Why FM Yelamenchali Manohar aka newlash09 is a total badass

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Dear Bloom@83,

I have mentioned the word accessories. That LPSU made by an eminent engineer from Kolkata, was there since the beginning to power my Schiit Multibit and Schiit Mani. Never been an issue. Still it is used with my Schiit Multibit with no problem.

This LPSU was made to replace weak wall wart and being used by two more audio enthusiasts in Kolkata (not a forum member) with no problem till date.

Also being a budget veteran audio enthusiast since a long and as most of my stuff are DIY , I am completely aware of what I'm doing and using.

I’m sorry I really don’t care which eminent engineer made it , even it were Nelson Pass.That LPSU should never have been plugged to Schiit Mani.
There was very high probability of my speakers getting damaged that day.
This is what I precisely did as advised by previous owner.

What is right is right what is wrong is wrong. i think everyone watching this thread also
waiting for your response also how accepting money from Manohar was justified.

Of course you can use a LPS with Schitt Mani. It obviously has to be to the voltage specifications of the Mani. Swagman Labs in HK makes one. Use of LPS would improve the sound of the phono.

I did not know about this. Normally lpsu is associated with dc voltage only. But if its specifically made for ac, it should work.
Of course you can use a LPS with Schitt Mani. It obviously has to be to the voltage specifications of the Mani. Swagman Labs in HK makes one. Use of LPS would improve the sound of the phono.
And how exactly do you know , learned sir , that the Kolkata made DIY PSU was made to specification of Mani ?

What is right is right what is wrong is wrong. i think everyone watching this thread also
waiting for your response also how accepting money from Manohar was justified.
And what exactly gives you and rest of the FMs the authority to ask for a justification from me ? Are you the ruling bench ? This is a prerogative between me and newlash09 only. Irrespective of what happens of the cybercrime complaint , irrespective of whether the amount gets recovered or not , or the question of refunding back , the sole discretion lies with me and the sole authority is with newlash09.
Not here to judge, but sharing this analysis in faith that (if valid and accepted) it might help one.

Across all the three incidents involving @Bloom@83 and other FMs, a common theme seems to be emerging. @Bloom@83, if I may say so, you tend to apply different behavioural yardsticks to others than you apply to yourself. While you hold others (in each of these cases) to their words and actions (even omissions) down to a T, you tend to make light of or ignore your own actions/decisions/oversights. For example, you didn’t feel it was wrong to go back on your word to buy from @krell no matter what your subsequent price findings were. Similarly, there doesn’t seem any remorse for losing the box and warranty card (even if inadvertently) which constrains @souravin from getting the equipment repaired and selling it further. You didn’t own up that lapse of yours (even if we leave out the working/not working debate) and offer a part amount to him as compensation for losing the box and warranty card. And so on.

This group is not exactly a family/friends circle. But with so many well-meaning members and with the level of regard and empathy across interactions, it is kind of a trusting space where, to an extent, we can feel secured in letting our defences down and reflecting together to better ourselves. Please take the post in this light. There’s a thin line between being right and doing the right thing, which is in a nutshell what many other FMs seem to be pointing out.
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I’m sorry I really don’t care which eminent engineer made it , even it were Nelson Pass.That LPSU should never have been plugged to Schiit Mani.
There was very high probability of my speakers getting damaged that day.

Ah really, You are now pointing your fingers on Nelson Pass's knowledge level. Appreciate your defense.
Bloom@83, if you had doubts about the Souravin DIY LPS, why did you use it. Stop acting like a babe in the woods. Your carelessness and greed has cost Manohar 26000. It’s caused damage to Souravin’s phono. The funny part is you are still trying to defend your actions instead of saying sorry.

Manohar felt you couldn’t afford a 26000 loss and hence paid you. When I told him you are willing to pay a few thousands for your lps, he was shocked. Pl learn to own up for your actions. You can’t make others pay for it.
And what exactly gives you and rest of the FMs the authority to ask for a justification from me ? Are you the ruling bench ? This is a prerogative between me and newlash09 only. Irrespective of what happens of the cybercrime complaint , irrespective of whether the amount gets recovered or not , or the question of refunding back , the sole discretion lies with me and the sole authority is with newlash09.
Ruling Bench :: Defensive Bench : Park bench... You should have laid in park bench relaxedly if you got money from Badass @Yelamanchili manohar .... You need attention for your thread from members intentionally and now you got the required attention..
And what exactly gives you and rest of the FMs the authority to ask for a justification from me ? Are you the ruling bench ? This is a prerogative between me and newlash09 only. Irrespective of what happens of the cybercrime complaint , irrespective of whether the amount gets recovered or not , or the question of refunding back , the sole discretion lies with me and the sole authority is with newlash09.
You posted in a public forum. Trying hard to project the "badassery" of a FM. There will be opinions passed and counter opinions and since you started this thread...

