Which amp for Dynaudio AUdience 52?

I'm running a pair of Audience 82's in a 250 sq ft room of a CA 540 Azure and it actually sounds pretty darn good. There were mixed opinions on the forum when I asked the same question but the CA is holding on fine at 100 x 2.

I do plan to upgrade though and will either add a power amp behind my CA or replace entire setup/

Am starting a thread on this matter

I checked and found that CA 540 Azure is 60 Watts into 8 Ohms and that is exactly the same as the Bryston 60sst...Good you are happy but if you can answer few of the below questions then I can know if I'll will be happy.

  1. Does it have a huge sound stage?
  2. Do you get room filling experience?
  3. How are the dynamics?
  4. to what levels are you able to go loud wilthout the sound cracking?
  5. What is the music you listen too?

What did you mean when you said CA is holding on fine at 100 x 2?

If you do plan to change your speakers do let me know....

Thank you
1. How does one get to know from Tech specs of an amplifier, that it is a "High Current amplifier"?

2. Is there something like Ampere rating for amplifier that one should look in specs to find this out?


when the technical specifications of an SS amplifier (audio) do not specify maximum (safe) ouput current, one can infer that the item being examined is a high current output capable audio amplifier by the following-

(1) mention of MOS-FET anywhere - say, the fascia, the back or the manual

(2) if it is specified to drive 2 ohm loudspeakers, (let us leave ICE out of this), it will, generally, will be a high current output device

(3) if it is insanely expensive

Generally the makers of high current output audio amplifiers (SS) will not let you forget the fact, and, by way of glaring pronouncements on the flyers, their ads, or in the manual, will ultimately make you believe that they are the keepers of a secret black magic formula which separates their amplifiers from the pretenders.

and that your 2.5 lakhs INR is money well-and-honestly spent:)

it is another thing that these amps will provide far better performance, and give far more satisfaction {to persons who are looking for such things} (given good partners and a good room) than the popular amplifiers (which sell well because they provide more than adequate performance for the vast majority of music listeners at a reasonable price).

all that i have (foolishly) ventured to say, applies only to SS amps, and not to other devices;)
when the technical specifications of an SS amplifier (audio) do not specify maximum (safe) ouput current, one can infer that the item being examined is a high current output capable audio amplifier by the following-

(1) mention of MOS-FET anywhere - say, the fascia, the back or the manual

(2) if it is specified to drive 2 ohm loudspeakers, (let us leave ICE out of this), it will, generally, will be a high current output device

(3) if it is insanely expensive

Generally the makers of high current output audio amplifiers (SS) will not let you forget the fact, and, by way of glaring pronouncements on the flyers, their ads, or in the manual, will ultimately make you believe that they are the keepers of a secret black magic formula which separates their amplifiers from the pretenders.

and that your 2.5 lakhs INR is money well-and-honestly spent:)

it is another thing that these amps will provide far better performance, and give far more satisfaction {to persons who are looking for such things} (given good partners and a good room) than the popular amplifiers (which sell well because they provide more than adequate performance for the vast majority of music listeners at a reasonable price).

all that i have (foolishly) ventured to say, applies only to SS amps, and not to other devices;)

Thanks Suri for the insight...

Sometimes I think it is all an eye wash to get better performance.

One says you need -
1. High current amp
2. One belives or would be biased if he/she spent 1 lac+ on equipment

  • Is there actually any measurable equipment that tells for sure what it is or is it one's own human ear?
  • Why do I fail to understand in order to enjoy music I have to burn a hole in my pocket.
  • Audio is really indeed very subjective. Just like English is a funny language

Audio Pandits, Oh Learned ones,

Since Dynaudio has a reputation (at least in the reviews) for needing lots of juiceI request all Dynaudio owners/ users please share your live experiences whether my 60wrms amp will be able to drive Audience 52 speakers at loud volumes. Im getting one for 32 k (2 years).

Room size: My room is 11 feet by 12 feet, And I would listen about 8 feet away and wish for a room filling experience
Amp: Naim Nait 5i
Source: Marantz 5001
Music: Classical Rock- Heavy Metal

Thank you

If your really worried about matching right amp with the Dynes then read this

"Dynaudios best matched the Arcam A85"

Rest I'm not sure if Bryston 60bsst/ Naim Nait 5i also belong in the same league. Probably other experienced members would like to share their thoughts.

Kindest regards
Bryston + B&W
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If your really worried about matching right amp with the Dynes then read this

"Dynaudios best matched the Arcam A85"
SoundStage! Equipment Review - Arcam DiVA A85 Integrated Amplifier (9/2001)

Rest I'm not sure if Bryston 60bsst/ Naim Nait 5i also belong in the same league. Probably other experienced members would like to share their thoughts.

Kindest regards
Bryston + B&W

@ rajeshp,

after reading this article posted by heliumflight, it will have to be the Arcam Diva 85 for your dyn's.

the Most High (the person who wrote that article) has spoken!:)
it is another thing that these amps will provide far better performance, and give far more satisfaction {to persons who are looking for such things} (given good partners and a good room) than the popular amplifiers (which sell well because they provide more than adequate performance for the vast majority of music listeners at a reasonable price).

Hmm Given that good partners and a good room are essential pre-requiste to enjoy ones investment in audio, I guess the audiophile gentleman can be excused for swapping partners like he does the cables, to derive optimum pleasure from his investment and listening experiences ;)

Feel not the burden of moral guilt any longer ye Audiophiles! Its all due to the affliction called Audiophilia aggravated by the associated condition of Upgradeitis :)

I guess the audiophile gentleman can be excused for swapping partners like he does the cables, Cheers

Really gobble,

partners = partnering equipment= speakers and the such like.

if the audiophile gentleman is a philanderer, he is more likely to use the music to create the ambience for the seduction, than listen (critically) to the music itself.

