TV Buying Guide - LED (LCD) or Plasma

Hi, earlier I would not have recommended the X series since they go right down the series. However, things have now changed with the new 2012 line up and the X50 now sports a new brighter panel and is very good value for money. However, please always demo the tv before finalizing. Play SD and HD content and then make the final decision.
Panasonic TC-P50XT50 Review - 720p 3D Capable 50" Plasma TV TCP50XT50

Dear Aakashr,

XT50 is costlier than X50. I'm looking for 42X50D & not 42XT50D.., Can you provide details about 42X50D. Thanks.
Guys, Why fight over "plasma vs. LCD/LED"? Let people choose what they like.

But I agree with one point ... the first post should have been more objective. It started with "When you should buy a plasma?" and it should have ended with "When you should buy an LCD/LED?"
In Plasma there are small glass tube filled with inert gas which produce a particular peak frequency of light visible to human it produce more accurate color. Now at very early stage of LED evolution scientist use various metal combination with a particular bandgap which produce a peak frequency light but with some lower peak of other frequencies also like a color band. But recent R&D on LED actually are able to produce more accurate color i.e a particular frequency light by varying ratio of different metal used LEDs thus minimizing unnecessary different energy level which tend to produce lower peak LEDs now produce accurate color with controllable brightness.
Plasma is not a old technology per say but it has reached its saturation level in case of R& can put those small tube differently but there are a few elements in periodic table which are used inside those tubes...unless companies come with some new element themselves.
But most amazing thing about LED is that you can use various metal in different ratio to get correct light..and there are a lot of possible metal in periodic table(that means a lot due to permutation of those numbers) which can be used for LED.
A new era is rising due to OLED. It is nothing but two organic material(tris (8-hydroxy-quinolinato)aluminium and diamine sandwiched between Mg/Ag cathode and ITO anode along with a glass substrate. OLED has excellent emissive quality thus will produce even more accurate color.
There is a lot of R&D still remaining for LED and OLED due to more and more organic materials are proven to be useful and bunch of other metals are getting used for LED arebut plasma research will gonna end soon cause there is no other way to make a change in case of plasma.
My Vote goes to Panasonic Plasmas - not because CNET gives them the best ratings - but because they come with a 3 year warranty. just an hour back the samsung engineer gave me news that my LCD panel is thats 76K invested 3 years back down the drain.

So except for some dedicated videophiles with deep I realize one very big consideration while considering buying a TV is total cost over the lifetime.. who cares about blackest blacks and size zero tvs if they can go kaput in 2-3 years time with no warranty to back on.:mad:
Guys, Why fight over "plasma vs. LCD/LED"? Let people choose what they like.

But I agree with one point ... the first post should have been more objective. It started with "When you should buy a plasma?" and it should have ended with "When you should buy an LCD/LED?"

Dear just4kix,
I want to emphasis once again tat the first post is not a comparison which one is better / superior. The Main intention is to wipe-off the Myths about plasma/LED & bring-in the real facts. I too agree on the fact tat i would not end it properly & i too feel now tat the first post is little defending the plasma from LCDs/LEDs. :indifferent14::indifferent14:
Thank You all for being part of this thread!!!
Dear just4kix,
I want to emphasis once again tat the first post is not a comparison which one is better / superior. The Main intention is to wipe-off the Myths about plasma/LED & bring-in the real facts. I too agree on the fact tat i would not end it properly & i too feel now tat the first post is little defending the plasma from LCDs/LEDs. :indifferent14::indifferent14:
Thank You all for being part of this thread!!!
That is perfectly fine. I was also not thinking in terms of comparison. God knows, there are enough threads all over the web on plasma vs. LCD. My suggestion is just to guide some indecisive people to a guided decision. Perhaps you can add a new post on the remaining part.

