Wired network on eversolo DMP A8


Jan 26, 2016
Bangalore, India
I find that the wired network connected to my eversolo DMP A8 running firmware version 1.3.30 does not connect at time when starting up eversolo requiring a restart for it to connect. The network cable is of good quality and the lights are on at the network port but why this intermittent issue is something I fail to understand.
Alternate is to use 5Ghz WiFi since my router is well within range. Anyone experience the same ?
Since the problem continues have started using 5Ghz wireless connection. Playback has been fine.
Need to check if the connection is seamless on each reboot of the eversolo.
I find that the wired network connected to my eversolo DMP A8 running firmware version 1.3.30 does not connect at time when starting up eversolo requiring a restart for it to connect. The network cable is of good quality and the lights are on at the network port but why this intermittent issue is something I fail to understand.
Alternate is to use 5Ghz WiFi since my router is well within range. Anyone experience the same ?
I don't have eversolo DMP, however most issues with not getting connected on network is when you use dhcp. All that is required for connection to happen is the device getting an IP address and the correct entries in routing table getting set. dhcp issue can be resolved by using static IP address and reserving that IP address not to be allocated to any device in your network router.

The other advantage of using static IP is that the network gets enabled during early startup. When using dynamic IP, the network gets setup only when the process that does dhcp gets started. The only disadvantage of static ip is that you have to dirty your hands by doing some setting in your router.
Sounds logical but strangely that is what I have already setup. I used address reservation on my router which is a Deco XE75 (a mesh router). That is a mapping of the MAC address of the eversolo to a fixed ipaddress, so that it allots the same every time. Not sure if that is considered a static ip though. This is my main router and I have used one of its lan ports to hook up the eversolo using the wired connection. But the eversolo is a hit or miss and when it is a miss, the network wired connection of the eversolo shows unconnected. When I used wired connection I used turn off wifi. Not sure if they can coexist. In any case felt its better to turn it off to minimise any other interference.
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Just guessing, is there a way to disable the Wifi and if so, please trying doing that and let us know if the problem persists?
Yes there is a way to disable wifi and I have that turned off and Bluetooth also off. The wired network connects seamlessly on startup but at time it does not and then I can’t use the app and need to restart the eversolo. So there is definitely some issue with eversolo wired interface.
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Sounds logical but strangely that is what I have already setup. I used address reservation on my router which is a Deco XE75 (a mesh router). That is a mapping of the MAC address of the eversolo to a fixed ipaddress, so that it allots the same every time. Not sure if that is considered a static ip though. This is my main router and I have used one of its lan ports to hook up the eversolo using the wired connection. But the eversolo is a hit or miss and when it is a miss, the network wired connection of the eversolo shows unconnected. When I used wired connection I used turn off wifi. Not sure if they can coexist. In any case felt its better to turn it off to minimise any other interference.
static ip is set on the device, regardless of the router setting. If you set static ip then the address is set on the network interface by the kernel using ifconfig command. For dynamic IP address, the address is setup by a user space daemon (typically dhcpd/NetworkManger daemon on linux). This setting must be in android's Network setting menu. That is what I do on my android phone.
Yes that did it. I turned off wifi. For wired network turned off DHCP and manually entered an ip , gateway and DNS. I also set address reservation for that ip address mapped to the map address of the eversolo, so that it does not assign that address to any other device on my network causing a conflict. It now detects the network. Like @mbhangui said it looks to be a dhcp issue on the eversolo that intermittently misbehaves.
The other advantage of using wired connection is that I can do a wake on lan from the controller app. Only issue is that it has to try for a few seconds and fail to connect because the eversolo is off and then brings up the wake on lan option. Use that to remotely start up the eversolo and then hit the reconnect on the app for it to establish the connection and display the UI interface on the controller app.
Suddenly the Eversolo DMP A8 takes a long time to be recognised by the controller app.
Firmware is 1.3.80 , it’s a wired connection with a static address. Even after A8 has been booted up and is showing as connected on my router, it’s taking more than 3 to 4 minutes for the controller app on my iPhone to connect to the A8. It was all fine until yesterday. Anybody else seeing this issue ?
My eversolo DMP A8 takes about 3 to 4 minutes for the controller app to connect. It’s a static address running firmware 1.3.80
Was working fine until yesterday. Now each time I shutdown and boot up the A8 the controller app on my iPhone takes 3 to 4 mins to establish connection. Even though my router should that is already on the network. Anyone else seeing this issue ?
My eversolo DMP A8 takes about 3 to 4 minutes for the controller app to connect. It’s a static address running firmware 1.3.80
Was working fine until yesterday. Now each time I shutdown and boot up the A8 the controller app on my iPhone takes 3 to 4 mins to establish connection. Even though my router should that is already on the network. Anyone else seeing this issue ?
Device to device communication happens only when both IP address is set and some application binds a network port on the receiving device. e.g. web servers always bind on port 80 for un-encrypted connection and port 443 for ssl encrypted traffic. Just the IP address alone is not enough for network communication. So if the controller app is not connecting to your DMP 8, it could either be a buggy design of the app or if the application on DMP A8 which binds on a port takes a long time to startup after powering on the DMP A8

You can always check if the IP is up by using the ping command. e.g. here is ping output from my macbook and linux. If your network is fine, then you should see 0% packet loss. The ping command I have used for both mac and linux is ping -c 5 where is the ip address of my Raspberry PI DSP dac host.

