Yes another IC post


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2009
Sorry to all for creating yet another IC suggestion post.
To begin with - got a pair of Genelec G3s and needed a pair of ICs to run from my BS NODE 2i (which is being upgraded too BTW); ordered a pair of Mogami W2497 Neglex from HFM and realised I measured the distance between the source & speakers wrong (face palm) - so the cables went on sale and I am here asking for an opinion.

Now -
1 - I really liked the way the Mogami W2497 sounded with the Genelecs. Was using a pair of DAC ICs before these arrived and Mogamis changed the sound a lot. A lot realistic - not sure how to describe in Audiophile terms, but for example Killed Queen by Queen, the opening finger snap, was very close to how your fingers snap will sound. That was incredible. I have now removed these and put a pair of DACs for the time being - NAH.
2 - Now as I need longer ICs wanted to check if anyone here has experience with W2497, Belden 8402 & Mogami 2803 and can explain what to expect if I go for either the 8402 or 2803 in respect with 2497?
3 - I understand all rooms and all systems are different, just want very subjective opinions on how these cables differ in terms of sound characteristics?
4 - I also understand if W2497 sounds good I can stick with those, but we all know this is not how it works here.

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Sorry to all for creating yet another IC suggestion post.
To begin with - got a pair of Genelec G3s and needed a pair of ICs to run from my BS NODE 2i (which is being upgraded too BTW); ordered a pair of Mogami W2497 Neglex from HFM and realised I measured the distance between the source & speakers wrong (face palm) - so the cables went on sale and I am here asking for an opinion.

Now -
1 - I really liked the way the Mogami W2497 sounded with the Genelecs. Was using a pair of Cable creation ICs before these arrived and Mogamis changed the sound a lot. A lot realistic - not sure how to describe in Audiophile terms, but for example Killed Queen by Queen, the opening finger snap, was very close to how your fingers snap will sound. That was incredible. I have now removed these and put a pair of DACs for the time being - NAH.
2 - Now as I need longer ICs wanted to check if anyone here has experience with W2497, Belden 8402 & Mogami 2803 and can explain what to expect if I go for either the 8402 or 2803 in respect with 2497?
3 - I understand all rooms and all systems are different, just want very subjective opinions on how these cables differ in terms of sound characteristics?
4 - I also understand if W2497 sounds good I can stick with those, but we all know this is not how it works here.

Forget the BS Node 2i. Get a preamp with XLR. No "tantte"... Whenever I've used XLR with any of my DACs/Preamps (RME ADI-2 DAC FS and Ifi Zen DAC), I've noticed better SQ (dynamics/darker background/clarity what have you) compared to pricier RCA ICs.
Forget the BS Node 2i. Get a preamp with XLR. No "tantte"... Whenever I've used XLR with any of my DACs/Preamps (RME ADI-2 DAC FS and Ifi Zen DAC), I've noticed better SQ (dynamics/darker background/clarity what have you) compared to pricier RCA ICs.
Yup that is in the plans. Trying to get my ears to a demo of one of the following -

1 - Naim unity atom headphone edition - almost sold on this - might pick up soon, just want to hear it once, before deciding.
2 - Matrix Audio Element i2 - apart from the software issues being reported, another strong contender.
3 - Auralic Aries G1.1

The problem is from whatever I have read online and seen demos etc of the Software part of things, if anything can compete with BS node 2i in terms of usability & stability, it is Naim UAHE. The rest have their fair share of software issues or anti laziness features built in. Waiting to get to HK or UK and try these out from a software point of view.

So hoping to close in on something soon here, then I will think of XLR. Right now I need something to play the goddamn speakers.
Can anyone give any opinion on a good pair of XLR cables? Upto 20K for a set of 3 Mtrs each :)
Any pro cable like Mogami, Gotham, Belden, Canare should be fine. Ideally use NeutriK connectors
Sorry to all for creating yet another IC suggestion post.
To begin with - got a pair of Genelec G3s and needed a pair of ICs to run from my BS NODE 2i (which is being upgraded too BTW); ordered a pair of Mogami W2497 Neglex from HFM and realised I measured the distance between the source & speakers wrong (face palm) - so the cables went on sale and I am here asking for an opinion.

