@Sandeepthdh Sorry my friend looks like my eyes/brain cant see judder, I watched Avengers twice almost, once on ATV hotstar and once on the hotstar in the TV.
I also watched a documentary - Free Solo, this has lot of panning shots of El Capitan and I cant seem to find it either.
I was looking for stutter all this while, but the motion was smooth
And then I went on to find what judder exactly is and stumbled upon this video -
https://www .youtube. com/watch?v=CuEZIJDEQyo
I am sure all of you would have explored this subject in greater depth, however, here is my take -
Since we are talking about 24p content, I will stick to that.
As per this video, its impossible to find judder, at least theoretically because the TV is 120p, and 24, 30, 60 are all multiples of 120p.
You can find judder if 24p was somehow forced to play in 60p on a 120p, this is what ATV does and thats why the Frame rate matching feature in ATV.
The best way, as explained in the video to identify judder (at 1:47) is to play the video they are playing and take a photo of your tv screen with 1 sec exposure time. If there is no judder, all boxes would appear uniform.
And there is another type of judder related to motion interpolation, this can be countered by turning off motion interpolation completely.
PS. This was my first time watching Avengers. No offence to fans, but I am never watching one more Avengers movie again. And Sandeep, you owe me a drink for making me watch twice