Xpress X-onken Build


Apr 15, 2018
Trivandrum, Kerala, India
Good morning friends,

Ever since I sold off my higher powered amps and large speakers and moved to humble low powered class-A amplifiers, I have been searching for simple and efficient speakers. As a jaded old timer, I did not need the massage of subwoofers etc, but rather wished for somewhat realistic, balanced presentation of enjoyable music in my living room. The quest over the past few years of experimentation and many builds, good and not so good, led me to a design that evolved from rather deep roots in the past.

Once the design was completed and refined, and "passed" the tests by the younger set in my personal group, there arose the issue of fabrication. As a diehard DIYer, I always had favoured the "hands-on" approach, and fortunately I was able to device a an easy "Xpress build". I have posted the build, as well as the design's historical background and development, in a series of Blog posts. Here is the first in the series, which I am sure many of our members might find of interest:

Kindly follow, share, read and enjoy ... AND for sure build and enjoy !

Warm regards
-- UKP
Xpress Spkr build preps Part-2

X-onken build Part-1

X-onken build Part-2

X-onken build Part-3

X-onken build Part-4

X-onken build Part-5

Do read, build and enjoy!
More to follow...
X-onken build Part-8 - final:

Your patient wait has been rewarded ... and the X-onken build series is concluded.
Now you have not much of excuses to not build it ... and enjoy!
Do share and comment.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.