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New Member
Apr 1, 2024
Hello to all members: my name is Paolo Montanari and I am Italian, but for my job is almost last 8 years that I am leaving in India and specifically in Gurgaon.
I am an appasionate DIY about tube amplifiers using NOS tubes like WE 300B, WE 274A, 845 and EL 34 and not only
I am happy to partecipate to this group and learn something from Indian people.
A couple of yers ago, I had a contact with one of the members because he bought from Germany an EMT 927 turn table: sorry but I don't remember the name
I am also the lucky owner of one EMT 927A: the Holy Grail of turn table.
Thanks for admmitting me to your forum
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Welcome Paolo,
You may find the DIY section of particular interest and connect with other DIYers working on interesting projects.
Welcome Paolo. Hope you can enlighten us with your experience and knowledge. You will find this forum to be very helpful as we have so many knowledgeable persons here. However, you have told that you have an EMT TT and you are a DIYer. Please tell us about your choice of music and your chain(amp, speakers, DAC,etc). Curious to know if you listen to indian classical music and Bollywood albums since you have been living in india.
Welcome Paolo. Hope you can enlighten us with your experience and knowledge. You will find this forum to be very helpful as we have so many knowledgeable persons here. However, you have told that you have an EMT TT and you are a DIYer. Please tell us about your choice of music and your chain(amp, speakers, DAC,etc). Curious to know if you listen to indian classical music and Bollywood albums since you have been living in india.
Thanks for your welcome,
Are more than 40 years that i am in Hifi passion and as I suppose for all of us I started with very basic system due to financial possibility.
After I moved to study the possibility to build my amplifier and speaker cabinet with support of very expert people in Italy and step by step I realized a single ended class A amplifier with WE 300B and a push pull EL 34 amplifier
Now my system is made by:
Audio Research SP10 Mk2 preamplifier with probably one of the best tube pre phono ever made,
Audio Research Reference CD9
Tuner Marantz 10B
EMT 927 A with pre phono 139 st
Nakamichi Dragon
Reel to reel Studer 80 mk2
Reel to reel Telefunken M15
The speaker is a big Onken enclosure self made with woofer from Altec 515B and multi horn from Klug in Germany with 15 sectors with driver TAD plus super tweeters JBL bullet
As amplifier I am in the process to build a new version of my 300 B single ended class A with different circuit for middle and hi frequency range and a single ended class A 845 tube for low frequencies
In parallel I have designed a multi power distribution unit with specific filters and are under realization the first protos with my brand
For the amplifiers I can work only when I am in Italy where I have my small lab
In all these years I have created contacts of hi end parts suppliers in all Europe and USA plus a huge warehouse of tubes and components: my wife wants to kill me for that
About music I like classic music and also rock
I am not expert of Indian music: normally I can hear when I am driving the car to my office, but I hope the members will help me to start
Thanks and good day
Hello to all members: my name is Paolo Montanari and I am Italian, but for my job is almost last 8 years that I am leaving in India and specifically in Gurgaon.
I am an appasionate DIY about tube amplifiers using NOS tubes like WE 300B, WE 274A, 845 and EL 34 and not only
I am happy to partecipate to this group and learn something from Indian people.
A couple of yers ago, I had a contact with one of the members because he bought from Germany an EMT 927 turn table: sorry but I don't remember the name
I am also the lucky owner of one EMT 927A: the Holy Grail of turn table.
Thanks for admmitting me to your forum


Welcome to HFV.

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Hope you have a great journey here!

All the best!

Welcome to HFV.

I am sure you will find your experience here very enriching and enjoyable.

Make sure to visit the countless posts which is based on direct experience, technical knowledge and honest feedback.

If the post / response to you helps in any way, use the 'Like' button which is located at the right hand bottom of the post. This helps to build up positive reputation for the FM (Fellow Member).

Hope you have a great journey here!

All the best!
Thanks for your welcome.
Beeing new of this forum, I have my first question: as DIY, there online or physiscal shop in India to buy components like transformers, chockes, resistors, capacitors, etc for amplifier and other devices?
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