Actually, I am also in a indecisive phase. I have put off my flat screen TV purchase for nearly two years. I am totally convinced of the plasma benefits/advantages. But my hall wall (where I intend to install the unit) is 90 to a large window and hence there will be lot of reflection. My HT room is separate and I am not intending to put any TV over there. My main source in the hall will be DTH. I have a budget of Rs. 100,000 to 120,000 so the 50ST30/50ST50 or Samsung 46" 6 Series, LG 46" 6700, etc. will fit in. But I am worried about the reflections part. Large/thick ceiling-to-floor drapes should do the job. But I am still not convinced. Problem is no one I know owns a plasma - all are in the LCD/LED camp.

So here I am - I advise others to go for plasma but I am myself confused. :(
That is perfectly fine. I was also not thinking in terms of comparison. God knows, there are enough threads all over the web on plasma vs. LCD. My suggestion is just to guide some indecisive people to a guided decision. Perhaps you can add a new post on the remaining part.

Actually, I am also in a indecisive phase. I have put off my flat screen TV purchase for nearly two years. I am totally convinced of the plasma benefits/advantages. But my hall wall (where I intend to install the unit) is 90 to a large window and hence there will be lot of reflection. My HT room is separate and I am not intending to put any TV over there. My main source in the hall will be DTH. I have a budget of Rs. 100,000 to 120,000 so the 50ST30/50ST50 or Samsung 46" 6 Series, LG 46" 6700, etc. will fit in. But I am worried about the reflections part. Large/thick ceiling-to-floor drapes should do the job. But I am still not convinced. Problem is no one I know owns a plasma - all are in the LCD/LED camp.

So here I am - I advise others to go for plasma but I am myself confused. :(

+1 for reflecting things in my mind.., Let me join your "Club of confused geeks".
Q: Why we are here (in this forum)?
A: We like to hear others opinion on our decision before buying just to avoid moments like "Oops! i should hv bought tat, no no tat one, no no the other one"....
I beg to differ with Kaushik...........I don't want to start a plasma vs LED discussion here, there are plenty on the forum. However, would like to further highlight what Longshanks has touched fully understand why and how LED/LCD are always trying to get to or surpass the reference levels on Plasma, it becomes necessary to know the facts right, which would mean knowing how Pioneer Kuro, Panasonic and Sharp have come into play and what role do they play.

Also, I don't know if many are aware but recently they had a 2012 shoot out to determine the BEST tv in the world amongst all the available technologies to be crowned the "King of HDTV". So I am talking about the BEST from Samsung, Panasonic, Lg, etc. This was also hosted by a very senior and respected person who is a guru in the field.......Dr Weber. Guess what were the will SURPRISE you :), have a look :
ValueElectronics - Plasma/LCD/LED TVs, Audio Systems and Custom A/V Install
I rest my case............

@aakashr... nice post... without getting into any controversy, you just pointed out .. who's the boss. :)

I was doing some online research on HDTVs (nothing technically... just looking for the specs :)). I found all experts around the globe appreciated plasma more than LCD (or LED).

Above all, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.... :)
That is perfectly fine. I was also not thinking in terms of comparison. God knows, there are enough threads all over the web on plasma vs. LCD. My suggestion is just to guide some indecisive people to a guided decision. Perhaps you can add a new post on the remaining part.

Actually, I am also in a indecisive phase. I have put off my flat screen TV purchase for nearly two years. I am totally convinced of the plasma benefits/advantages. But my hall wall (where I intend to install the unit) is 90 to a large window and hence there will be lot of reflection. My HT room is separate and I am not intending to put any TV over there. My main source in the hall will be DTH. I have a budget of Rs. 100,000 to 120,000 so the 50ST30/50ST50 or Samsung 46" 6 Series, LG 46" 6700, etc. will fit in. But I am worried about the reflections part. Large/thick ceiling-to-floor drapes should do the job. But I am still not convinced. Problem is no one I know owns a plasma - all are in the LCD/LED camp.

