Your turntable journey? and dream destination?

@ antony

Thanks a lot... i will visit that shop soon and i will update here if i get any kannada vinyl records... actually am a very big fan of kannada movie songs... so i want kannada vinyl records... :)
I started my TT collection about eight years ago. Before that, my only experience with TT was way back in 1969-70 at my uncle's house. My first player was a Sharp Player. Since then I have purchased more than 200 players. I keep the players I like and sell what I do not want to keep: My present collection is shown below:-
Garrard 301 with SME 3009 arm
Garrard 301 with SME 3012 arm
AR the Turntable with Rega 251 arm
Lenco L 75 with stock arm and Micro seikie arm
Denon DP-60 L
Thorens 125
Thorens Jubilee
Thorens 150
Onkyo Integra CP 1057F
Nad 202
Technics SL 1200 (1972)
Technics SL 1500
Sony PS-X 60
Technics SL-10
Lenco L-133
Rega RP1
I also have about 7 or 8 players for sale. I am hunting for a Thorens TD-124 and EMT and any other player of that class. I am in love with TTs

I also had Sony PS 6750(recently sold) and number of other high end players sold to friends mostly in Kerala.

I started my TT collection about eight years ago. Before that, my only experience with TT was way back in 1969-70 at my uncle's house. My first player was a Sharp Player. Since then I have purchased more than 200 players. I keep the players I like and sell what I do not want to keep: My present collection is shown below:-
Garrard 301 with SME 3009 arm
Garrard 301 with SME 3012 arm
AR the Turntable with Rega 251 arm
Lenco L 75 with stock arm and Micro seikie arm
Denon DP-60 L
Thorens 125
Thorens Jubilee
Thorens 150
Onkyo Integra CP 1057F
Nad 202
Technics SL 1200 (1972)
Technics SL 1500
Sony PS-X 60
Technics SL-10
Lenco L-133
Rega RP1
I also have about 7 or 8 players for sale. I am hunting for a Thorens TD-124 and EMT and any other player of that class. I am in love with TTs

I also had Sony PS 6750(recently sold) and number of other high end players sold to friends mostly in Kerala.


Can you PM me the list of players on sale and the expected price with their conditions? :licklips: :D
I am very recent in the vinyl and as of now have the following two TTs:-

1. Thorens TD125 Mk II with SME 3009 (Presently off road due to want of a motor)

2. Rega RP-1

Dream destination...?..may be

1. Tecnics 1200 MkII

2. Technics SL-10

3. Clearaudio Concept
Started off with Acoustic Box hand winding HMV 78 rpm turntable of my grandmother. Later on my dad bought a Philips turntable (idler drive) with a ceramic cartridge. Used it for many years, during my school and college. Around 1994 bought a Thorens TD-135 from a newspaper advertisement. Refurbished it completely. Subsequently bought the following:

Dual 1019
Dual 721
Thorens TD-160
Technics SL-1200 MK2
Tehniics SL-1200 MK2 (2nd unit)
Technics SP-10 MK2 with Obsidian plinth
EMT 938

Dream destination:

None. I have everything I wanted. If I don't know any better, I am OK.

It looks like I have a preference for DD, but it is just a coincidence. I love all types of good turntables.

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Started off with a family hmv player connected to a philips radio.

Project rpm 9 for a few years.

Dream TT. Garrard 301 check
SME 3012 check
SPU classic check
Yet to come SPU 85th and 99th anniversary carts, a decca cart, a denon 103 and a transfi arm
A TD 124 and a lenco if they come my way

Waiting for restoration a dual 1219
@Anilva: Dont know if you have to get anything else if you have the 1200!! Great table.
well... while growing up we had a Philips belt driven TT...
then an Akai... then a Technics SL 1300... this I had until 2 years ago...

Then, moved on to a Project 2xpression or something....

then to a Clearaudio Ambient with a Clearaudio CF arm and a Clearaudio Concerto cart. I actually love this combination. its detailed, crisp and very extended on all frequencies. had no warmth/colouration.

In the interim I had a Thorens 124, now it resides with FM Joshua!

more recently, i purchased a Garrard 401 in excellent nick. I am rebuilding a CLD plinth for it... its almost done but I haven't had the time to see it through the final stages yet.

My fantasy is to get meself one of those big a$$ goldmund ref TT's... who knows maybe i can one day, eh?? :)
Can you PM me the list of players on sale and the expected price with their conditions? :licklips: :D

I'm thinking of going into vinyls provided I can get Smooth Jazz.

Sir, can you PM me the list of players on sale and the expected price with their conditions?

Thank you for your time.
I suppose it all started with my parents' Radiogram, with it's boomy sound and 78-RPM-only deck.

As neither of my parents were particularly keen on music, its eventual terminal breakdown (there were many minor ones, during which my father would spend anything from days to weeks finding the replacement valves) there was a big gap of quite a few years until I persuaded them to buy me a Dynatron record player. As mono, one-box record players went, this was, actually, somewhat superior to that which many teenagers of the day had in their bedrooms. It also moved me into the 33.3RPM era --- although I had my head in Western classical when others were listening to the Beatles.

