Sony BDP-S480 or some other 3D Blu-ray Disc Player?


i can give a quick review based on my experience with it since yesterday

The blu-ray pq is awesome
3d is excellent
audio is much more clear than my earlier lg bd player especially when it comes to music. Surround effects seems to be quite improved in movies. I mean i can feel more surround effects from my ht.
dvd pq is also very very good. infact no issues with the a/v quality at all & in terms of quality output it is awesome
great thing is when flac files are renamed to .mp3 it plays them. it shows the bit rate of 1.5mbps when playing it :yahoo:

Few issues faced as below
few mkv/mp4 files couldnt be playback which could in my lg bd player
if you have large no of folders in your usb then navigating across entire folders is bit slow. i think as soon as you plug the usb, it starts scanning entire contents & takes time to load
the above issues still do not seem a problem to me as i can format my hdd & create few folders & future software updates can take care of the issues.

Big pain is that it is not displaying subtitles for most of the movies played from usb. It does displays subtitles when playing bd/dvd. I cannot also say that it doesnt supports .srt subtitles as for few movies it is showing subtitles but for most of them it doesnt. Majority i have .srt files & few are .sub files but they were all showed in my lg bd player.
flacs renamed to mp3 is a good alternative to play them, my sammy bluray also does the same way

for external sub like srt files, make sure you name the srt file same as video file and they are both in same folder, but even my bluray player does not show sub many a times, you needs to get a proper media player like himedia on which every subtitle is shown also you can adjust their look and feel, font size placement etc which is quite handy

slow bowsing with many folders again not only your bdplayer issue

and for many mkv and mp4 not played, I already mentioned that sammy is the best in codec support, sony is poor but one thing sony can do which sammy cannot is it can play a 3D file from usb, you ask the retailer to give you their demo sony 3D file on a usb then u try playing it, its amazing

good to know you enjoying ur player :) yeah sony PQ is quite impressive

and what was the price you got it for ?
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ya the file names are already the same. it were all played good in my earlier lg bd player. my software of bd player is completely updated. when it comes to large folders, lg bd player is too much faster than any other bd player. codec support is still ok as it happens only with few of them & i can plug them in my tv's usb port which could play it. i have side by side 3d file played from usb & yes the output was quite awesome...excellent than lg bd player (it wasnt 3d but i guess side by side can be played by a 2d media player as well)
hi,got it for my lg player, when listening to music, i could navigate to upper and other folders seeing other files n thn can play other file...however in sony now when playing musoc if i try to navigate to upper folders, it stops the current music file n thn only allows u to navigate...i guess same is with samsung also?
it allows to browser the album songs while playing one track

I anyways use my phone to stream music using dlna than playing directly
when i play a 3d movie...the 3d light in my denon avr doesnt per denon's manual it will light when 3d movie isplayed. Any clues...3d is frame packed
first up get a 3d HDMI cable , belkin has good one , and does ur TV detects the 3D signal ? if so then dont worry about AVR showing it or not, its imp ur TV should detect the 3D signal
my tv does detects it as soon as the 3d movie is started & ask to put on the 3d glasses :) but denon manual says that the 3d light will glowup which isnt :sad:
ya I mean high speed HDMI cable, many a times normal HDMI does not work with 3D blurays, belkin has a high speed cable specially for 3D hence they call it 3D HDMI cable

i can give a quick review based on my experience with it since yesterday

The blu-ray pq is awesome
3d is excellent
audio is much more clear than my earlier lg bd player especially when it comes to music. Surround effects seems to be quite improved in movies. I mean i can feel more surround effects from my ht.
dvd pq is also very very good. infact no issues with the a/v quality at all & in terms of quality output it is awesome
great thing is when flac files are renamed to .mp3 it plays them. it shows the bit rate of 1.5mbps when playing it :yahoo:

Few issues faced as below
few mkv/mp4 files couldnt be playback which could in my lg bd player
if you have large no of folders in your usb then navigating across entire folders is bit slow. i think as soon as you plug the usb, it starts scanning entire contents & takes time to load
the above issues still do not seem a problem to me as i can format my hdd & create few folders & future software updates can take care of the issues.

Big pain is that it is not displaying subtitles for most of the movies played from usb. It does displays subtitles when playing bd/dvd. I cannot also say that it doesnt supports .srt subtitles as for few movies it is showing subtitles but for most of them it doesnt. Majority i have .srt files & few are .sub files but they were all showed in my lg bd player.

I tried renaming flac files as .mp3 but my bdp ( sony s485) refused to recognise them on the usb drive.Is there any trick that I am missing?
hi canchi,

i am using the updated software version which i am sure you should have also upgraded to it..but i just renamed the .flac to .mp3 & it works pretty well

if you are renaming them from a windows based computer (esp windows vista/7), try setup the option 'hide extensions for known file types' in view tab of folders & search option which can be opened by clicking on organize dropdown when you have any of the folder open & when this option is set it will show the extension names for all files..& then rename your flac files to .mp3 so that they look as music1.mp3....i mean without the above option set you accidentally dont end up renaming files as music1.mp3.flac...hope you got the point
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