Your dream listening chair

Sorry to hear about this situation @essrand. Hope you find relief soon.
Occupational health issues are often the most difficult to deal with as medical and surgical solutions may not completely solve the problem or it’s root causes.

Here is an abstract from a research paper that offers some interesting insights. (There are a lot more references below this and elsewhere) Apologies for the jargon, but there are enough non tech terms to understand the content.

Emergence and optimization of upright posture among hominiform hominoids and the evolutionary pathophysiology of back pain​

I did get it fixed. Believe it or not, tried everything and what worked in the end was Ayurveda. Now I can even go motorcycling :)

BTW Here's my new latest dream chair:
Nopes. Been looking for years now.

I found a guy in Mumbai who could replicate it for me, he was about to start, and then Covid happened. Now he's not taking my calls. Sigh!

The search continues......
Let me know if you find one!
I did get it fixed. Believe it or not, tried everything and what worked in the end was Ayurveda. Now I can even go motorcycling :)

BTW Here's my new latest dream chair:
Ayurveda has been the savior for lot of things in my experience - even top US medicos dont come close.
PS: What therapies did you do? DM/PM ?

Apologies if this has been covered before.

Mine would be this Eames replica:

What's yours? Or post yours if you already have your dream listening chair (wouldn't mind new ideas).
Eames Lounge Chair!!

And you've already mentioned it! But if it has to be 'dream' why not the original [just that it costs 10 times more from Herman Miller :p ].
I was not aware but as I was looking these and liked it & went through bunch of links.

And then I stumbled across this DIY one -
Figured you might like watching it :D

Yes, it’s definitely not good for the back, specially during extended listening sessions. But I think no chair is good for sitting long periods?

Past decade there has been a lot of published peer reviewed research on the link between health and a “seated” lifestyle.

Here is an article that pulls it together “Sitting is the new smoking”

I am thinking of a “standing listening position” for my set up. (Now, how do I raise the tweeters to ear level? what happens to the soundstage when I am standing and moving?...)

On the other hand I can dance :)
Yes, standing is best, especially when you can have a baton in ✋ and conduct Mahler!
Yes, standing is best, especially when you can have a baton in ✋ and conduct Mahler!
I sympathize (with all of us) ; good evidence is rarely good news.
But as some wise person said, “we are entitled to our opinions, but not to our own ‘facts’” And the evidence is pretty clear. Sitting for long periods is bad for us.

Being a lover of music and audio it was a hard pill to swallow and accept that my beloved pastime and hobby was “sedentary behavior” and risky for my health.

some more salt?

Wait! There is more!!! There are some studies showing that even if I put in the recommended hours strenuous exercise daily, it does not offset the damage caused by sitting for long periods during the day! I am struggling to come up with philosophical pacifiers to deal with this new insight. Maybe some Mahler would help...
Any chair is bad if you sit down for too long, the key is to keep moving, stretching every hour or so, it doesn't take much, just about 2-3 minutes and get back working. If there is an ideal chair in the World I haven't found it yet. PS - I have slip disk from a very young age due to a football accident. So I have been trying to find the right chairs since I was 19 :P.

We have a lazy boy which is very comfy to sit on but it heats up the back even with the AC on full blast, but that wrapped in clouds comfort is beautiful for 1-2 hours relaxing.

We have a rocking chair in our balcao, great thing, old school, the issue with that is that the angle makes the back very stiff. So very comfy for short periods, not so much for long drawn chilling sessions.

I have a lumbar support chair in my office - with stiff upper back support too, where I also listen the most amount of music, one of the best chairs I own for long term sitting down, it is specially meant for that. However, again not the one stop shop for just sitting down for a long day's work. It is better but not perfect. Has great back support, forces me to sit upright, the mesh allows great air flow.

Now the greatest chair I own is a gliding rocking chair - the chair is supposedly around 20+ years old. Beautiful hardwood, great gliding mechanism. The chair has wooden planks and is not a solid seat and back so air flow is beautiful. The chair comes with a gliding footrest. Now the chairs frame ensures you never lean back too much and for the glider to work perfectly in tandem you can't sit sliding down. Also as the chair glides and not rocks, your seating position doesn't lean on a pivot point but rather back and forth in a very gentle motion. That is the only chair I own where I can listen to music, watch movies, read a book (can't work on it though) and it doesn't destroy my back, almost no impact.
Any chair is bad if you sit down for too long, the key is to keep moving, stretching every hour or so, it doesn't take much, just about 2-3 minutes and get back working. If there is an ideal chair in the World I haven't found it yet. PS - I have slip disk from a very young age due to a football accident. So I have been trying to find the right chairs since I was 19 :p.