Having said that, I think the whole matter of financial transactions should have remained a private matter between the both of you but unfortunately you chose to make this public. I'm appalled that you accepted the money because this is something that I would not do but then you're not me and neither am I, you, and I realize that it takes all kinds to make up this world so I think that FM's standing in judgement are misplaced in doing so. They are projecting their conscience onto you which is unfair. We all have different perceptions of right and wrong and we should respect that. By all means we should show outrage if we feel so strongly about this but demanding that you do what others feel is right is a bit much, IMO.
Let's state our opinion but leave it to the 2 parties to do what they felt/feel best. Not our monkey! Not our circus!
I agree, this has become a circus and I think this show has stretched its objective and this thread should stop, as its serving no purpose.
I agree, this has become a circus and I think this show has stretched its objective and this thread should stop, as its serving no purpose.
Hi @sud98 ,
You forgot we are in lockdown.. We need some badass thread like this to kill our time..
Since no longer a private affair since OP posted in public
1) Does OP believe it was Manohar's fault that he(OP) was duped ?
2) Does OP belive in sharing whom he transferred the money to so other members of the forum (Which OP is part of) are aware of the fraudster who posed as a senior forum member ?
3) was OP aware that DIY LPS has DC output or was he told that it is DC ?
I think there is already too much negativity around the world, dont want to spend more time in negativity in this forum too
When I fight at home over an issue, they call it negativity - I choose to call it constructive criticism. :p

3) was OP aware that DIY LPS has DC output or was he told that it is DC ?
A LPS need not output DC. Outputting AC also makes it a LPS!
I agree, this has become a circus and I think this show has stretched its objective and this thread should stop, as its serving no purpose.

I think it has already served its purpose. Everyone knows what happened.
Since no longer a private affair since OP posted in public
1) Does OP believe it was Manohar's fault that he(OP) was duped ?
2) Does OP belive in sharing whom he transferred the money to so other members of the forum (Which OP is part of) are aware of the fraudster who posed as a senior forum member ?
3) was OP aware that DIY LPS has DC output or was he told that it is DC ?

Hi Hiten,

Wanted to clarify that the source has been Power Supply Unit with AC output. I believe by definition LPSU output is DC. Wanted to clarify this confusion. That PSU has been working fine with Schiit Mani at home before.

Apologies for adding another post, but just wanted to clarify.

When I fight at home over an issue, they call it negativity - I choose to call it constructive criticism. :p

In my case if its with wife, its called final verdict.

Hi Hiten,

Wanted to clarify that the source has been Power Supply Unit with AC output. I believe by definition LPSU output is DC. Wanted to clarify this confusion. That PSU has been working fine with Schiit Mani at home before.

Apologies for adding another post, but just wanted to clarify.


did you try the stock psu, maybe it was the lpsu that was damaged.
Souravin, if I were selling something with a warranty card and a box and the buyer returned it the next day, saying he’s thrown the box and the warranty card out by mistake, I would be very suspicious. I would even start wondering if the piece he’s returning is actually the one given to him by me.
did you try the stock psu, maybe it was the lpsu that was damaged.
Stock PSU was has been a wall wart which is very chip and finicky kind a. I'm afraid of using that. The other PSU I had made is fully tested and still roaring at my place. This has no problem.

Even I have power conditioned my Allo Volt D+ by negating stock PSU and also my NAD PP2 phono.

Souravin, if I were selling something with a warranty card and a box and the buyer returned it the next day, saying he’s thrown the box and the warranty card out by mistake, I would be very suspicious. I would even start wondering if the piece he’s returning is actually the one given to him by me.

Very much possible. Unfortunately, I had never thought it this could happen.

Probably, my long association with the fellow members made me believe, this is a beautiful world and I should trust every FM. I should have been careful that time.

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