why LCD sells more than plasma?

I am not very clear. Can you elaborate.

It varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Well after a certain number rating the end result is insignificant.

You have 100hz in samsung which was usefull in 2010 models which meant it had the frame insertion tech,while 100hz in 2011 samsung model meant it had backlight scanning,which from what i saw and others observation is that it doesn't do anything to beneficial to PQ other them making it more dim.

Only the 200hz samsung has the frame insertion such has in the series 6.

In 2010 and prior lg had already started advertising the trumotion 200hz which was inferior to the then 100hz models from sony/samsung .

lcd tvs with a advertized 200hz today atleast from samsung/sony are able to get the 1080lines of motion resolution,while the other models with 800hz and what not are insignificant with regard to 2d motion resolution.

So the use of the hz rating is inconsistent from manufacturer to manufacturer and from one tech to another.
^Ha Ha.

What about in china or other non english speaking society ,there to lcd sells more ,they can't read my posts.
Really! Space constraints? Do walls in India not have enough space for the extra 7" (approx.) width of a 40" TV over a 32" TV.

Its not the walls but the viewing distance and cost!!I am talking about the average Indian family who don't own big houses,a 40 inch tv(cheapest ones) in a small room with normal cable tv is going to suck, big time!! Will a plasma tv sell well if it was made in 32 inch size??
since 32" is the size which gets sold the most, LCD is the king. Qualitatively, one can not deny that plasma is much superior for motion picture. Do you want proof? its there in the pudding:)
Dear Chung, The answer is in your question itself, Have you tried explaining the difference between a LCD and a Plasma to a layman ? They will brand you as a nerd and switch off after sometime.

Look at the terms a non technical person has to understand and judge...contrast ratios, plasma-lcd-led, hd ready-full hd, 3d tv, wifi-bluetooth, 'MOTION FLOW WITH 600HZ SUB FIELD DRIVE'..LOL, pixel burning, ghost imaging, media formats supported by TV (DivX,MP4,..)

jaane bhi do yaaro (let it go) both TVs look the same, why complicate life..just trust the brand and the salesperson :p
Main reason being negative publicity of plasma as andre19 had told & i think another reason being brand image.Indians go by brand image. LCD'S sold by sony,samsung are very popular, whereas plasma's sold by panasonic are poupular worlwide. whereas it's brand image in india is relatively very low when compared to sony which doesn't manufacture plasma's.
Brand awareness and reputation of Panasonic is not lesser than Samsung in India. Moreover Plasms are also sold by Samsung and LG besides Panasonic.
Main reason being negative publicity of plasma as andre19 had told & i think another reason being brand image.Indians go by brand image. LCD'S sold by sony,samsung are very popular, whereas plasma's sold by panasonic are poupular worlwide. whereas it's brand image in india is relatively very low when compared to sony which doesn't manufacture plasma's.
Brand awareness and reputation of Panasonic is not lesser than Samsung in India. Moreover Plasmas are also sold by Samsung and LG besides Panasonic.
^Ha Ha.

What about in china or other non english speaking society ,there to lcd sells more ,they can't read my posts.

They have their own "adders". Ha! Ha! :D

Seriously though. The main reasons are already stated:

a) So few plasma models available; people believe that it is outdated technology and on the verge of being phased out. Sadly, this may come true, especially in the consumer market.
b) LG/Samsung/Sony advertise more (LCD/LED) and probably (with the exception of Sony) give more commission/dealer margin. Hence salesmen push the person to that segment.
c) If you ask the salesman that you want good quality picture and natural colours, they WILL tell you to buy plasma.
d) One can't deny that wafer-thin LEDs are really sexy.
e) As already states, the "sheep mentality". It is only when people see the plasma in action that they may(?) realize that they should have chosen plasma instead.
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dont really see plasmas being marketed that much, panasonic is the only company which places ads for them in newspapers. go to any showroom and theyll have around 30 LCDs on display and a max of 3 plasmas.

the customers will obviously think theres something wrong with the technology :D
But i want to know what is the negative publicity which is done by salesmen,also i think varunjh is right tv companys really don't advertise plasma tvs and showrooms don't exibit them so how will the common man know what is right for him,a new thread should be started to correct the bad publicity,reading this thread i will really take a close look at plasma tvs when i go to buy big tvs in near future.
I'm surprised no one talked about the 'soap opera' effect in LCD/LEDs. It is so profound that I can't just stand it. For the record, I'm still used to CRT and may be that's the reason I find it so apparent.

No videophile would deny that PQ of CRT is unmatched. Plasma comes second but LCD! hmm:rolleyes:

I've spoken to so many laymen and women (won't say laywomen for obvious reasons:D) They all have one single opinion. They all said Plasma is an outdated technology.
I'm surprised no one talked about the 'soap opera' effect in LCD/LEDs. It is so profound that I can't just stand it. For the record, I'm still used to CRT and may be that's the reason I find it so apparent.