So here I am - I advise others to go for plasma but I am myself confused. :(

I'm convinced about the benefits of the plasma technology. However not able to make my mind, for the last month or so, as far as buying plasma tv is concerned. The main reason for it is, there are two big windows in my living/dining area opposite to the wall where my new tv would be installed. While drapes take care of covering the windows. I don't think, I can keep the dining area window covered all the time when we are watching tv. Not sure how big a problem that would be.
Some say plasma is a saturated technology. For me, it also means it's a mature technology. And no matter what tv you buy (lcd/plasma) and no matter how much you spend on it, 5 years down the line, when OLED or some other superior technology becomes mainstream, you'll feel the urge of replacing this TV. So why not go for the tv which is the most value for your money now (E.g. biggest screen that you can get for the money, PQ)?
I'm convinced about the benefits of the plasma technology. However not able to make my mind, for the last month or so, as far as buying plasma tv is concerned. The main reason for it is, there are two big windows in my living/dining area opposite to the wall where my new tv would be installed. While drapes take care of covering the windows. I don't think, I can keep the dining area window covered all the time when we are watching tv. Not sure how big a problem that would be.

What would you have done in case your room didnt have any windows for direct sunlight...
I'm convinced about the benefits of the plasma technology. However not able to make my mind, for the last month or so, as far as buying plasma tv is concerned. The main reason for it is, there are two big windows in my living/dining area opposite to the wall where my new tv would be installed. While drapes take care of covering the windows. I don't think, I can keep the dining area window covered all the time when we are watching tv. Not sure how big a problem that would be.

If you love movies , go for plasma because Plasma is

1. suitable for movies which have very dynamic content( over both time and space)
2. suitable technology for 3D because plasma can switch faster than LCD/LED and 3D movies requires 100 frames / second compared to 50 frames /sec for 2D.
3.Larger the screen size, more you enjoy the movie ! . Plasmas are cheaper than LED/ LCD for size above 42".

Now 2012 Plasmas are brighter so I hope open windows wont be that much problem because I saw Plasmas (2011) in show rooms which are over lit, still doing justice.
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For people who still feel Plasma is dead and LCD/LED can be better than Plasma is terms of overall picture quality, panasonic scores...........yet again!!! :

Best picture quality: Panasonic TC-PVT50 series
In a year when the first two big-screen OLED TVs are hitting the market and the best LCD to date will likely have an even better successor, Panasonic's VT50 plasma still has the best flat-panel picture you can buy -- for now. Its black-level performance, shadow detail, color accuracy, and bright-room picture quality outdo the competition. Read the full review.
Runners up/challengers: The only other TVs to ever score a "10" in this category are the Sharp Elite LCD and, yes, that hoary veteran, the Pioneer Kuro (circa 2008). Four 2012 TVs, the Panasonic GT50 and ST50, as well as the Samsung PNE6500 and PNE8000 earned a "9." All are plasmas; the highest score from an LCD so far is the "8" from Sony's HX850. Those oft-mentioned OLED TVs are again potential "10"s, as is the next (as yet unannounced) Sharp Elite.

source : Imperfect 10s: Best TVs for design, features, picture quality, and value | TV and Home Theater - CNET Reviews
Please read this article first...LCD TV Shipment Growth to Improve in 2012, Driven by 40 and Larger Sizes - DisplaySearch I'm totally supporting that plasma is suitable for best pic quality but what I'm saying is plasma research is now saturated i.e. no improvment gonna happen there in core every product life cycle this technology is in saturation.
You can see how crts have phased have made some awesome crts which last more than 10-15 yrs parents have two sony crts for over 8 yrs now..still awesome pic quality. Now suppose if any crt goes kaput sony still can repair the circuit board but if pic tube goes wrong they will say to throw away the tv.

aakashr when I asked for suggestion to buy a tv in this forum you suggested to look for plasma cause for me pic quality is superior. Don't you think I didn't checked pana plasma..I chose a showroom which got plasma/led of top brands. I went to the showroom around 2 pm and the showroom was lit with only natural tubes etc. What I noticed that plasma pic colors are actually washed out pretty much..where leds color are accurate. My tv is in dinning room so maybe it's not possible to dim the light there to get most out of plasma.

