a group of people you trust is the key . Surprisingly even reviewers will give you a honest answer 1:1 as long as you ask a specific question.

This forum is a great way of getting group opinion which you can always followup with a PM as well..have found people here vry helpful 1:1 although we tend to go overboard in group discussions
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Anyway coming to Nuprime.....does it have ICEpower modules? Can some engineers comment on this ?
I am not an engineer or expert but they are not ICE power modules. In my limited understanding most class D are PWM amplifiers. Different companies use some marketing words to make them unique for their companies. Few years a go Nuforce were very much in news for their POWERDACs.

I had bought chep TPA3116D2 module and it sounded good. It stopped working for no reason (chinese) So class D prospects are good. I read TPA3255 sounds even better. But dont take my word for it. Listen and buy.

My my....

What a twisted question Steve :D :D :D :D

Damn he is so much vested commercially (I used to depend on his reviews ....now very less).

I would have framed the question as :

Is the honesty in audio industry giving us pleasure of music as audio should?

There is nothing like truth seeker or pleasure seeker.....there is only seeker for true music. And it's more than pleasure....it's ethereal, philosophical .....even transcendental. TRUTH IS THE ULTIMATE PLEASURE - you can call it moksha...nirvana... enlightenment whatever.

Steve has used a popular notion to trick us into two camps (maybe he is starting to face some heats some sites like ASR...and other no-BS youtubers ).
I think its an honest question. Some of his equipment reviews are honest (ish).
In this hobby, there are objectivists (truth seekers) and subjectivists (pleasure seekers).
To what degree? Well ... most of us are somewhere in between.
Don't know about vested interests of audio mags/sites. Sure there are some interests; maybe even vested too.

If one side feels that measurements, honesty (materials used, why, etc) is a yardstick, so be it.
If the other side feels "good stuff" costs a bomb (but I'll pay for it), measurements are secondary, so be it.
Both are perfectly valid points of view depending on where one is coming from and the "final" destination.

In my own case, over the years, I have bought equipment after hearing them and without hearing them.
In the case of "blind buys" I have read a lot of reviews, maybe even videos too.
If any of these talked mostly measurements and sparsely about how it sounds, I'd personally be confused.
Subjective opinion (maybe even flowery sonnets) matters after the basic minimum objective credentials are firmly established.
I have been mostly lucky in picking stuff that I have not had a chance to audition.
Risks are there, but calculate and mitigate them as much as possible.
Also I make my gear work for me (like months/years) before giving up.
After which time, I usually re-purpose or give it to family members.

Some companies make great sounding equipment (I have heard a few) but cost a bomb.
Just because I cannot afford these, doesn't mean they should not exist in that price range.
They may or may not have a reason to be so pricey. Who am I to judge?
There have been some references in this thread and generally on the forum about component pricing.
DACs that use run-of-the-mill chips or amps that use reference modules priced at 5x the cost, etc.
A company designs stuff (or incorporates a reference design) and makes a product.
This product has to be engineered, tested, advertised, marketed, stocked and serviced.
All of this and more is factored into the cost.
Sometimes companies proudly state about using expensive or high spec parts.
That is their claim to fame; no compromises when it comes to the guts or what we do; what's wrong with it.
If one feels they are selling snake oil, don't buy.

The "God" in my HFV avatar once said "One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain."
As I often say on this forum ...
Enjoy the music wholesome, don't pay attention only to the sound of music.

As perse I am personally not against a 'high cost'....but rather a 'deliberate high costs'. I mean we have threads in this forum about racks/cables costing 1000s of dollars.......just on a fasle premise that 'high premium means high performance'.

Therein my need for objective measurements...and I still believe that a clean, transparent amp/dac will TRUTHFULLY reproduced what was recorded. It's upto the final part of the system the speakers and room acoustics to do justice.

Just because distortions sound warmer or better (subjective wise) does not become pleasurable without being truthful.

*Listening to few Billie Eilish songs I was checking something was wrong with the distortions....then realised it's her style. :D
TRUTH IS THE ULTIMATE PLEASURE - you can call it moksha...nirvana... enlightenment whatever.

Steve has used a popular notion to trick us into two camps (maybe he is starting to face some heats some sites like ASR...and other no-BS youtubers ).

The truth ! Audiophiles have been chasing this for so many decades. There are only camps. So, no universal agreement. If that was so simple, we could all order music systems online after looking at measurements or after reading a review.