And, of course, in the course of his philandering, the philanderer's mind will be full of other thoughts, which will distract his deviant mind away from the job at hand (listening to music)

No, gobble, I am not a prude, and i am sure that multiple partners are a healthy way to a healthy mind for some, but surely, to enjoy music, one will have to eschew (carnal) pleasures and be celibate during the session?:rolleyes:
Audio engr sir, I want to know whether Marantz PM7200/PM7001 can be called poor man's Sugden a21. Actually I have listened to Dyna 52 along with NAD 372, NAD 355 and Marantz PM17SA.
With NAD 372 amp & NAD 542 CD player Dyna 52 was truely high class.
With NAD 355 amp & Marantz CD5001 CD player Dyna 52 is good.
With Marantz PM17SA amp & CD5001 CD player Dyna 52 was sweet not analytical.
Thank you audio engr for your reply.
My room size is 10'X14'. My budget is as low as reasonably achievable (below Rs.40k). I am used to Marantz sound and it is good for budget conscious person like me. Other brand is not a problem for me but it must be soft and sweet sounding. A well maintained used amplifier may also fulfil my needs provided its history is clean. Can you suggest me something please?
I want to know whether Marantz PM7200/PM7001 can be called poor man's Sugden a21.

I'm afraid, Partho, the answer is: NO. The Sugdens are single ended class A design and are tube-like in many ways. Arj in this forum used to have an A21 before he went for his current amp. He may still have it and may be interested in selling, although I have no idea if it would fit your budget. Why don't you explore?

A Sugden A21 with a reasonable Dyne A52 sounds a very good prospect to me. Audio_engr has heard this (although the amp was the higher and more expensive version A21-SE). The current standard version is A21 series 2. Arj may have the older and the classic one (called just A21), it would beat most of what you have considered so far hands down. There is a small difference in power between the A21 and A21SE (23 wpc and 30 wpc into 8 ohms repectively). So there is always an issue if these can drive the A52's. But since audio-engr has heard the 30 wpc amp driving the A52's to a nicety, and there is not much difference between log23 and log30, I'd think the standard A21 would also drive the A52s effortlessly. This can be checked without much trouble.

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Naim is a very nice amp for the Dynes.
Even though they are just 50 watts at 8 ohms, they do 500 watts (yes you read it right) at 1 ohms. They are very stable while driving difficult loads.
They are very fast, transparent and tonally rich. A friend of mine uses Naim Nait 5i with Usher BE-718 which is a much tougher speaker to drive and my friend is very happy. If you are getting a Naim at a good price, dont miss it.

Please refer to this thread, read my first post in this thread:
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There isn't much difference between an old A21, A21-2 & A21-SE. Though the power level increases in the SE model by 7 watts, even the old A21 is good enough for the A52 and goes loud. Now it all depends what you call loud. (Just FYI, an Accuphase A30 Pure Class-A of 30watts actually massacres a Krell FPB-300 of 300watts).

However, the Naim Nait 5i will sound quite different from the Sugdens. Naim will be more SS with great dynamics while Sugden a lot like tubes, mellow, rich yet clear.

But Partho, I doubt if any of these will fall in the Rs 40k bracket. They are more like in the Rs 80k ++ category.

Maybe if you stretch to Rs 60-65k, you may find an older Plinius 8000-series which too were good with the Audience series.

Will Lyita Set 6C33CB 15wrms tube wattage be equivalent to wattage of SS Naim /Sudgen/ Plinius to drive Audience52 with authority?

Thank you
I'd think the standard A21 would also drive the A52s effortlessly. This can be checked without much trouble.


Hi Asit. I am surprised you remember !
The A21A are pure single ended Class A. but due to the power dissipation ,the older one cannot really run the Dyns to high volumes as their power @4 ohms would drop to 15 W and still less into 3 Ohms.

So will not recommend it with Dyns which do get tough in terms of Impedance as well as Phase in the 40-50 Hz range and hence may give a feeling of less Bass...

the new A21s at double the price have double the power in those loads...thats what Audio_engr would have heard.
Will Lyita Set 6C33CB 15wrms tube wattage be equivalent to wattage of SS Naim /Sudgen/ Plinius to drive Audience52 with authority?

Thank you

Well Rajesh, that would be too much of an assumption.
Only Viren can say what this 15watt set can do because it is still not out in the market in a big way. However, I know that his top end monoblocks can do it. They can handle A52.
Naim, Plinius are different stuff altogether. They are almost like the reference grade SS electronics in their price range so they have to do good power. But tube amps and 25 watters like Sugden have a different approach altogether. They first concentrate on tones and then try to provide just about adequate power. So it all boils down to what music, what room size and what speakers.
One thing is, these approaches should not be equated.
It is a very, very serious tube and when implemented correctly by a manufacturer who understands the Russian 6C33C principles well, like the people at Lamm who are Russians themselves, then, its as good as it gets.....

Can you recommend a good implementation of speaker? Would you not consider Dyna52 as good pairing?

Thank you
So it all boils down to what music, what room size and what speakers.
One thing is, these approaches should not be equated.

Music- Death metal
Room size- 200 sqft.

Will 15wpc have enought steam to run the Dyna52, Do you consider this good pairing? What vaccum tubes have you listened with the Dyna52?

Thank you
Listening to Rock with Tubes is a very different experience...very enjoyble I would say.
Now whether the 15 watts Lyrita can do it with A52 is not something I would want to guess but if you go with his reference monoblocks, I am sure it can do the job well and with all the tube magic you would want. Its always nice to have some power reserve when using Dynes. If Viren can certify that his 15 watts SET is equal or more powerful than his monoblocks then you are all SET;).
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