If panasonic still gonna make pdp for atleast 5yrs then it's fine to buy a plasma cause they still can replace the panel if something goes wrong.
But with global market trend it's better to buy a led for now..just my opinion. Most people prefer led for these reasons-
1.Future proof technology.
2.color is accurate in moderate/high lit room.
3.Best energy efficient of all tvs.
Please read this article first...LCD TV Shipment Growth to Improve in 2012, Driven by 40 and Larger Sizes - DisplaySearch I'm totally supporting that plasma is suitable for best pic quality but what I'm saying is plasma research is now saturated i.e. no improvment gonna happen there in core every product life cycle this technology is in saturation.
You can see how crts have phased have made some awesome crts which last more than 10-15 yrs parents have two sony crts for over 8 yrs now..still awesome pic quality. Now suppose if any crt goes kaput sony still can repair the circuit board but if pic tube goes wrong they will say to throw away the tv.

aakashr when I asked for suggestion to buy a tv in this forum you suggested to look for plasma cause for me pic quality is superior. Don't you think I didn't checked pana plasma..I chose a showroom which got plasma/led of top brands. I went to the showroom around 2 pm and the showroom was lit with only natural tubes etc. What I noticed that plasma pic colors are actually washed out pretty much..where leds color are accurate. My tv is in dinning room so maybe it's not possible to dim the light there to get most out of plasma.

If panasonic still gonna make pdp for atleast 5yrs then it's fine to buy a plasma cause they still can replace the panel if something goes wrong.
But with global market trend it's better to buy a led for now..just my opinion. Most people prefer led for these reasons-
1.Future proof technology.
2.color is accurate in moderate/high lit room.
3.Best energy efficient of all tvs.
I do not understand what is "future proof"? IMHO, there is no such thing.

In theory, the life of a plasma panel is 100,000 hrs. This means 34 years @ 8 hours everyday. Even if assumed that panel life is half as much, it is still 17 years! LED/LCD panels have a smaller life span but even they will last a good 8/10 years. But if the panel goes bad because of any reason, there is no hope (as it happened to another member here - owner of Samsung 5 series). You will throw away the TV whether LED or plasma. And why? Simply because there is no point paying 50-60% of the price of a new TV.

Actually, I would say to everyone, read any number of reviews you want (and they will confuse you even more), finally trust your eyes and instinct. Buy what you like.

In spite of the various plasma praises, people may still like the LED. For instance, many people are deeply impressed with vivid/saturated colours than the natural colours of plasma. This is where they feel that plasma has "washed out colours". Again, most are not really affected or concerned about "real blacks". They think that whatever black is shown on LCD (leave alone locally dimmed LEDs) is good enough.

The bottom line seems to be:

LED/LCD for: brightly lit rooms, mostly cable/DTH, soap operas, drama, sexier look and feel, lower power consumption, sizes 40" or smaller, good PQ, etc.

Plasma for: low lit rooms or where ambient light can be controlled, mostly movies/sports, excellent PQ, near instantaneous response time, sizes 50" or more, etc.
Can any plasma owner confirm that their tvs will last more than 10 yrs without any under this prediction it's not fair to comment on LED longevity.
And I am very scrupulous about black..I mostly see BD and use THX optimizer to achieve perfect black level..I can tell you that I don't see any brownish tint where a deep black scene is displayed(like in dark knight BD most action scenes are occurring in low light).
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The days of long ownership are on the bane. Nowadays, people change gadgets every 5 years or so, if not earlier. The example I gave was just for academic interest. And I also said that LED/LCD panels have a long life too, albeit lesser than plasma. Flat panel TVs have become affordable only in the last 5 years or so.

But to answer your question, I know a friend in UK who has been owner of a plasma from 2004 to 2009. I knew him in 2009. I have lost touch now and I very much expect that he has moved on since then. I doubt whether there are any owners with 10 years old model.

Please understand that I am not against LED. I will say again, "buy what appeals to self".
I share the same sentiment but it seems the name of this thread should be Tv Buying Guide-Plasma and why not LED. Every one should buy a tv as per their choice only(ofcourse they can seek advice from experienced members here).
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