Quad II Tube amp


Sep 27, 2009
One of the used stores has 4 Quad II's for sale. 2 pre's and 2 mono blocks. I will go have a look tomorrow. The seller says he doesnt know how to connect em. Any tips? How are these amps? Can they drive modern speakers like the dyn 82?

Whats a fair market price for all 4?
Hi rise
Where is this used store you are talking about in Mumbai?

Adil (afg) on our forum also had Dyna Audience 82 and i think he was not happy pairing them with a tube amp. Not sure what are the specs of his amp and what are the specs of the Quads you talking about
I feel you should post the specs of the Quad amps so other members can give you a basic idea. Best is to listen them with your speakers
I got the speakers from AFG and heard his tube with them. They sounded great. Possibly not driven enough but an excellent sound nonetheless
To be honest, the audience 82 needs at the very least 200W@4ohm of clean power to sound best. Anything below is a compromise. They'll play loud but they won't play deep. That speaker is capable of bass down to 25Hz when driven properly.
I second ROC statement. In the many auditions of Dynaudio's I have seen them work best with solid state amps that have muscle. Unless you are looking at premium tube amps, others may not be able to drive them well to get the best fidelity and soundstage.
I second ROC statement. In the many auditions of Dynaudio's I have seen them work best with solid state amps that have muscle. Unless you are looking at premium tube amps, others may not be able to drive them well to get the best fidelity and soundstage.

Exactly... the only tube amps that dynaudio recommends themselves are the ones from Octave Audio. To say the very least, they don't come cheap.
Hi rise
I was also in negotiations with AFG for the same Dyna's you have now :)
My amp being too weak to drive the Dynas was the prime reason of me not going for them and i did not have enough budget to upgrade my amp and speakers both
Infact my amp which is a Cosmic Lab concert series 6 in which i have upgraded caps to better grade, still i felt would not have done justice at all with the Dynas
I also agree with others on the forum and advice you to look for something which can drive your Dynas to their full potential
Hi Rise,
Would you be willing to disclose the name of the store which has the Q IIs?
Does he also have any other interesting equipment?

Buy a Pre/ processor and Multichannel power amplifier .Dynaudios are overkill for AV Receivers . In Pune I have visited one Gentleman's HT where he is using the Dynaudio and the sound is mind blowing. But again you need a big room to make the speakers sing.

Hi Rise,
Would you be willing to disclose the name of the store which has the Q IIs?
Does he also have any other interesting equipment?

Did rise give the name of the store?
Would like to see if there is any other stuff.
buy revuve old thred?
btw it was in chor bazaar i think..2 pre and 2 power pretty weird

and if it is same shop where I saw ..it was in pathetic non working condition.
i think i had a chat with orignal poster
Did rise give the name of the store?
Would like to see if there is any other stuff.

No name was disclosed.

I have no problem if someone wants to keep such information confidential for a while to prevent anyone else muscling in. But it would help if one's post is acknowledged at least, and the reasons for non-disclosure indicated. And the details could be shared later when one no longer has a commercial interest.

This forum works on the notion that some total stranger will provide help/assistance/information/arcane knowledge to some other total stranger purely out of a shared love for this hobby. When that relationship is treated casually, then you 'bookmark' all such posters and treat their subsequent queries with due disregard.
One of the used stores has 4 Quad II's for sale. 2 pre's and 2 mono blocks. I will go have a look tomorrow. The seller says he doesnt know how to connect em. Any tips? How are these amps? Can they drive modern speakers like the dyn 82?

Whats a fair market price for all 4?

The Cambridge Audio 840A for sale on the forum by cybervinay would be a safer choice.Condition seems to be almost new.Price is fine too.And it is good enough for the Dynaudio Audience 82's.
I did not notice that this was an old thread when I posted:)
Nevertheless,the CA840A is worth considering by anyone looking for a reasonably priced integrated amp.Have heard it paired with Sonus Faber Liuto's and the SQ was very good.The Liuto's deserve something better than a CA 840A,but with any speaker in the 100K range it would be a good match.
The Cambridge Audio 840A for sale on the forum by cybervinay would be a safer choice.Condition seems to be almost new.Price is fine too.And it is good enough for the Dynaudio Audience 82's.