There is a big camp in high performance audio that believe “systems that evoke the same emotions that are evoked when you listen to live music “ are the most accurate ones. You can assemble a bunch of gear that measures awesome but then if you put them all together, there is no assurance that it will not be beaten easily in the emotion factor by another system that was chosen by ear.

So his point is quite valid, I think.

It is an age thing also. As you grow older the scientist area in the audiophile brain tends to calm down a bit. The finiteness of time and life becomes a reality and if you are music lover, you tend to focus more on systems that puts a smile on your face rather than one that only helps you nit pick problems with recordings.
Thing is there is no absolute truth..

every person has his own abilities and circumstances and situations

so instead of analyzing it too much - its best to go for what makes the user happy and in his / her budget.

Truth - is not static either - as one grows - one matures ( faster or slower ) and likes a different version of the "truth" and its time to change the system in a way that complies with it - as square wave mentioned.

Thats the only truth IMO.
In another post - Prem referred to - Balance

Even here - balance is not absolute - it depends on what floats your boat.

The re-balancing which Prem mentioned is correct too - if we try to improve one aspect - another aspect might need to be re-tuned and therefore re-balanced - achieve a fresh balance.

When people come home to listen to music at your home - they may not like the balance of the music at which you like.

Question is - we buy stuff for our personal enjoyment and that leads to the answer

Even though someone else may not like your music reproduction by your system - its OK - we buy and we enjoy for our sake alone.

Its a journey - and its correct and each one of us on this road has a different aspect to deal with.


I guess I have come to a point, where i think i want to make an end game amplification purchase, for some time to come.

But i have not had the opportunity to compare different types of amplifiers and i really do not know where i stand taste wise, wrt amplifier sound.

I have read about tests where its usually reported that subjects almost always seem to prefer distortion free sound. Atleast wrt speakers.

Do amps with low THD or SNR always sound better to your ears ? Have you had an opportunity to compare amps level matched?

Have you been able to percieve differences when they are not clipping ? Have you always preferred a better measuring amp to a more warm/distorting amp? Where do most people stand on this?

I implore those with the experience and opportunity to have compared different types of amps, to please reply where they stand on this question.

Thanks in advance.
Hello Arun,

At the end of the day, low THD & SNR is quite evident in a capable system. I experienced this during a rundown in my setup with Rega Brio & Atoll IN100 Amps. Atoll was better any other day but was clipping. But yes, the sonic diff was quite clear. Warm/Neutral..... I would say its more about the synergy between these components, & in a stereo setup, every component plays a vital role. Warm is not warm if you prefer it over a neutral sq, its quite personal preference & taste in music.
At the end of the day the aim is to have a setup that disappears & gives "you are there" feeling.
The truth ! Audiophiles have been chasing this for so many decades. There are only camps. So, no universal agreement. If that was so simple, we could all order music systems online after looking at measurements or after reading a review.

Well even if we do not get to that, i wish all the emotion only folks agreed to get the known measurements right before looking at the subjectives .... That way atleast all of us woukd stand a better chance against being ripped off too much by multi thousand dollar products masquerading as some sort of secret sauce to better sound ... It would alsp ensure some baseline performance overall

It would make this industry more approachable by thousands others who might be able to get good measuring baseline products at competitive prices .....though yes, the emption might be lacking somewhat
Haven't listened to the Tube hi-fi amps but I have tried the artificial euphonics enhancers (certain plug-ins that introduces "pleasureable distortion").
My experience with them has not been good. I somehow couldn't like the sound that came out.

Now coming to the accuracy angle, I prefer accuracy.
Being a human I have certain biases.
E.g. in terms of frequency response I have found that I prefer a slight dip in the 3.5-4.5 kHz zone otherwise it starts sounding tiring.
I like midrange enhanced sound but with a slight V shape curve with crests around 500 Hz and 2000 Hz and trough around 1000 Hz.
Again in the bass range I do not like too much of 80-200 Hz spectrum.

But if I were out to find an amp and speakers which pander to this taste - I would NOT call it High FIDELITY.
So when I am in the market paying high bucks, I would prefer paying for a piece of technology that reproduces the sound with highest fidelity.
So when I am in the market paying high bucks, I would prefer paying for a piece of technology that reproduces the sound with highest fidelity.

If such a device evokes the same emotional connect you feel when listening to a live music event, I am in agreement. Otherwise it is only very academic, no ?
That's a good choice. I don't think you will be disappointed.

For me I am blissfully enjoying my Kali LP8 + Sabaj D5 combo. So no hurry for the Hypex I planned. Will wait out for some time.
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.