Which Internet Connection are you using ??

IMHO, 8GB will vanish in a few hours and then you are stuck with a horrible 256kbps which is not even broadband (>512kbps). As for free calls who uses land phones these days? I have 175 free calls and usually the metered calls is blank. Just my opinion.

8GB is currently sufficient for me. Haven't hit the limit yet since 5 months when I had switched to this plan. I dont download much.
Also as per TRAI definition 256kbps is broadband and AFAIK none of BSNL plans have speed lesser than that.
About the free calls most of them are being used, but not all. So effective price is ~ 500.
Good that you are not a heaby downloader. With 2mbps night unlimited, my data transfer is over 3GB per day.
If ur downloads are linited, then stick to BSNL with combo 500 plan. I use beam 10Mbps unlimited and after FUP it is 2Mbps, since my downloads are huge.
1500 a month for that speed and the FUP is around 60 GB but most of the times i havent seen the speeds goin down after FUP..

they say its a data unlimited plan..

Bro, Which part of hyd u stay, i will shift there... :) For my connection, after i reach the FUP, the speed goes down. Unlucky me :mad:

Enjoy ur Beam !!!
:) I like that "Your Beam is my Dream!"
Maybe I can sell it to their marketing dept! :cool:

Beam is infact expanding to Bangalore and Chennai i suppose. They are working majorly on cabling work. One of the Beam field tech told me this.
There's my nect ISP, then.

But I won't hold my breath. For simple commercial reasons they will target the richer and more central areas first. We couldn't even get Airtel until about three years ago. Within three days of seeing their guys laying the cable, we were connected, and saying goodbye to BSN broadband.

(To be fair to BSNL, the infrastructure here was hopeless. They kept on trying to give us new lines, but said that they ran at the bottom of the Buckingham Canal! They've since opened a new exchange two streets away, so I now do have an alternative if Airtel screws up.)

Anyway, looking forward to my Airtel 4Mb/sec upgrade --- in just over a week :)
(To be fair to BSNL, the infrastructure here was hopeless. They kept on trying to give us new lines, but said that they ran at the bottom of the Buckingham Canal! They've since opened a new exchange two streets away, so I now do have an alternative if Airtel screws up.)

Its mixed reactions about BSNL. I still have BSNL connection, using this from past 7 years and i am very happy with them. Since they dont have high speeds like >10Mbps, i opted Beam. Beam is also good but they have a small issue. When there is a power outage, their batteries wont hold long enough. Infact the switch serving my connection has a bad battery. Anyways Beam has accepted change the battery soon. In case of power outage, BSNL is my savior. In my area we still dont have Airtel, checked about 6 months back, they said no feasibility.
I was fine with BSNL in the old house ...but then 256Kb was all anyway. Here, we even had noise on the telephone until this new exchange came. I dislike the open-hand attitude of the BSNL guys too. Airtel engineers either fix the problem, or they don't, but at least they don't expect to be "tipped" for it.

Who is Beam? Is this, by any chance, the Railways offshoot that started offering high speed connections a few years ago?
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BSNL FTTH (Fiber to Home). >20M capable, using 4M now. Best part - it comes with a UPS and hence even during power cuts, connection is available. Speed is consistently around what is promised.
Hey, i am also using broadband connection, monthly charges are 250rs, speed i dont know coz i rarely use my internet. I m fed up with my broadband connection. Whenever I try to access internet it takes too much time to upload one single web page. Now i am looking to opt airtel.
Its mixed reactions about BSNL. I still have BSNL connection, using this from past 7 years and i am very happy with them. Since they dont have high speeds like >10Mbps, i opted Beam. Beam is also good but they have a small issue. When there is a power outage, their batteries wont hold long enough. Infact the switch serving my connection has a bad battery. Anyways Beam has accepted change the battery soon. In case of power outage, BSNL is my savior. In my area we still dont have Airtel, checked about 6 months back, they said no feasibility.

Beam is the most reliable ISP in Hyderabad who promise speeds and they deliver it.....but they promise USP for the equipment but they don't deliver it. I left Beam for BSNL precisely for this problem of them. Now wtih bsnl i get 100% power backup but their speed of 2mbps line less than BEAM's 1mbps!!. Now, BEAM is again tempting me with 3mbps free speed upgrade for the price of 1mbps line......Competition Rocks !!
i am being siphoned off by magarpatta city (there is no other alternative) and tataindicom people. I end up paying 1100 for a 384kbps unlimited connection.

Need a change of place soon:mad:

Yeah I can understand I was using the same and their service is pathetic and is worsening day by day. The customer care is so pathetic that they will give you same answer and will ask you whether any thing else is required not bothering what is your problem. The customer care persons take you for granted. The internet connection goes on SUNDAY till Monday night and nobody is bothered. I will suggest to change the location ASAP. The speed of 384 kbps unlimited is just a MIRAGE and you will not get that speed not a single time.
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