Its a good amp but doesnt pair well with Dynaudios. I'd tried it with my Audience 52 bookshelves and it wasnt able to do a good job with them.
So, my post may not have any relevance to OP, just writing because the subject is somewhat known to me.

Ajay, I agree that CA amps can do well with something like a Sonus Faber because SF in general has a warm signature and doesnt require a lot of power. CA is somewhat cold and lean (to my ears), so you can see why it matches with SF. However Dyns are exactly opposite, they are neutral (some people say they are cold, but I dont share that opinion) and they require a very high quality amplification (quantity must be a given). If one has to err, one should err on the warmer side. None of this criteria is fulfilled by the CA amps. Neither are they warm nor are they generously powerful nor are they high quality. Without listening I can guess a Dyn + Cambridge combo would not work.

At the most entry level, the only amp I have heard which makes the Dynaudio sing is a Marantz PM-7200 KI (pure class A till 25 watts). I was amazed when I heard this combo. It says something about Marantz design philosophy/prowess. 7200 is not even midfi but Dyns loved it and so did I.

Audience 82, as some people have already suggested is an Elephant. They are even more difficult to drive than some of the Contour and Confidence series speakers. I like the speaker but I dont like the constraint it brings along with it, unreasonable I would say :(.
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So, my post may not have any relevance to OP, just writing because the subject is somewhat known to me.

Ajay, I agree that CA amps can do well with something like a Sonus Faber because SF in general has a warm signature and doesnt require a lot of power. CA is somewhat cold and lean (to my ears), so you can see why it matches with SF. However Dyns are exactly opposite, they are neutral (some people say they are cold, but I dont share that opinion) and they require a very high quality amplification (quantity must be a given). If one has to err, one should err on the warmer side. None of this criteria is fulfilled by the CA amps. Neither are they warm nor are they generously powerful nor are they high quality. Without listening I can guess a Dyn + Cambridge combo would not work.

At the most entry level, the only amp I have heard which makes the Dynaudio sing is a Marantz PM-7200 KI (pure class A till 25 watts). I was amazed when I heard this combo. It says something about Marantz design philosophy/prowess. 7200 is not even midfi but Dyns loved it and so did I.

Audience 82, as some people have already suggested is an Elephant. They are even more difficult to drive than some of the Contour and Confidence series speakers. I like the speaker but I dont like the constraint it brings along with it, unreasonable I would say :(.
I remember reading your posts about the Audience series,after I had bought the Dynaudio 122:sad:
I think you have a good grasp of Dynaudio.Owners looking for amplification advise for Dynaudio can safely go with your recommendations.Having wrestled with the demands of Audience 122 speaker and finally given up,I feel that the Dyn Audience are like a fuel guzzling 5kmpl automobile.Great to ride in,but not worth the money spent on the fuel.Speaker/amp should roughly cost the same but for a Dyn,a satisfactory amp would probably be twice as expensive as the speaker:sad:
Having wrestled with the demands of Audience 122 speaker and finally given up,I feel that the Dyn Audience are like a fuel guzzling 5kmpl automobile.Great to ride in,but not worth the money spent on the fuel.Speaker/amp should roughly cost the same but for a Dyn,a satisfactory amp would probably be twice as expensive as the speaker:sad:

Yea, I understand your point exactly.
But when you want a Dyn then you want a Dyn. Amplification needs to be arranged:ohyeah:.

Interestingly, while Dyns dont do justice to entry level amps, they do justice to high quality amps in spades. It is like having a beautiful girl friend who is a super model, high maintenance is obvious;).
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.