Now -
1 - I really liked the way the Mogami W2497 sounded with the Genelecs. Was using a pair of DAC ICs before these arrived and Mogamis changed the sound a lot. A lot realistic - not sure how to describe in Audiophile terms, but for example Killed Queen by Queen, the opening finger snap, was very close to how your fingers snap will sound. That was incredible. I have now removed these and put a pair of DACs for the time being - NAH.
2 - Now as I need longer ICs wanted to check if anyone here has experience with W2497, Belden 8402 & Mogami 2803 and can explain what to expect if I go for either the 8402 or 2803 in respect with 2497?
3 - I understand all rooms and all systems are different, just want very subjective opinions on how these cables differ in terms of sound characteristics?
4 - I also understand if W2497 sounds good I can stick with those, but we all know this is not how it works here.


I own both 2497 and 2803 IC.

Irrespective of other things in the chain and assuming your system is reasonably well assembled, the following are the difference, which in my opinion are pretty objective and most of us will notice:

2803 is clearer and has better separation of instruments than 2497. Mid range and up, in comparison with 2497 is well defined abliet in some settings, it may come as sharp sounding. 2803's bass weight is less in comparison of 2497, both is impact and volume. 2497 sounds slightly denser than 2803.

I use tube amps with a smooth power tubes like EL34, so the slightly leaner and clearer definition of mid range and up given by 2803, suits it.

I suspect that with leaner speaker/amps (mostly SS), 2803 may get slightly sharper due to added clarity. In that setting, a 2497 may yield better dividends by sounding smoother and having dense warmer lower frequencies.

One more thing is, if your speakers are rear ported or goes very low or room size is small and your amplifier is not able to completely control your base out put, 2479 may cause some boom is the base.

Point to note: Speaker cables/IC introduces incremental and supplemental changes to sound. They can't cure any inherent issues in the system.
Sorry to all for creating yet another IC suggestion post.
To begin with - got a pair of Genelec G3s and needed a pair of ICs to run from my BS NODE 2i (which is being upgraded too BTW); ordered a pair of Mogami W2497 Neglex from HFM and realised I measured the distance between the source & speakers wrong (face palm) - so the cables went on sale and I am here asking for an opinion.

Now -
1 - I really liked the way the Mogami W2497 sounded with the Genelecs. Was using a pair of DAC ICs before these arrived and Mogamis changed the sound a lot. A lot realistic - not sure how to describe in Audiophile terms, but for example Killed Queen by Queen, the opening finger snap, was very close to how your fingers snap will sound. That was incredible. I have now removed these and put a pair of DACs for the time being - NAH.
2 - Now as I need longer ICs wanted to check if anyone here has experience with W2497, Belden 8402 & Mogami 2803 and can explain what to expect if I go for either the 8402 or 2803 in respect with 2497?
3 - I understand all rooms and all systems are different, just want very subjective opinions on how these cables differ in terms of sound characteristics?
4 - I also understand if W2497 sounds good I can stick with those, but we all know this is not how it works here.

What did you buy at last?
What did you buy at last?
Moved completely to XLRs, still have a pair of longer 2497 Neglex, that I like to listen to every once in a while. Though I can't run my sub with this setup as my sub only takes XLR, so this is reserved for very specific playlists, where I do not miss the sub much.
Moved completely to XLRs, still have a pair of longer 2497 Neglex, that I like to listen to every once in a while. Though I can't run my sub with this setup as my sub only takes XLR, so this is reserved for very specific playlists, where I do not miss the sub much.
nice. 👍 Any experience with mogami 2803 and belden 8402?
nice. 👍 Any experience with mogami 2803 and belden 8402?
Not sure on the 2803 - there are too many numbers to remember - even if I ever used it, I didn't keep it - so I guess for me atleast 2497 Neglex it is. All my XLRs - I have close to 6 pairs in use, are Mogami.

I do have 2 Belden 8402s but I never use them - so again I guess it says I preferred 2497s.
Not sure on the 2803 - there are too many numbers to remember - even if I ever used it, I didn't keep it - so I guess for me atleast 2497 Neglex it is. All my XLRs - I have close to 6 pairs in use, are Mogami.

I do have 2 Belden 8402s but I never use them - so again I guess it says I preferred 2497s.
Thank you very much :)
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