The Giveaway Thread

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@Krishna Sir ,
Thank you for the DVD's .Received today afternoon in Military grade packing.
Superb and scrathless DVD's .Thank you for taking efforts for this giveaway.


Such a good collection I don't think i will be able to giveaway them to other FM'S :D

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Krishna thanks a lot for the DVDs. Just reached home and found your packet on my table. I appreciate this gesture of yours. If I thank u a thousand times it will still be less.
Received the DVDs with impeccable packing yesterday. Thanks a ton hydrovac. I intend to give them away after a couple of months of listening. Am getting my arsenal ready for my new speakers :)
Up for giveaway is this vintage Heathkit Solid State Amplifier AA-14. I also do have the schematics and original documentation used to build this Amplifier.

Current Condition - This is in semi working order. One of the channels has low output. It also needs to warm up a bit before play. I reckon this needs a recap and some internal cleaning.

Looking at a DIY enthusiast you would like to take this and bring this to its original glory. I request a review at the end of it :).

Prefer a local Bangalore pickup however if an FM is really enthusiastic about this I can ship but I request if the taker can bear courier charges.

Interested please write in....



Thanks for the acknowledging the receipt,

Another request received thru PM. Reserving the rest of the DVDs for kaptan.

*Keith Jarrett Trio Concert
*Pat Metheny Group Imaginary Day Live
*Bob Marley Live In Central Park
*The Blues Brothers

All the music DVDs have been successfully distributed.

Few English DVD titles remaining:

I have 15 Nos. rare chubby triple assembled CD cases, twice as thick as standard jewel case, middle swing tray can hold artwork.
Size: 5 1/2" X 4 3/4" X 7/8" (Thickness)

And some jewel cases with art work. No CDs inside.;)

May I have the triple assembled CD cases if nobody else wants them?

By the way, I have seen almost all the DVDs and will be soon shipping some of those to those who had shown interest earlier. :-)
Hi Krishna,

I would like to have the triple assembled CD cases and the jewel cases, as many as you would give to one person, thanks.
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Ah, Shivam beat me to the triple assembled CD cases!!
Maybe we can share??

Hey Shivam, which DVDs do you have in mind?
Continuing with the great gesture that Mr.Krishna (Hydrovac) started with the give away, here are the set of 5 DVDs which I received from him and ready for the giveaway for other interested FMs. In the same spirit of Krishna I will ship it to the FMs place through DTDC courier shipping on me :)

1. 7300 words...Adnan Sami (Greatest Hits) DVD
2. Divas Las Vegas Young Divas
3. Billy Cobham's Culture Mix
4. Joe Cocker Live
5. Sade Lovers Live

I have watched all and enjoyed them and now passing to some other FMs who might be interested to take it up with the same spirit. Hats-off to Hydrovac for bringing the Indian spirit back of giving to others :clapping:
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.