worth moving from 40K budget to 66k for 42ST30


New Member
Jun 19, 2012
i decided on panasonic's P42ST30D based on a friend's recommendation (and convincing).
went to Baroda (vadodara) to see it, and decided to go for it (i live in ahmedabad). the brand store quoted 66K, with 3 years warranty and two 3D eyewears.

came back and logged in here, to check for reviews.
now, i am confused.

though all reviews are almost very positive, i am having doubts.
let me explain:

we have a 21 CRT (and i am still ok with it. :p ). wife n kid wanted to upgrade. were thinking of LCD or LED, as that was what most common folks talk about.
though budget is not a big constraint, we thought we should spend around 40-50K.
we debated for 2 months, as - i found - none of us had an idea of what we wanted (as a viewing choice or experience), except that we wanted a bigger TV and a newer technology.
it didnot help me any in coming to a decision - or even checking the options.

we are still not very sure.

but this are the conditions:

1. i and my wife watch very less of TV. it is mostly in the night, for the channel programs - for 1 or 2 hours, intermittently, between 8pm to 11pm.

2. our kid watches a little more, with addition of cartoon channels in the daytime - maybe a couple of days in a week.

3. we are not great sports fans. rarely watch sports - unless for some hyped cricket matches.

4. we almost never watch movies, though we have an old DVD player.

5. the channels - which is the most of our TV-watching content - comes to us through a local channel provider (GTPL) through a set-top box. (i don't even know if this is supposed to be an HD digital set-top box or not)

6. the only reason we 'fell' for 42ST30 was the enticing PQ and viewing pleasure possible, and a bit thought about being 'future ready' (in case we want to watch HD movies, or when HD transmissions start in india). the other reason was our son - he was hooked onto the mesmerising difference he found in his normal viewing and st30.

7. i had - a week before - asked them to consider going in for the lowest priced upgradation (any 32 inch LCD)... doing with it for 2 years, giving us a choice of seeling it off then and replacing with a much costlier, but newer tech TV (after 2 years)

with all that said, and having revealed my complete confused state, these are the options i am bouncing between:

1. - my feeling - go for a 32inch LCD for 18-20K. wait for what comes along in 2 years, and sell the LCD (would i get 50% back?) and buy a pricier TV then.

2. - my son - at least a 40-42 incher.

3. - go for the ST30, and stick with it for the next 5 to 7 years, at least.

i hope, i am not asking you for an impossible thing... but... guidance please?
Do you watch TV on a bright room, as in with lights on? Plasmas are better suited for light controlled environment. ST30 is a good display but I found it too drab in design and washed out in a lit room.

If you can control these factors then ST30 is a good buy. Take a demo of Samsung D5500 (LED LCD) or D550 (LCD) before taking the plunge You'll be pleasantly surprised at the picture quality for the price.

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Your current Requirements are not very high. Therefore, I believe spending this much amount on the tv will not be wise. I suggest you to go for a smaller one for now any maybe upgrade a few years down the line when your requirements increase.

That being said, if you still want to go for a bigger tv, 42st30 should be available around 60k, not 66k. Also make sure it's not a display piece. But, I would suggest you to check out Panasonic 42UT50 instead which is a newer model and will be in the same price range IMO.
Peace of your mind ........ stick to a 29" CRT, trust me.

I am very happy with my Philips 100Hz, HDTV and am not planning to change unless i am convinced. Still i find my TVs PQ better than LCDs & Plasmas when image depth and FR is considered.
@biren , reading your post , i feel you are a generic user like most of us (and not a videophile). And for us, no offence , LEDs are better.. and at a price of 66k - the plasma you told loses the edge of VFM over LEDs , for a good bargain , you will get a LG LED TV of 42 inches with passive cinema 3D (which i suppose your kid will be more comfortable ).And you, being a casual user , the bright pictures of LED would be more pleasing. (And you not being a sports buff, the refresh rate may not bother you much ). and yes, going by plasma , Samsung 51E550 will be an awesome VFM - all features packed in - should be available around 70k .You won't regret getting a 51 incher.

Based on your viewing habits (you mostly watch TV/Cable and not movies), I will not recommend any plasma. Please note that I am big plasma fan myself. Plasma has superior black levels, more natural looking colours and high contrast ratio. These qualities are highly recommended, nay "must have", if one is watching movies via cable/DTH/BD/DVD, etc. As you may have read in many reviews and threads, movies contain lot of blacks and dim-lit scenes where black levels and high contrast enhance the viewing experience.

Again you say that you are not a big fan of sports. Sports have high action content except for Cricket/Golf. Here also, plasma is preferred because of superior response times (at least 1000 times better than the best LED).

LCD/LED image quality is not that bad. But only the best of the lot offer good quality, mostly in the LED bracket.

Finally, you are watching mostly non-HD content. Non-HD content on HD-Ready/Full-HD TV looks very bad in my opinion. The 4:3 image source is stretched to 16:9 on the TV that further spoils the effect.

So I agree with avidyarthy on this - stick to your CRT for the time being. If you are bent on going for an upgrade, either because of pressure from family, neighbours or peers, then go with the 32" LED. However, note that you may not get 50% of the value in 2/3 years time. 35% is more like it.

66K is way too costly. I bought 42ST30D with 2 pairs of 3D glasses for 60.5K with bill and warranty from a pana brand shop in Bangalore. Please note this was not a demo piece.

Hope with good negotiation, you should be able to bring it down to 61K or even 60K as others have told you.

42ST30D is indeed a very good value for money at this price. Bought videocon DTH on the same day. I love the PQ quality on this TV for the 19HD channels it provides :)

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sorry for the late reply...
am not getting email notification of replies... wonder why..?

had been waiting for a mail to tell me have replies to my query.. :)
and finally, losing patience, came here today to look.

thanks, to all of you -

vishal (yes, i almost told this to my wife... as personally i would like to spend such amounts on hi-fi rather than tv, which me-my wife donot even watch much)

ravi (thanks for that valuable about 60k deal-price... i will use this info to negotiate, in case we decide for 42st30)

just-for-kicks (i really valued your detailed explanation - brings more light into my muddled, dark head rgarding tv)

isisira (my major concern is about NOT spending SO MUCH money for a TV, just because we can. :) . so, if we do, i would like it to be in a plasma, that i am sure)

Hari (seems, you hv a CRT philips?)

praveen (thanks for that input - is toshiba product and service-support dependable?)

reflag (i personally of the same view. need some magic to convince my wife about this)

a-vidya-arthy (the best 'vidya'... :) ... only, my wife is not 'learning' that... )

shaiju (thnks. i plan to check out Sams d550 now that you hv suggested)

still... undecided. and not because of want of advice and support.

In defensive driving they teach you "if you are unsure, do not overtake". Unfortunately, we Indians are aggressive drivers. :)
If your main content is SD then the 42X50 would be your best choice for 50k. It includes a new revamped brighter panel compared to its predecessors. No 3D, no full HD............Yes, for 1080p video a full HD tv would be better but it all depends on your content. ST30 is an excellent performer and one of the best plasma's in the market but if you do not need the bells and whistles the X50 is a good option.
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