I do not recall the details of any of the turntables that belonged to people whose flats and houses I shared in my twenties, but, at least, stereo had entered my life. And so, as my hair length headed for my elbows, did "progressive rock" as we called it at the time.

Another mono-box gramophone, possibly older than the Dynatron, entered my life courtesy of a housemate who didn't want to take anything he couldn't carry when he moved out. Plugged in via a time switch, Wagner was my alarm clock.

Then came my first Stereo. As in mine, rather than a flatmate's. Here, I jumped in at what was then, if not the deep end, at least not very shallow, with a transverse-tracking deck from Akai. Chock full of electronics and mechanics, just to keep that arm moving with the groove, it failed, and spares could not be had, after a few years.

In 1990, I was given a Dual deck as a leaving present from a company I had worked for 16 years. It is still working :)

It is largely the emotional significance of the gift that has caused me never to upgrade, along with the fact that Vinyl is no longer a daily part of my listening. So, there isn't really a dream destination, although I would probably be happy with a fairly basic Rega or Pro-ject.

But wait, what am I saying... No Dreams? Even for my ultimate will-never-happen hifi? Of course there are. Two very different ones. One is a laser deck, able to to miss scratches and imperfections a stylus cannot avoid, and the other, equally unconventional in its way, is the astonishing uni-pivot, rotating headshell arm that I saw in Dr.Bass's system last week :D
After going through some of the phono-turntable posts and getting disappointed with the quality of CDs (old Bollywood and bengali songs), I decided to start my journey in TT. Purchased a second hand Akai TT FR-D3. It is in very good condition and fully working. Presently my setup is

AKAI FR-D3 direct drive TT
Audio Technica AT-91 cart.
Marantz PM7001 Integrated amplifier with phono section
Dynaudio Audience 52 bookshelf speaker.

The setup sounding very very well. Very happy with it.
HMV ruled the roost back then in india i guess :)

my exposure is relatively low, however it was a fulfilling one. Dad had a HMV TT wthe one with Amp and speaker integrated. silver front and ivory top. was a really good looking TT.. he had a modest collection of mostyl Hindi(all 45rpms), some malayalam and some english 33rpm)...i used to be fascinated by much so that, i have to blame self for it's bad times :) the curiosity of "whats inside" did it for. but i guess, my dad was out of it by then. neverthless, good times listening to good film music (kabhie kabhie, abhiman, richard clayderman and such)...

fast forward to now...i approached hifi vision for some direction on procuring a decent system, which i did and im very happy with it; but along the discussion came to understand the importance of a good dac in a system et was in one such discussion with forum member gobble, gave me a perspective to go for a decent TT than a expensive dac that may cost twice or, even if i did toy with the idea of a TT, my perspective was now totally changed and i looked it TT's as a more serious equipment than getting any table with a platter..

along the TT journey, met with some really wonderful people like Rajiv who pushed me to have a very humbled and simplified approach to it all, one of his statements will always stick with me, which is "these tables will be available in the future too, they arent going anywhere!", i always take Rajiv's help in understanding a fair price, i feel better!

for any technical query, Joshua is the king, he has helped me with his time on numerous occasions, then ofcourse, Manav the beast! and sachu, our in house techno guru. im truly at ease when it comes to turntable, this forum has all the help one could think of...

so, the culmination of my effort to invest in the right TT at the right price finally came to reality, when forum member denom, sms'ed me about the LINN LP12 on quickr! i pounded on it and made sure the owner gave me 1st preference....i was actually the second guy to visit, the first visit was by some dealer based in Pune, im glad he didnt see the beauty of it table and i guess he quoted a rate far to low...not that i didnt negotiate...with some guidance from rajiv, i quoted a X rate upon meeting and boom...the owner obliged! he also had a G401!! with a 3012 arm and a Koetsu Onyx Cartridge! running thru a vintage Kenwood Amp and final output from the the king! Tannoy Monitors!!

anyways, coming back to my purchase, i finally procured a Linn LP12 with Ittok LVII arm and a basic shure cartridge!! im toldd the Ittok Arm (which is a beauty btw) itself costs slightly over what i paid for the entire set...i guess i got lucky. whats next? i quicky ordered for upgrades from Linn store (belt, springs, grommets, oil) got the belt, waiting for rest of the items...after i receive all; im going to attempt and set up the suspension, (off to reading those exhaustive manuals on vinyl engine, origin live & Cymbiosis upgrade threead on LInn forum)...

so...wish me luck!!

Edt: Sachu also was kind enough to assemble and send across his maginificent effort - the CNC Phono stage!! thanks man!
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Congrats on the Linn purchase. I used one for two decades, and it's a classic that will serve you well for a good long time. Enjoy!
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!