Looking for a good hifi set up


New Member
Oct 25, 2023
Hi there,

I’m new here and new to the world of purchasing gear. I’ve been listening to records for a few years now but, for the most part, using my friends amp and speakers.

Moving out soon, and I need to get my own things together. Ideally I’d like to find something similar to what I’m using now, which I’ve seen is reasonably affordable, however I’m not sure if there are better (more modern) options that aren’t too different in price.

I’m currently using a Pioneer A-676 Reference with some Dali Zensor 3 speakers. The turntable is my own; a pretty standard Audio-technica AT-LP120.

So yeah, I’m open to recommendations on anything you all might suggest. Ultimately, if nothing comes of this post then I’ll probably just look at buying the same two products (just thought I’d check with this forum as the amp is rather chunky and there might be something on par that is a bit slimmer?).
Hi there,

I’m new here and new to the world of purchasing gear. I’ve been listening to records for a few years now but, for the most part, using my friends amp and speakers.

Moving out soon, and I need to get my own things together. Ideally I’d like to find something similar to what I’m using now, which I’ve seen is reasonably affordable, however I’m not sure if there are better (more modern) options that aren’t too different in price.

I’m currently using a Pioneer A-676 Reference with some Dali Zensor 3 speakers. The turntable is my own; a pretty standard Audio-technica AT-LP120.

So yeah, I’m open to recommendations on anything you all might suggest. Ultimately, if nothing comes of this post then I’ll probably just look at buying the same two products (just thought I’d check with this forum as the amp is rather chunky and there might be something on par that is a bit slimmer?).
Hi ,
What is your budget? based on that will recommend .
The Pioneer A-676 is a pretty old model. You could look at the newer Pioneer/Onkyo line up. The other usual suspects are Marantz, Denon and Yamaha. You could also look at amplifiers that have streaming built in, if that's your thing. Since you use a turntable, better to get something with a nice phono stage. Rega, Audiolab, Cambridge Audio are some popular UK based brands. You budget and room size would help people to chime in.
Hi there,

I’m new here and new to the world of purchasing gear. I’ve been listening to records for a few years now but, for the most part, using my friends amp and speakers.

Moving out soon, and I need to get my own things together. Ideally I’d like to find something similar to what I’m using now, which I’ve seen is reasonably affordable, however I’m not sure if there are better (more modern) options that aren’t too different in price.

I’m currently using a Pioneer A-676 Reference with some Dali Zensor 3 speakers. The turntable is my own; a pretty standard Audio-technica AT-LP120.

So yeah, I’m open to recommendations on anything you all might suggest. Ultimately, if nothing comes of this post then I’ll probably just look at buying the same two products (just thought I’d check with this forum as the amp is rather chunky and there might be something on par that is a bit slimmer?).
A warm Welcome here :)

As others have said, will be difficult to suggest without knowing the budget. I would suggest looking at the bundle packages available on richer sounds and sevenoaks. I find their pairings to be a synergistic match. And will be a good place to start if looking for new. And do factor in something that accommodates streaming, as it will open up millions of songs for a modest outlay.

The above said, there is plenty of quality used gear in the UK market at very reasonable prices, but have to be cautious with ebay purchases as always. If willing to go down the pre-loved route, and linger around in the hobby for longer, I would suggest joining and browsing the classified sections of hifiwigwam, pinkfishmedia and whathifi. All the best :)
You'll get better value if you explore the used market. Else, get something like the Q Acoustics M20 active speakers and add a phono.
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