We have a lazy boy which is very comfy to sit on but it heats up the back even with the AC on full blast, but that wrapped in clouds comfort is beautiful for 1-2 hours relaxing.

We have a rocking chair in our balcao, great thing, old school, the issue with that is that the angle makes the back very stiff. So very comfy for short periods, not so much for long drawn chilling sessions.

I have a lumbar support chair in my office - with stiff upper back support too, where I also listen the most amount of music, one of the best chairs I own for long term sitting down, it is specially meant for that. However, again not the one stop shop for just sitting down for a long day's work. It is better but not perfect. Has great back support, forces me to sit upright, the mesh allows great air flow.

Now the greatest chair I own is a gliding rocking chair - the chair is supposedly around 20+ years old. Beautiful hardwood, great gliding mechanism. The chair has wooden planks and is not a solid seat and back so air flow is beautiful. The chair comes with a gliding footrest. Now the chairs frame ensures you never lean back too much and for the glider to work perfectly in tandem you can't sit sliding down. Also as the chair glides and not rocks, your seating position doesn't lean on a pivot point but rather back and forth in a very gentle motion. That is the only chair I own where I can listen to music, watch movies, read a book (can't work on it though) and it doesn't destroy my back, almost no impact.
How about Office chairs like Featherlite Optima, Helix, Steelcase Gesture, Leap and the Herman Miller chairs, won't they support the back better than other chairs and also provide comfort?
Just planning to buy one as I too suffer low back pain and hence the doubt?
I have bought a chair that has a pretty good flexible lumbar support and an extremely effective upper back support, it is very effective due to the support being two self adjusting pieces. So they work really well, these chairs were bought for our office in Chandigarh and I found them to be the most comfortable office chairs. I am sure there are better chairs available, however these are pretty decently priced.
I have bought a chair that has a pretty good flexible lumbar support and an extremely effective upper back support, it is very effective due to the support being two self adjusting pieces. So they work really well, these chairs were bought for our office in Chandigarh and I found them to be the most comfortable office chairs. I am sure there are better chairs available, however these are pretty decently priced.
Can you post couple of pics pls.
Hands down this norwegian beauty

Tried this in the local Simply Sofas store and was completely bowled over. The herman miller Eames is not even remotely close.

Plan to get one next year when I finally splurge on the next system.
How about Office chairs like Featherlite Optima, Helix, Steelcase Gesture, Leap and the Herman Miller chairs, won't they support the back better than other chairs and also provide comfort?
Just planning to buy one as I too suffer low back pain and hence the doubt?
I have a top of the line office chair, tried using it for audio, didn't work out, despite reclining it to the max extent. But it is great for the back :)
Hands down this norwegian beauty

Tried this in the local Simply Sofas store and was completely bowled over. The herman miller Eames is not even remotely close.

Plan to get one next year when I finally splurge on the next system.
Nice chairs, I prefer minimalist aesthetics so won't work for me. The search continues :)
I am among those with persistent back issues. I have learned to manage it with a combination of techniques – Stretching, Yoga, Massage, Chiropractic/Physiotherapy etc. I'll try to brief what I have learned from years of coping with these issues.

Maintaining the same posture for long is avoidable, be it sitting, standing, sleeping. Sitting is recognized as a problem because in the case of sitting, the effect is easily noticeable and more pronounced.

The only suitable sitting posture is sitting upright in a way in which the normal curvature of the spine is maintained.

A good chair should support both your spine and thighs. For prolonged sitting, the comfort of calf muscles and footrest is important too.

Slouching is the worst thing you can do to your spine. If you like slouching, you should get a recliner so that the damages can be minimized.

For different people the shirt size is different. Hence, shirts come in various sizes. The range is vast – Small-Medium-XL-XXL. Chairs, however, don't come in various sizes as shirts do. Surprising, isn't it? Something that is supposed to support your body doesn't take into account your body size! Can it get any worse?

Well, chairs are of universal size. Hence, made for an average body frame, erring on the larger side. Hence, the "fit" is the most important but least paid attention to aspect. To support your body properly, a chair must be the right size. This is why a chair that works for one person may not work equally well for another. The only way to find out is by trying.

Different people have a different body frame, strong and weak muscles/muscle groups. Thus, while a chair can be generally attributed to have certain qualities, it may not translate the same way for everyone. Again, the only way to find out is by trying.
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