Yahama AS500 with KEF Q300 Suggesations!!..

If you have not ordered your amp.Then within your budget, I would suggest you to shift your attention to INDIAN stuff.
Enquire at Sonodyne regarding their preamp+poweramp combo.
Listen to it with Sonus 2605V2 FLS. Give a patient hearing,then decide about Firangi stuffs, equally priced.
Marantz, is very musical, but if it goes kaput,it's difficult to get it repaired in Kolkata.Beware!
Nad is available at SKS trader's, Promises international(opposite Kala mandir).
KEFs go great with Denon amps. Why don't you go back to Pro-fx and audition Q300 + PMA-710AE (or the next higher model -1510AE)

If you've spent 30K on speakers, don't spend low on any random amp.

I am not spending less on amps anyways :) and I have auditioned Denon PMA710AE model, which is good and warm. They didnt have PMA1510AE.

On the other hand I also have option for Yamaha AS500 in same price range as denon. So just looking into amps in same range to select the best i can get.
Please note that i have not auditioned either the amp or the speakers myself. My views are solely based on what i have read at various places.

That said, the yamaha is widely reported to be detailed but very neutral, many say its bright.
The kef is also said to be pretty neutral and detailed.
I would think their combination,though may be very detailed,might not suit all tastes or sound overly bright.

Personally, this combination i would never buy blind but have a listen first.

Just my 2 cents.
I am not spending less on amps anyways :) and I have auditioned Denon PMA710AE model, which is good and warm. They didnt have PMA1510AE.

On the other hand I also have option for Yamaha AS500 in same price range as denon. So just looking into amps in same range to select the best i can get.

Oh yes one more thing.

KEF Q300s are meant to be bi-wired. Read a lot in forums, tried it as well. Its an obvious improvement to SQ to say the least.

So next time you go Pro-fx, ask them to bi-wire the demo sets and try them out with 710ae, you might not need a bigger amp.
Yamaha's lack a little punch. Try play some fast numbers and you will notice the lack of punch.

Recently I have built-up similar set-up with Paradigm Titan Monitors. My main source is Xonar Essence STX through Denon PMA-510AE. The Denon PMA-510AE gives more than sufficient output to the speakers. I am listening pop, instrumental (in mp3, flac & wave formats) & the results are very good.
I think for KEF Q300 this amplifier (PMA-510AE) could be sufficient. Anyway you have audionined PMA-710AE.

Note: for some of the hindi & Marathi old songs the setup gives bright /little harsh sound.which Im trying to remove through the "Xonar Audio Center".

Submit your experiences when you purchase any AMP & complete your setup.
Got a call from ProFX and my speakers are finally here, so going to get them :yahoo:. Also recently I found Cambridge Audio and Creek dealer in Kolkata, will also audition them with my speakers. Will report once I get back.
Got a call from ProFX and my speakers are finally here, so going to get them :yahoo:. Also recently I found Cambridge Audio and Creek dealer in Kolkata, will also audition them with my speakers. Will report once I get back.

Best of luck bro.:)

Just trust your own ears and go for the combo that sound best to you. Take your own CD's for demo.

Try your KEF's paired with Denon, Yamaha, Cambridge Audio, Creek & NAD.
Hi just returned auditioning my KEF Q300 with the following Amps:
1. Denon PMA710AE
2. Cambridge Audio Azur 650A
3. Cambridge Audio Azur 550A
4. Cayin A-50T integrated amplifier (Valve set)
5. Creek Evolution 2

Note: My speaker is brand new and was unpacked before my eyes, so no brunin so far.

Tested on the song Hotel California.

To me, the wow moment was with Cambridge Audio Azur 550A which was the last one I audiotioned after Cayin A-50T integrated amplifier. Was really a funny moment coz I almost over looked it and was about to leave the store after auditioning the valve set when my eyes catched the 550A. I was really lucky to actually hear it coz its in my budget.

