Where to buy PS2 in Chennai


New Member
Sep 15, 2009
Enquired PS2 in couple of shops like Sony showroom, Viveks, Shah. In all these places the quote is 5950 to 5999 Rs.
Can PS2 owners suggest me for a better deals in specific shops ?
Modded PS2 will be available in couple of shops in ritchie streets which will enable to you play lot of games with cheaper options.:)ofcourse with same price tag and with shop warranty. Trust you will understand.

Modded PS2 will be available in couple of shops in ritchie streets which will enable to you play lot of games with cheaper options.:)ofcourse with same price tag and with shop warranty. Trust you will understand.
As you know that streets is jam packed with hundreds of electronic shops. Not sure which one I shd ping.
If you can recommend any reliable shops , please go ahead.
hi....."games flash" kaj plaza mount road, happy buying

Hey telranga,

Games flash is fine too. The complex extends facing mount road to back side of ritchie street / another shop is in basement of Raheja plaza( forgot the name). Both are good.
Bought PS2 in Sony Showroom for 5950 rs and immidiately got modded in Games Flash for 800 RS and also bought a wireless Dual Shocker 2 for 700rs and a 64 MB memory card for 325 rs.
But when I plug in my memory card, PS2 is unable to detect the card (strange) . Any specific reasons ?
Other than the memory card issue, I am having a great time with PS2 .
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But when I plug in my memory card, PS2 is unable to detect the card (strange) . Any specific reasons ?
Other than the memory card issue, I am having a great time with PS2 .

Try with another card if you have - problem could be due to improper card fitments. Try this technique if you find similar symptoms.

If nothing else, then please take it to games flash and ask them to look into it.

Good luck! :cheers:
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