Fully Balanced Tube Preamp with Single XLR input/output and Volume Control


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2009

Since i am doing all the source switching in my DAC (and not into Vinyl as well), I would love to a have a Preamp with the following attributes.

- Single XLR Input and Output.
- Fully balanced designed with tubes.
- Volume control NOT using potentiometer.

Is there any manufacturer making such a device? Or is there someone allowing customization as mentioned above?


Since i am doing all the source switching in my DAC (and not into Vinyl as well), I would love to a have a Preamp with the following attributes.

- Single XLR Input and Output.
- Fully balanced designed with tubes.
- Volume control NOT using potentiometer.

Is there any manufacturer making such a device? Or is there someone allowing customization as mentioned above?

Not sure about fully-balanced but Schiit Freya.
Softone amplifiers are having balanced input / output in one model which you can consider with all tubes.

Since i am doing all the source switching in my DAC (and not into Vinyl as well), I would love to a have a Preamp with the following attributes.

- Single XLR Input and Output.
- Fully balanced designed with tubes.
- Volume control NOT using potentiometer.

Is there any manufacturer making such a device? Or is there someone allowing customization as mentioned above?

I am not sure of I understood the question hence clarifying- Are you saying you want to connect the Dac - preamp -Int amp - Speaker in one chain ?.- I am assuming that of the chain is the same as your signature ie the Sugden Int amp ?

Only If it is the above you are considering the above , please do check if your int amp has
1. a Power amp input
2. a passive or active preamp

If it has a power amp input then you can of course easily add a Pre amplifier. there are so many option with balanced but one of the better ones is Audio research model based on budget. any old mcintosh may also do a great job

If not then you can use a preamp ONLY if the int amp has a passive preamp built in as else you will mess up the sound due to impedence mismatches, But If so then you can keep the volume at max and use any of the inputs ( ideally the balance in) to connect the preamp
Audio research reference preamps - they satisfy all your criteria.
Ok. But i am looking at something with one only INPUT / OUTPUT XLR, since i am doing the source switching between my CDP and Streamer at DAC.

I just need a good volume control with a single XLR input/output. I wont be able to make sure of multiple inputs/outputs of the standard preamps.
Not sure about fully-balanced but Schiit Freya.
Yes. I have used the same with Northern Electric 6SN7 tubes. Excellent value for money. I am looking at something something above that in terms of performance. Also, multiple inputs/outputs are not required since all my source switching is done at DAC level.
I am not sure of I understood the question hence clarifying- Are you saying you want to connect the Dac - preamp -Int amp - Speaker in one chain ?.- I am assuming that of the chain is the same as your signature ie the Sugden Int amp ?

Only If it is the above you are considering the above , please do check if your int amp has
1. a Power amp input
2. a passive or active preamp

If it has a power amp input then you can of course easily add a Pre amplifier. there are so many option with balanced but one of the better ones is Audio research model based on budget. any old mcintosh may also do a great job

If not then you can use a preamp ONLY if the int amp has a passive preamp built in as else you will mess up the sound due to impedence mismatches, But If so then you can keep the volume at max and use any of the inputs ( ideally the balance in) to connect the preamp

Oh. Sorry for the confusion. The plan is to go the pre/power route from integrated amp. Hence the requirement.

And no... the Sugden IA4 does not have a power amp input. It just has a pre-out.

Regarding using the integrated amp as a power amp by keeping the volume to the maximum, I have mailed Sugden and they have not given any reply.

I have my CDP and streamer connected to the DAC and source switching is done there. Hence i dont need a preamp with multiple sources/outputs. Need something with an excellent volume control, fully balanced design with tubes.
Regarding using the integrated amp as a power amp by keeping the volume to the maximum, I have mailed Sugden and they have not given any reply.
I used to haven a sugden A21 is the early 2000s and you cannot do that. it is an active pre in the sugden and even volume at Maximum it still will have a gain stage. If it were a passive pre then the above would work.
I used to haven a sugden A21 is the early 2000s and you cannot do that. it is an active pre in the sugden and even volume at Maximum it still will have a gain stage. If it were a passive pre then the above would work.

Yes. Its an active pre in the Sugden IA4 as well.

Looks like something like a Schiit Freya Plus with tubes or something more expensive like the Audio Research LS28SE or McIntosh C22. But really dont need the multiple inputs/outputs (not to mention the huge costs as well). Hence exploring more options...
A good integrated is perhaps what i would prefer anyday since it takes out one set of cables, simplifies power as well as space. the sugden as a very well matched pre and power hence unless you are moving to a different power amp, you may be better off.

I guess your Dac only needs 2 connections ? ie streamer and transport. if you want to move to balanced then the true value is only if the entire amplifier is designed as balanced . most others anyway convert balanced to SE internally.

BAT and Electrocompaniet were 2 brands which I remember did balanced intrinsically although not ware of others.
A good integrated is perhaps what i would prefer anyday since it takes out one set of cables, simplifies power as well as space. the sugden as a very well matched pre and power hence unless you are moving to a different power amp, you may be better off.

I guess your Dac only needs 2 connections ? ie streamer and transport. if you want to move to balanced then the true value is only if the entire amplifier is designed as balanced . most others anyway convert balanced to SE internally.

BAT and Electrocompaniet were 2 brands which I remember did balanced intrinsically although not ware of others.

Yes. The plan is to have the entire chain balanced. Hence looking for fully balanced preamp options.

I am really interested in the Sugden FBA 800 Power amp, which is a fully balanced design. Sugden has got a matching Preamp for that - DAP 800. But the thing is I would to love to experience a good tube pre along with the FBA 800. Also, the DAP 800 has got a DAC, which I wont be using. Cost factor is there too.... But there will be excellent synergy between FBA 800 and DAP 800.

Since i am doing all the source switching in my DAC (and not into Vinyl as well), I would love to a have a Preamp with the following attributes.

- Single XLR Input and Output.
- Fully balanced designed with tubes.
- Volume control NOT using potentiometer.

Is there any manufacturer making such a device? Or is there someone allowing customization as mentioned above?

Maybe you can try a KR audio P135 DHT preamp. Heard it a few times at a forum members place, absolutely loved it. You will get a better DHT stage as bonus, over and above your requirement for it to be balanced.
Maybe you can try a KR audio P135 DHT preamp. Heard it a few times at a forum members place, absolutely loved it. You will get a better DHT stage as bonus, over and above your requirement for it to be balanced.

You could have responded a bit earlier Sir.... would have tried that...

Already placed order for Sugden DAP 800 preamp to go with the new FBA 800 power amplifier... now waiting for that... hopefully it will have better synergy than my current Denafrips Athena preamplifier.... Its a circus man... matching pre and power....and on top of that i have to integrate 2 subs as well...

Life was peaceful with my earlier Sugden IA4 integrated... Subs were also integrated to my taste.... Now its like i will have to do the whole thing again...

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