Yamaha R N602

Availability is also an issue for Yamaha amplifiers nowadays, their AS series amps are no longer available in India I guess. Only the receivers (RNxxx) are available, that too difficult to find.
Thanks. I'm presently sitting quiet.
Just saw Luxman 505uXII, which is in the said Yamaha range, going for a sweet price on Hifimart.com.
But I am not loosening my purse string..😄
For stereo, Luxman would be great at a good deal. All the best.
Availability is also an issue for Yamaha amplifiers nowadays, their AS series amps are no longer available in India I guess. Only the receivers (RNxxx) are available, that too difficult to find.
True. The RN602 was selling for around 45-47K range but not much stock. There was some stock at dealer in Pune.

There is one RN803 available on Amazon now for 62K. All other vendors have shot the price of this to above 80K. With 15-18K on RN602, you get a room correction and I think better amp unit. Have heard only 602 not 803 though. Was about to buy RN803, when I saw WXC-50 also in stock and bought that instead.
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