Best of these were ofcourse Cayin A-50T integrated amplifier (Valve set). It was awesome. I can identify every clap so clearly and they had that sweet clap sound in them. In that few second it blew away all the amps I heard so far. It had that great high f, perfect mids with clear voices and the base was just right, clean, tight and had that warm feeling in it.

Next, after hearing the valve set, I audiotioned the 550A and it caught my attention immediately. Please note that this set they used for couple of days and it had good burn in time. The claps from the song was almost close to the valve set from Cayin, but still the valve set was the best ofc. The bass was warm just the way I wanted it and better than the CA Azure 650A (which is brand new as well, so cant say how it is after burnin time).

First one I heard amongst these were the CA Azure 650A. To me, in a few sec I was able to identify that this amp was far better than what denon 710AE reproduced. This amp didnt have that blur, uncanny feeling of what denon sounded. Denon is rather warm and muddled. In denon I was really trying to separate the instruments in the song, but with CA it is so much clear, as if someone removed a curtain over my ears. But, if I compare it with CA Azur 550A, I wound say 550A have a bit warmness added to the sound fidelity of CA 650A, though this may be cause of the 550A has under gone some burn in and 650A is brand new. So guys please let me know your thoughts regarding this amps from CA.

And for denon, I dont want to compare it with all these :D

This is my 2 cents. Tomorrow I will go to the store again with my speakers as it was already late there and they closed down. I will be testing CA Azur 550A brand new one with that CA 550A burnin one and want to see the difference.

Guys let me know if I should go with CA 650A or CA 550A and if CA 650A will sound better than 550A after burn in.


EDIT: Forgot to mention about Creek. It was a really good amp, but had a bit warmer sound compared to CA 650A amp. I personally prefered CA sound more and liked 550A's warmness more than Creek Evolution 2 amp. Its as if my KEF Q300 matched perfectly with the CA 550A. Also, Creek Evolution 2 priced @ 59k and is out of my budget.
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If you have decided for Cambridge , just go for 650 A, a upgraded version of 550A. 650A is tuned for HF and Mids with higher wattage to that of 550A. The only problem with them is they will make a lot of fuss if not paired with proper speakers which is not the case with Marantz Amps. If paired with proper speakers they are best competitors to marantz.
Same advice from me... If you like the sound of CA then spend some more and go for 650a you won't regret...

Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk
If you have decided for Cambridge , just go for 650 A, a upgraded version of 550A. 650A is tuned for HF and Mids with higher wattage to that of 550A. The only problem with them is they will make a lot of fuss if not paired with proper speakers which is not the case with Marantz Amps. If paired with proper speakers they are best competitors to marantz.

But to me 550A sounded better coz it has a bit warmness compared to 650A.
After reading your audition experience, I vote for Azur 650A. Mind you I have never auditioned Cambridge audio stuff. But from the reviews I have read, it is said to have a laid back sound. One has to be choosy about the speakers with this amp, but if they bond well as in your case, sound is really sweet & warm.

Comparing 650A with 550A, 650A have much better mids & highs than 550A and ultimately more refined. So if I were you I would stick with 650A.

Next time try to audition more songs of different genere.

One request. Kindly mention the price of all these amps in Kolkata. Will be very benfitial to others who are living here.
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Prices offered to me:

From ProFX-
1. Denon PMA710AE: Rs. 29700 - 10% discount

From SKS Traders-
2. Cambridge Audio Azur 650A: Rs. 29,000
3. Cambridge Audio Azur 550A: Rs 24,000
4. Cayin A-50T integrated amplifier (Valve set): Rs 96,000 (without discount, didnt bothered to ask :D)
5. Creek Evolution 2: 59,000
6. Yamaha AS500: Rs. 25,000
7. Marantz PM6004: Rs 39,000

From Yamaha Showroom:
8. Yamaha AS700: Rs. 43,700
9. Yamaha RX-V671: Rs: 43,500

From Audiovision India Mumbai:
10. Rotel RA06SE: Rs. 65,000
11. Rotel RA1520: Rs 75,000
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