No videophile would deny that PQ of CRT is unmatched. Plasma comes second but LCD! hmm:rolleyes:

Soap opera effect is optional in lcds.:p

CRT was good in some ways but it has piss poor ANSI contrast and poor shadow detail even when comparing a sony trinitron crt.
Not to mention a whole of other issues like geometry,flickering etc.
They also are poor in handling reflections.
LCD's sell more because of marketing, at least in India people think owing LCD or an LED LCD is cool.

Plasma is not marketed that much any where in the world because LCD's are cheaper to manufacture and manufacturer makes more profit on them.

I like plasma and here is why:

To my eyes pic on a plasma has more depth, pleasing to view and does not irritate the eyes.

I still feel plasma shows more details in pics than LCD.

Colors appear more accurate in top end plasma then any top end LCD.

Till today the reference televisions across all pro calibrators and professional reviewers have been plasma.

In terms of on and off blacks local dimming LCD's have better measurement but in real time blacks while displaying complicated images without black crush plasma's are still far better.Almost all high end local dimming LCD's suffer from halo effect which i might not forgive after paying high price for the tv.

3D is far better in plasma then LCD, not sure about the LG passive setup though.

Both plasma and LCD have image retention but it is visible more in plasma because plasma does not have back light and each individual pixels emit its own light(like CRT and OLED), where in LCD it has back light so that masks the retention to an extent. Hence when the back light becomes weak you will notice retention and back light bleed and back light not being uniform in LCD.

plasma's naturally without much processing can produce better images than LCD cause LCD's need more processing than Plasma.

As a panel plasma has more light and brightness and contrast than LCD, if you remove the back lighting LCD will wont even have half the brightness as a plasma.

I can go on and on, it also depends upon people's mind set. I have both Plasma and LCD at home and i simply love the pic on the plasma anytime,any day and any hour but some members of my family still like the LCD.
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"Every time I want to get out, they pull me back in" - Godfather III :ohyeah:

Thats y i have gonw wid LED..better tan plasma and LCD.. :D:D
The adage, "Ignorance is bliss" at work. Enjoy your LED TV. ;)

plasma's technology may be older but it is more evolved than lcd technology, and lcd is more evolving.
In actuality LCD technology is much, much older than Plasma technology. As for LCD technology being more evolving, I suppose you could say that, but only as far as the fact that not much R&D, if any at all, is going into Plasma anymore. Although, there is not much R&D with LCD either, with OLED seeming to be the future favorite of the TV industry.

It's comparing apples and oranges.

I personally cannot stand plasma picture.
Wow! So which one is the apple and which one is the orange? As stated earlier in this post, "Ignorance is truly bliss".

Bottom line:
All LCD TV owners and LCD fans (this includes the so called LED TVs), please continue to enjoy your TVs.

For the rest, who actually are open to making an informed decision, will find the virtues of Plasma to be greater than LCDs in most head to head (price & size) comparisons.
The adage, "Ignorance is bliss" at work. Enjoy your LED TV. ;)

Can't blame him. Can you?
Costlier should be better. Costliest should be the best. :ohyeah:

First sentence that got into my mind after reading his post had "fools paradise" in it but I am not posting it here.. :D
It's comparing apples and oranges.

I personally cannot stand plasma picture.

@ JK ....
First person here coming out with such magnanimous deduction!
From what I have witnessed during brief TV audtions, it is something like comparing a discontinued, yet top-of-the-line Jamo D590 (or plasma) with the current Jamo series (aka LCDs) on offer!

Lushness to plain dry images ........ IMHO.
We cannot force anyone to like something - can't manufacture love - as the saying goes.

So if someone says, "can't stand plasma", so be it. That is his/her choice.

Actually, I also used to believe that plasma is outdated technology and all that. It is only after seeing the actual that I was convinced otherwise. But many people like the vibrant colours produced by LCD and in particular LEDs.

I tried to convince my colleague about the benefits of plasma - but he continued to harp on "old technology". Unfortunately, I do not myself own a flat-screen TV; but I doubt whether he would have been convinced. He ended up buying the 40" 5-series Samsung LED.
I'm surprised no one talked about the 'soap opera' effect in LCD/LEDs. It is so profound that I can't just stand it. For the record, I'm still used to CRT and may be that's the reason I find it so apparent.

No videophile would deny that PQ of CRT is unmatched. Plasma comes second but LCD! hmm:rolleyes:

I've spoken to so many laymen and women (won't say laywomen for obvious reasons:D) They all have one single opinion. They all said Plasma is an outdated technology.

I will agree that for watching majority of the programs in Indian TV a good quality CRT TV is better than any Plasma / LCD TV. My Philips 29PT8836 CRT HDTV is far better in PQ & SQ than any of the Plasma / LCD TV currently available.
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