Best Mid -Hi end Home theatre setup?


New Member
May 13, 2013
Hi am upgrading from a Yamaha 2700, Hitachi HD ready projector and want a system that can handle my Def techs (7002, CLR 2500 etc.) and provide a panamorphic image and upscales to 4K.

I am contemplating between a PANASONIC PT AE 8000EA, BENq 7000, EPSON TW 8100 and SONY VPL HW50ES/B. WHich is best for 4K, 3D and viewing in a room during day time as well. (with moderate light through shades)

For the Amplifier, is the YAMAHA all right or am I just getting a bout of upgraditis?? Is the DENON AVR 3313, MARANTZ AV 8801, ONKYO TX-NR 1010,PIONEER SC LX-86

I have a budget but nothing over a couple of lakhs. Experts in the field are selling higher end solutions to me that r all 10 lakh plus and I cant afford.
My budget is between 2-4 lakhs in total!! I think that should be enough but I am being told try Runco and Optima as projectors etc.
I am contemplating between a PANASONIC PT AE 8000EA, BENq 7000, EPSON TW 8100 and SONY VPL HW50ES/B. WHich is best for 4K, 3D and viewing in a room during day time as well. (with moderate light through shades)

I have a budget but nothing over a couple of lakhs. Experts in the field are selling higher end solutions to me that r all 10 lakh plus and I cant afford.

Your mentioned list of projectors are not 4K projector.
EPSON & BENQ are light canons + Grey screens will help in moderate light.

I am also working on Mid Range with 3L budget.

My Thread:

This may help you some extent.
My budget is between 2-4 lakhs in total!! I think that should be enough but I am being told try Runco and Optima as projectors etc.

I guess everyone's definition of high end is different. Btw, Runco and optoma are in very different price categories. Okay so here is my 2 pennies.

Do not yet ditch the yam 2700. Afaik, it does all the modern audio formats.(except 3d) This will give you more money for the Rest of the chain.

For projector look at epson 6100/8100. This will give you 3d and a bright picture at a budget. Enough threads on both.

To "clean" up the yam sound, look at a 2 channel power amp for the front. That will take a load of the yam, and it will sound better at higher volumes.

Now for the 3d. There are enough 3d bd players that have 2hdmi outs. Connect one to the project directly for 3d and the other to the yam for the hd audio. Sound manage a considerable improvement in your budget.

As far as 4k is concerned. Defer. Not enough source material / players. And no standard has yet emerged (wait for Hdmi 2 at least). Enough people who got stuck with mega TAS with 1080i and analogue inputs which came before the Hdmi standard.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.