Schiit Bifrost 2 > Loki > Schitt Lyr 3. Currently feed via windows 7 computer using foobar and WASAPI interface. 20 TB of lossless music spread across 4 External drives (2 redundant copies on drives and copying most to g-suite). No plans for a NAS in the next few years. Getting a new Win 10 computer scheduled for middle of June (Dotnet developer s prefer Windows)
I am interested in building / buying a device that allows me to plug in a USB drive and output to the Bifrost via USB or SPDIF. It's not clear to me if any of the Allo DigiOne player or the USBBridge require an Pi board as well. Looking for suggestions of what I need to do to accomplish this. Thanks, q
I am interested in building / buying a device that allows me to plug in a USB drive and output to the Bifrost via USB or SPDIF. It's not clear to me if any of the Allo DigiOne player or the USBBridge require an Pi board as well. Looking for suggestions of what I need to do to accomplish this. Thanks, q