Which Internet Connection are you using ??

I use Airtel 1099 plan.. 1 Mbps (night time) for first 20Gb, then 512Kbps unlimited..this includes phone rental as well.. airtel to airtel local landline is free and Rs. 150/- worth local calls are free..
Mine is Airtel 1mbps unlimited........for the past ,,,, well when ever it was launched (I think two years )...... speed is ALWAYS above 1mpbs (around 140 KBps)...... customer service is far better than the competitors, specially the field job is absolute professional. Been sticking with Airtel Broadband for 5 years now and very satisfied..............

Recently I opted for the new 4mbps plan but thats not yet lauched in Ghz. Once its done in couple of months would shift to that....
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Have just requested Airtel to upgrade my connection from 2Mb to 4Mb, with 25Gb "cap" (actually unlimited, but only 256K after 25Gb). :D
Should save you heaps of money! There are 4Mb plans available from 899 to 1799, with "full-"speed limits of 6 to 50Gb.

My current 2Mb plan is, I think, 1199, so I'll be paying 200 more. I could have paid less, as my monthly download rarely reaches double figures --- but the faster it is, the more one is tempted to use it!

Check out the "impatience" plans on their site.
BSNL seem to have quietly upgraded my connection to 512kbps without even asking me. I will come to know if this is true after receiving the next month bill. But, I am consistently seeing speeds of 512kbps to 1mbps on my connection.

Should I scream Yahooooooo :clapping:?

Anyone else with the same unasked bonus?

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Used this connection for more than one and half years. Airtel Broaband 256kbps unlimited-Rental Rs.700/- plus tax (150free local landline calls), one Airtel mobile unlimited outgoing free, 50% discount any one STD landline number, 30% discount on any one ISD number and a free cordless phone free, non-refundable deposit of Rs.500/-.

Now, im using Reliance Broadband net 300kbps unlimited-Rental Rs.649/- plus tax (150free local landline calls), Rs.100 discount on bill for first 6 months. Non-refundable deposit of Rs.500/-. The speed compared to Airtel is very much better now.
BSNL seem to have quietly upgraded my connection to 512KBPS without even asking me. I will come to know if this is true after receiving the next month bill. But, I am consistently seeing speeds of 512KBPS to 1 MPBS on my connection.

Should I scream Yahooooooo :clapping:?

Anyone else with the same unasked bonus?

Even mine is BSNL, 256 KBPS unlimited. But I hardly noticed any change in the speed as well in the BILL .
How do you guys check the internet speed so effortlessly (apart from checking the BILL)?
Pls share, whether there are any tools/ SW to be installed ?
Even mine is BSNL, 256 KBPS unlimited. But I hardly noticed any change in the speed as well in the BILL .
How do you guys check the internet speed so effortlessly (apart from checking the BILL)?
Pls share, whether there are any tools/ SW to be installed ?

You can google bandwidth meter.

Bandwidth Meter | Speed Test
Internet Speed Test - Bandwidth Meter

There are other websites as well.

Please also remember to multiply the speed by 8 in case the speed is given as KB per second (kilo-bytes) rather than kbps (kilo bits per second). Of course, ISPs will almost always state speeds in terms of kbps in order to make the number look bigger.
BSNL seem to have quietly upgraded my connection to 512KBPS without even asking me. I will come to know if this is true after receiving the next month bill. But, I am consistently seeing speeds of 512KBPS to 1 MPBS on my connection.

Should I scream Yahooooooo :clapping:?

Anyone else with the same unasked bonus?


This has been done only for the month of April 2010.......:sad:

See Link:

Sigh! No wonder. This is a like a peek show. You get hooked and then BSNL walks away with an additional 150 every month. Damn. :mad:

Also using Aircel Pocket Internet Rs.98/- unlimilted browsing in my Nokia 5230 mobile phone, i thought the speed will be very low, but actually when i start using it first time, login into hifivision site, its quite fast enough for a mobile. I was wrongly estimated the GPRS or phones speed. Dont know the actual speed of browsing. Good to have a speed like this in a mobile phone, while at travel or at out.
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Been using Hathway for over 8 years or so. Pretty reliable; no interruption even during the big flood of 2005. Occasional DNS server downtime issues, but I just point my router to Google or OpenDNS, and bingo.

Just changed from 256Kbps/1.5GB monthly plan to 1Mbps/400MB plan, because I rarely do big downloads. If I do, it's Rs. 0.40/MB over 400MB.

I now get consistent 900-1000kbps transfer speeds, even though it's supposed to be 1:8 shared pool. My favourite link monitor is Metaproducts Net Activity Diagram (NAD). I use the old freeware version (1.1.90) which is pretty good, not the latest version which is $25 but with a lot more features.

Oh, and when CAS was enforced in 2006(?), they gave me a cable TV set-top box free :ohyeah: Paid 1500 and got one more. This was when Tata Sky would have cost me 7500 for two boxes :)
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Even mine is BSNL, 256 KBPS unlimited. But I hardly noticed any change in the speed as well in the BILL .
How do you guys check the internet speed so effortlessly (apart from checking the BILL)?
Pls share, whether there are any tools/ SW to be installed ?

I think you mean 256 Kbps and not KBPS....theres a lot of difference you know.....:) same with venket as well.
Thanks Sam9s. I have corrected my post.

Tellranga and other, the correct representation is as follows:

1. Kilo bits per second - kbps
2. Kilo Bytes per second - kBps
3. Mega bits per second - mbps
4. Mega Bytes per second - mBps

I was using a 256KBPS unlimited connection, fortunately airtel upgraded it to 512KBPS without levying any extra charges. Airtel upgraded all existing customer to double the speed of existing speed without any additional charges.
I was using a 256KBPS unlimited connection, fortunately airtel upgraded it to 512KBPS without levying any extra charges. Airtel upgraded all existing customer to double the speed of existing speed without any additional charges.

Agaiin even after venket's post u type 256KBPS....its kbps and NOT KBPS , its missleading info.........256KBPS means 2048kbps that is 2mbps......which is not what you were getting.........
I've got a 256KBps* connection

... At least, until my upgrade to 4Mbps come through :lol:

*Although nobody would ever quote it that way. As far as I remember (could be wrong, or probably there's some exception) all this coms stuff, over the various sort of connection, has always been quoted in bits per second. Even as I type this, I realise why: different comms methods have different overheads: to transmit an 8-bit byte over a serial connection actually takes 10 bits, as there is one "parity" bit and one "stop" bit.
:) I'm not sure either! But wouldn't be at all surprised to know that I got it wrong :o

It reminds me of my confusion as an amateur navigator: on British Admiralty Charts, m is metres, M is [nautical] Miles...
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