In addition to playing it at mid volumes, cross-check the issues below:The behemoth arrived last night. I knew it will be big, but was still unprepared for just how big
I am kinda limited on the number of locations it can be placed in my room, but I think I found the better of those available spots.
Something that is bugging me though- looking at all reviews and the size of the thing, I had assumed it will output a ton of bass and that I will likely have to keep the subwoofer level at 30-50% max, considering my small room.
But in reality, I found that unless I crank it up to at least 70% I can barely hear/feel a difference over the QA M20 standalone (pun not intended).
It is very pleasing, mind you, and it could just be my inexperience speaking, but I still feel like there should be 'more' (even though I don't really need it).
I'm unsure about the crossover of the QB12 but if you have set the crossover to 100Hz, thats way way too high. The in room response of the M20HD would be anywhere between 45 - 55hz i presume but without frequency measurements, that's a shot in the dark because extension varies in each room.Using these cables - BlueRigger Audio RCA Cable with Gold Plated connectors (1 RCA Subwoofer Cable 15 FT / 4.5 Meters)
Crossover set to 100.
Since you are a first timer, it would be really difficult for you to do it by ear since you do not have a point of reference.
This reminds me of an FM who got himself a monster of a sub in the JL E110 but there was hardly any bass because he had the crossover set at 60hz instead of 40hz i.e. the same problem as you, except you have it dialled much worse

Usually, the correct phase is whichever is the loudest. If the bass sounds louder in a particular setting (0/180) but sounds bloated, you have the crossover dialled wrong.Phase at 0, found that to be the better sounding option.
Left input? I dont know which that is but if you want the crossover to work, DO NOT connect it to the LFE input of the sub.Cable connected from the M20 sub-out to the QB12's left input.