Interesting article on the topic by Darko.
Quote; “ The driving force behind our wishful thinking is as human as it is understandable: a desire to maintain internal peace with something we cannot change. We might wish to treat our listening room but another household member swiftly vetoes the idea due to the visual intrusion. We might wish to buy a more costly DAC but our bank balance says ‘not this year (or next)’.
Coincidentally Guttenberg has suggestions on how to be a happy audiophile by experimenting (not necessarily by buying new stuff)
Quote: “”Remove your glasses (if you wear them) and Try listening in the nude”
Quote; “ The driving force behind our wishful thinking is as human as it is understandable: a desire to maintain internal peace with something we cannot change. We might wish to treat our listening room but another household member swiftly vetoes the idea due to the visual intrusion. We might wish to buy a more costly DAC but our bank balance says ‘not this year (or next)’.

Wishful thinking is endemic to the hi-fi show experience | Darko.Audio
Introducing Darko.Bingo.

Coincidentally Guttenberg has suggestions on how to be a happy audiophile by experimenting (not necessarily by buying new stuff)
Quote: “”Remove your glasses (if you wear them) and Try listening in the nude”
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