MacBook-Pro:/Users/mbhangui>ping -c 5
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=1.568 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.465 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.957 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=1.542 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=1.709 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 1.465/1.648/1.957/0.173 ms

argos.indimail.org:(mbhangui) /home/mbhangui >ping -c 5
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.66 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.48 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=2.02 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=1.67 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=1.76 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4008ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.475/1.716/2.018/0.176 ms

If you have a macbook or linux you can use telnet or netcat to test. e.g if your eversolo DMP device IP address is then following commands will work on linux or mac. You have to use terminal to get the shell prompt. At the shell prompt do

Mac/Linux using telnet or netcat (nc). Assuming the controller is using port 80, then use the following commands

telnet 80
nc 80

If you are using windows, I don't have any idea as I have never used one since the early 90s.

Below is a typical output of the telnet and nc command. Here I'm testing port 6600 which all mpd music controller apps use on linux and bsd unix variants (mac is a bsd unix variant).
argos.indimail.org:(mbhangui) /home/mbhangui >nc 6600
OK MPD 0.24.0
argos.indimail.org:(mbhangui) /home/mbhangui >telnet 6600
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
OK MPD 0.24.0
telnet> quit
Connection closed.

You can also try the following using a browser from your laptop

If eversolo DMP is using port 443, then use the following url

Google turned up port 8080. In that case use the following url

If the browser method works, then you can use the same url using the browser from your android or ios device.

Apart from the above ports, eversolo uses port 9587 for uploading apk file to device and I think port 9590 for file transfers. Folks have also written a diy open source controller app for eversolo it seems.
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Device to device communication happens only when both IP address is set and some application binds a network port on the receiving device. e.g. web servers always bind on port 80 for un-encrypted connection and port 443 for ssl encrypted traffic. Just the IP address alone is not enough for network communication. So if the controller app is not connecting to your DMP 8, it could either be a buggy design of the app or if the application on DMP A8 which binds on a port takes a long time to startup after powering on the DMP A8

You can always check if the IP is up by using the ping command. e.g. here is ping output from my macbook and linux. If your network is fine, then you should see 0% packet loss. The ping command I have used for both mac and linux is ping -c 5 where is the ip address of my Raspberry PI DSP dac host.

If you have a macbook or linux you can use telnet or netcat to test. e.g if your eversolo DMP device IP address is then following commands will work on linux or mac. You have to use terminal to get the shell prompt. At the shell prompt do

Mac/Linux using telnet or netcat (nc). Assuming the controller is using port 80, then use the following commands

If you are using windows, I don't have any idea as I have never used one since the early 90s.

Below is a typical output of the telnet and nc command. Here I'm testing port 6600 which all mpd music controller apps use on linux and bsd unix variants (mac is a bsd unix variant).

You can also try the following using a browser from your laptop

If eversolo DMP is using port 443, then use the following url

Google turned up port 8080. In that case use the following url

If the browser method works, then you can use the same url using the browser from your android or ios device.

Apart from the above ports, eversolo uses port 9587 for uploading apk file to device and I think port 9590 for file transfers. Folks have also written a diy open source controller app for eversolo it seems.
I confirm that the issue is with the network interfaces startup delay on the eversolo A8, when using a wired network even on use of a static ip. Its not consistent, need to check if it happens after a few hours of shutdown.
Repeat shutdown and reconnect did not show the same delay (need more testing to confirm this).
When the controller app fails to connect to the A8 even though the UI is up on its screen after booting from a cold start. I tried to ping the ip from my Mac and the ping fails, Confirmig that the network services on the A8 has not started.
This then takes a long time to establish, 3 to 4 mins or me trying to access soem network service on my eversolo A8 directly.

On the A8, I have defined a static IP address manually for the wired network also the primary, secondary DNS and gateway and turned DHCP off. To ensure that the router does not issue the same ip to another device, I set an address reservation on the router adding the A8 mac address to the static ip.

When the controller app is connected to the A8, that is when all is working. I tried to identify the port the controller app uses to communicate with the A8 using Angry IP Scanner on my Mac. The port shows as [n/a] throug the network is active. Probably due to firewall setting on the eversolo. I do not see any option to turn that off on the A8.
There is no other options availabel to set like port or other interface even if I could find that out using a scanner.
So not sure what other settings are required to be doen by manual entries and where, to get the network to be fully defined without delay. Could be a bug but is inconsistent and an annoyance.
So will be forced to use a wifi 5Ghz (given the proximity of the device to the router) and check if that is consistent in establishing a quick connection and without issues of bufferig for Hires and high bandwidth streams.
If there is any other pointes that I can check that can help, please let me know. Thx
If there is any other pointes that I can check that can help, please let me know. Thx
there is an android app known as ping tools. It has plenty of built in options like scanner, ping, traceroute, etc. You can try that to figure out what is happening.
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