Yamaha WXC-50

Yes, i use the fixed line out, which, IIRC, should be 2V (i seem to recall reading that somewhere). If so, you are most likely using the preamp as an attenuator anyway.

And this 48kHZ resampling (of analog inputs, presumably) - dont have any, so cant comment on it but i do wonder about the effect of repeated A/D and D/A conversions on sound quality.
Thanks for the update. May I request you to PM me the contact and pricing details where you got your wxc 50 please.
Thanks for the update. May I request you to PM me the contact and pricing details where you got your wxc 50 please.

I got it off Amazon. I am sure i could have gotten it for a few thousand cheaper had i asked around, but it wasnt worth the time to find a seller (couldnt find an in-stock item online with a cursory search).
@Credoh would advice you to audition this in your setup than outright purchasing this. It sounded crap and I mean literally crap in my system that a LG V30 did a better job.
Luckily I had ordered it over amazon, Luckily I could return it back.

In same price range you could get a SMSL DAC with volume control, built in linear power supply.
@Credoh would advice you to audition this in your setup than outright purchasing this. It sounded crap and I mean literally crap in my system that a LG V30 did a better job.
Luckily I had ordered it over amazon, Luckily I could return it back.

In same price range you could get a SMSL DAC with volume control, built in linear power supply.
Hey Amrut, thanks for the heads up. Always good to have multiple perspectives. Tbh if it wasn't the impracticality of it my LG G7 also sounds pretty darn good direct into my PA. I'm guessing you're suggesting the SU9?
Hi - I am looking for a digital audio transport/streamer for a head-fi setup and considering Yamaha WXC-50. I have an external DAC with Coax input and an external AMP as well.
Going by some of the previous comments and online reviews there are conflicting inputs if one can connect an external HDD straight into WXC50 through USB or not. I am looking to seek clarity on the same from users of this device. I have about 2TB of offline audio files that i'd like to play other than streaming services.
I am also open to explore similar budget options (if any), else will look at rpi based DIY solutions like the Allo Digione Signature.

Thanks a lot!
I am using a 500GB external HDD formatted to FAT32 for FLAC playback. It is connected to my Peachtree Dac/amp in player mode via coaxial.Working without any problem. Very much satisfied with sound quality and convenience
Any body using Yamaha WXC-50 here can please guide me that how to use the internal DAC of the WXC-50 if it is connected to my AVR or Stereo AMP ?
Any body using Yamaha WXC-50 here can please guide me that how to use the internal DAC of the WXC-50 if it is connected to my AVR or Stereo AMP ?
Hi...I have a wxc-50 at home. But havent used it in sometime. But from memory, there is a sliding switch at the back to choose between streamer, dac and preamp. Put it in dac mode ( Not in preamp mode basically ). And then use RCA cables to connect to RCA inputs of your stereo amp or AVR. Now the WXC-50 will act as a streamer cum dac without volume control. So just choose your music via the musicast app and it will output the analogue signal through the RCA's.
Hi, has anyone here connected their WXC-50 to a subwoofer with stereo inputs? Or to subs like REL Tzero 6.5?
These subs seem to have a lot of input ports and this pre-amp only has 1 output.
@Imleeman What is your chain and how is WXC 50 connected to the amp/dac? That would allow us to understand what is free?
Thanks for replying!
I have a Yamaha WXC-50 that feeds a Emotiva A-150 BasX Power Amplifier driving KEF LS50.
While I'm really happy with the sound, I was hoping for more bass. Which is why I'd like to get a sub.
Thanks for replying!
I have a Yamaha WXC-50 that feeds a Emotiva A-150 BasX Power Amplifier driving KEF LS50.
While I'm really happy with the sound, I was hoping for more bass. Which is why I'd like to get a sub.
To add this, I am currently looking at the REL TZero 6.5 orJBL LSR310s.
Any other recommendations in this price range?
I always wanted to try and get a WXC 50. But which was 23k sometime back is now 41k. Insanely priced. Also, I've been using a Yamaha NP S303 streamer for sometime. I don't know whether the WXC 50 will give any improvement in sound. Any one has used both these units?
Any body using Yamaha WXC-50 here can please guide me that how to use the internal DAC of the WXC-50 if it is connected to my AVR or Stereo AMP ?
Hi Rajiv

I'm using the Yamaha WXC 50 .
You can connect Stereo to RCA inputs on the Aux .
Take the Preout to the power Amp connection and you can use the ESS Sabre DAC.
Basically it has 2 DAC Other being the Burr Brown which you can use if you connect Aux RCA out to your Power Amp.
Hope it helps .
Else you can DM me and I will try my best to guide you based on my set up .

I always wanted to try and get a WXC 50. But which was 23k sometime back is now 41k. Insanely priced. Also, I've been using a Yamaha NP S303 streamer for sometime. I don't know whether the WXC 50 will give any improvement in sound. Any one has used both these units?
I agree the prices are insane.Recently I swa on Amazon it sells for INR 36 K odd.
I'm using the Yamaha WXC 50 and I m very much satisfied with the performance .
Should you have any questions please DM and I will try to help you out .
Hi Rajiv

I'm using the Yamaha WXC 50 .
You can connect Stereo to RCA inputs on the Aux .
Take the Preout to the power Amp connection and you can use the ESS Sabre DAC.
Basically it has 2 DAC Other being the Burr Brown which you can use if you connect Aux RCA out to your Power Amp.
Hope it helps .
Else you can DM me and I will try my best to guide you based on my set up .

Hi Rajiv

I'm using the Yamaha WXC 50 .
You can connect Stereo to RCA inputs on the Aux .
Take the Preout to the power Amp connection and you can use the ESS Sabre DAC.
Basically it has 2 DAC Other being the Burr Brown which you can use if you connect Aux RCA out to your Power Amp.
Hope it helps .
Else you can DM me and I will try my best to guide you based on my set up .

I saw this You Tube video on WXC 50 found it very useful for me.
Thought of sharing it.

Hope this helps .
@mayukh80 I dont have WXC-50 but WXA-50 (pretty much same except its class D integrated amp with out digitaoutput). Regret that i have not bought wxc-50 instead. WCX-50 for the price (its available as low as 23k) its great VFM. Got all integrations (spotify. tidal etc) and airplay compatible. Great build and easy to use musicast app. DAC implementation is good as well though
23K is a great price. What’s the current price these days?
I am using a 500GB external HDD formatted to FAT32 for FLAC playback. It is connected to my Peachtree Dac/amp in player mode via coaxial.Working without any problem. Very much satisfied with sound quality and convenience
How do you navigate which folder and music to play?
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