Please indicate your location!


Active Member
May 11, 2007
Mumbai, India
An appeal to new and old members alike.
If you have not already done so, please indicate your location as this greatly helps while making suggestions, etc. This is usually the first question asked when someone asks for information.

To enter your location in your profile, please do the following:
1) Click on "User CP" in the "Site Navigation" box at the left hand side of the page.
2) Next, click on "Enter Your Details" link in the left hand column.
3) Scroll down to the "Additional Information" box.
4) Enter your location in the box titled "Location / Where you live"

Please state in "City, Country" format. If your city is not well known, please feel free to get more specific.

Thank you for your attention. Hope to see more members using this feature.
I have made this field mandatory. If any member has not filled in this field you will be asked to do so when you login.

I hope this helps!
Good decision by Hifivision. It's better that this thread should stay permanently on top in Recent Threads column.
On the subject of a sticky, perhaps it would be good to have a FAQ on amps, speakers, etc. Esp, what info to provide while asking, what to look out for, and maybe even recommendations. It is observed that some questions are asked over and over - can't blame the one asking of course - but perhaps this will help avoid it. I guess most of us are too busy to contribute right away but it could be built up over time.
On the subject of a sticky, perhaps it would be good to have a FAQ on amps, speakers, etc. Esp, what info to provide while asking, what to look out for, and maybe even recommendations. It is observed that some questions are asked over and over - can't blame the one asking of course - but perhaps this will help avoid it. I guess most of us are too busy to contribute right away but it could be built up over time.

Great idea particleman!

Like you said we could have a sticky thread under the various sub-heads (amps, speakers, etc) and we could all contribute over time. Please start the threads under the sub-heads and I will make them stick.

Thank You.
Wrt to the previous discussion. I really like the idea. Many forums (Audioholics for example) do so. Whereas that is an useful feature, that also can reduce the traffic on the site, as a lot of smart visitors would find their answers from there, causing fewer new threads to be created. That would really be wonderful, but once the site becomes really popular and busy. At this point in time, I personally feel, we should not have those threads. Let us wait for hifi and to become popular enough.

My ¢2.
An appeal to new and old members alike.
If you have not already done so, please indicate your location as this greatly helps while making suggestions, etc.

I have made this field mandatory. If any member has not filled in this field you will be asked to do so when you login.

I hope this helps!

Three years down the line, I still find "locationless" members.
Why not redirect at login where location is missing for existing members?
Mandatory but is it still free text? Limit free text to 35 chars?
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@shaiju_o_thomas: Why are you using 'Bombay' instead of 'Mumbai'? I guess Shivsena members are not interested in HiFi. Lucky you are!:lol:
@shaiju_o_thomas: Why are you using 'Bombay' instead of 'Mumbai'? I guess Shivsena members are not interested in HiFi. Lucky you are!:lol:

Am born a "Bombay"ite and will remain so. Too many emotions and fond memories attached. Also miss the days when auto and taxi drivers were all smiles, polite and more "Marathi manoos" than now;)

Take a poll and I am dead sure people want their golden Bombay back. The nostalgia clinging to Bombay is too strong to suppress.

No wonder I loved Kiran Rao's Dhobi Ghat. What's left of Bombay is mostly SoBo (South Bombay).

Political parties have their own reasons. Not fair but to each his own.
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Am born a "Bombay"ite and will remain so. Too many emotions and fond memories attached. .

I dont agree this as original name is/was Mumbai & British changed it.When you did born,it was Mumbai but many followed British name.Why to follow British namestill,Why not accept Indian name?
If Madras is Chennai now,then why cant you aceept this officially?
Yes on personal level you can as its your liking,but in public forum,Mumbai will be appreciated as its Original.:)

To Others: some of the members has mentioned locations which we may not know.Like exact location.
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Bombay is where I was born - 1978. My birth certificate has Bombay. My schooling has Bombay. Me and friends used to play "Business" board game where Bombay and Madras were traded.

Travel to SoBo and you'll appreciate what the Brits did. The pant and shirt are gifts of Brits. Let me guess you don't wear a dhoti. Why would your display name be "spirovious". Doesn't sound anything remotely Indian.

Next what, the official Bharathache Pradhesh-dwaar for Gateway of India? OK, not to get any personal but let things be as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

I am equally a proud Mumbaikar as much I was a Bombayite. This forum gives me freedom to name my location, so I did. In future if I have to select Mumbai, I will do so without hesitation.

Good reading...
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Next what, the official Bharathache Pradhesh-dwaar for Gateway of India? OK, not to get any personal but let things be as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.
Mumbai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thats true,but again its a British make & built by them.There was no other name in Indian language for it.
Now my username has no meaning & it is far from any conclusion.
It may ressemble a virus name :)-

Again its a fashion & we dont call Dhoti as Pants(but stick to its original name)
Any how this forum is a place to share Hifi thoughts & lets stick to it.:)
Many members still do not give their location. Location is very handy while giving suggestions.
Unfortunately it's not followed neither its mandatory (for a correct location). "INDIA", "Rock Am Ring 09", "Moon" are some examples (no wrong intention please!) seen which will not be useful to provide necessary information as informed by the earlier posts by other FM's. Some places even the "location" is not shown in the posts. May be moderators can filter out "noinformation", "wrong information" locations and get them right to better strengthen communication for fellow FM's.
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