what to buy from all of these?


Mar 8, 2009
I want to move to the next level of hi-end music quality. i can spend abt 8-10K only right now.

i will be primarily listening from my PC only currently. and occasionally using creative zen as source.
I own Sennheiser HD212 Pro and Altec Lansing 621 speakers.

Things I have shortlisted
1. Asus Xonar Essence STX soundcard (currently on onboard audio)
2. Audioengine 2 (havent heard these though, and wont get any chance to audition them)
btw, wats the difference between AE2 and AE5, is it only the output, cos i have a small room, so i dont require a large/loud output.
3. any other speakers that fit in my budget. speakers that i can see within my budget... Roland MA-7A Reference Speakers, M-Audio Studiophile AV20 Monitor Speaker, Behringer MS20 24-bit / 192 kHz Digital 20W Near Field Monitors, Behringer 1C Ultra-Compact Monitor Speaker (cheapest).

I would love to go for the xonar + AE2, but right now i can buy one of the two only.

as I said, I have a small room about 10 x 10 only, so dont require large output, cos buying higher rated speakers and playing them at 10% of their volume does not make good sense.

Mostly it will be for music (pop, rock, R&B, Hip-Hop, Rap, techno/dance, orchestra) and occasionally for movies.
I like my music with good amount of clarity and detail with a punchy but adequate bass. Too much bass puts me off (my senns have too much bass, thankfully i got a crossroads headphone amp, which provided some clarity in music).
Price of SC is much Higher 20k?
D2X is available for 11.5k on ebay.

I agree with the above posters, you want to firm up your source first and that means upgrading your sound card. This will be much better than the stock audio card. Your next purchase esp. if you save over some months can be an A5. There is no rush - the journey is as exciting as the destination in thsi hobby.
Price of SC is much Higher 20k?
D2X is available for 11.5k on ebay.

Per ROC card is sold via Rashi Peripherals and he got it for 8K. This is the Asus Essence STX I am talking about. Even taking variations into consideration it will still be under 10K. I was traveling last week so could not shop for it. Will pick it up this week. Don't know much about Ebay, have never shopped there.
Per ROC card is sold via Rashi Peripherals and he got it for 8K. This is the Asus Essence STX I am talking about. Even taking variations into consideration it will still be under 10K. I was traveling last week so could not shop for it. Will pick it up this week. Don't know much about Ebay, have never shopped there.

it costs just 8k....darn cheap i say, for the output it gives.

it can be bought online from here

im waiting for my local distributor to get it. first time when i asked him for it, he said there is no product with this name. now he says he will check from mumbai. if i get a very high price here then i will buy it from the above linked site.

I have no experience of buying from this place, but i havent heard any negative reviews about it either.

also saw here
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A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.