Hi just returned auditioning my KEF Q300 with the following Amps:
1. Denon PMA710AE
2. Cambridge Audio Azur 650A
3. Cambridge Audio Azur 550A
4. Cayin A-50T integrated amplifier (Valve set)
5. Creek Evolution 2
Note: My speaker is brand new and was unpacked before my eyes, so no brunin so far.
Tested on the song Hotel California.
To me, the wow moment was with Cambridge Audio Azur 550A which was the last one I audiotioned after Cayin A-50T integrated amplifier. Was really a funny moment coz I almost over looked it and was about to leave the store after auditioning the valve set when my eyes catched the 550A. I was really lucky to actually hear it coz its in my budget.
Best of these were ofcourse Cayin A-50T integrated amplifier (Valve set). It was awesome. I can identify every clap so clearly and they had that sweet clap sound in them. In that few second it blew away all the amps I heard so far. It had that great high f, perfect mids with clear voices and the base was just right, clean, tight and had that warm feeling in it.
Next, after hearing the valve set, I audiotioned the 550A and it caught my attention immediately. Please note that this set they used for couple of days and it had good burn in time. The claps from the song was almost close to the valve set from Cayin, but still the valve set was the best ofc. The bass was warm just the way I wanted it and better than the CA Azure 650A (which is brand new as well, so cant say how it is after burnin time).
First one I heard amongst these were the CA Azure 650A. To me, in a few sec I was able to identify that this amp was far better than what denon 710AE reproduced. This amp didnt have that blur, uncanny feeling of what denon sounded. Denon is rather warm and muddled. In denon I was really trying to separate the instruments in the song, but with CA it is so much clear, as if someone removed a curtain over my ears. But, if I compare it with CA Azur 550A, I wound say 550A have a bit warmness added to the sound fidelity of CA 650A, though this may be cause of the 550A has under gone some burn in and 650A is brand new. So guys please let me know your thoughts regarding this amps from CA.
And for denon, I dont want to compare it with all these
This is my 2 cents. Tomorrow I will go to the store again with my speakers as it was already late there and they closed down. I will be testing CA Azur 550A brand new one with that CA 550A burnin one and want to see the difference.
Guys let me know if I should go with CA 650A or CA 550A and if CA 650A will sound better than 550A after burn in.
EDIT: Forgot to mention about Creek. It was a really good amp, but had a bit warmer sound compared to CA 650A amp. I personally prefered CA sound more and liked 550A's warmness more than Creek Evolution 2 amp. Its as if my KEF Q300 matched perfectly with the CA 550A. Also, Creek Evolution 2 priced @ 59k and is out of my budget.