HELP ME !! Panasonic 60S60 HDMI gone bad in 3 months, not fixed in over 6 weeks.


Active Member
Jan 26, 2010
I had bought the Panasonic 60S60 Plasma after reading about it here from the Panasonic brand shop in Bhopal, in March 2014, its HDMI Port stopped working towards July end when I filled a complaint to Panasonic Complaint No: PI-ASC-1407-174***. (Can be provided on request). The Panasonic Engineer came by the next day, had a look at the set and told me that the HDMI board needed to be replaced, and he needed to order the same. All that happened in July itself, he told me he would take a copy of the bill from the Panasonic Brand Shop as I spoke to them directly with him being present. All all that was fine.

Now, its September 5. I knew this would take atleast 2-3 weeks so I was patient. But now I am running out of patience. Panasonic Call center, just tells me they will arrange a call back from their seniors and they cant do anything, this is after I have called them maybe 4 times a day over the last 3 days. Also sent them an email, for this matter but I have not gotten any reply form them either. The TV is not even 6 months old when this issue occurred, and now they cant even give me a timeline or a proper reply.

They have even banned me from posting on their FB page.

I would just like to know what can I as a customer do in this case? Is there anything else I can do? I would like to send Panasonic an official mail form my lawyer is the only thing I can do next. They just act dumb over the phone, and my emails are un-answered.

Also, I know for a fact that Panasonic is not gonna be making anything to do with a plasma anymore, hence I am not sure if they are even gonna fix my TV or being in India honor my warranty. Please let me know what can be done in such a case.

Thank you for all your help.

PS. This is the second TV of Panasonic that has gone bad on my first being the P42V20D, but that was fixed within 4 weeks. I know I will never be getting another Panasonic though they made lovely TV's just not worth the hassle.:sad:
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Maybe this is out of context here but would like to add my 2 cents worth.
These multinationals are taking us for a ride,fully knowing that our system is so inept that they can getaway with it . I had a very painful experience with Whirlpool. They simply washed their hands off, after failing to repair my Microwave Oven,which was under AMC,saying the model is outdated and parts are no longer available.They simply stopped taking my phone calls or anwering my emails. They know that even if I approach a Consumer Forum,it will take ages to get a verdict . They have the means to go to the highest authority , at the national level,and we may have our constraints for such a long battle as an individual.
Take a refund specially what if HDMI they replace go kaput again. Or get their LED as replacement. Conservative approach! If you are aggressive and love the plasma TV, stick around and post on FB, Write to Senior Leadership and send them a letter.
I had bought the Panasonic 60S60 Plasma after reading about it here from the Panasonic brand shop in Bhopal, in March 2014, its HDMI Port stopped working towards July end when I filled a complaint to Panasonic Complaint No: PI-ASC-1407-174***. (Can be provided on request). The Panasonic Engineer came by the next day, had a look at the set and told me that the HDMI board needed to be replaced, and he needed to order the same. All that happened in July itself, he told me he would take a copy of the bill from the Panasonic Brand Shop as I spoke to them directly with him being present. All all that was fine.

Now, its September 5. I knew this would take atleast 2-3 weeks so I was patient. But now I am running out of patience. Panasonic Call center, just tells me they will arrange a call back from their seniors and they cant do anything, this is after I have called them maybe 4 times a day over the last 3 days. Also sent them an email, for this matter but I have not gotten any reply form them either. The TV is not even 6 months old when this issue occurred, and now they cant even give me a timeline or a proper reply.

They have even banned me from posting on their FB page.

I would just like to know what can I as a customer do in this case? Is there anything else I can do? I would like to send Panasonic an official mail form my lawyer is the only thing I can do next. They just act dumb over the phone, and my emails are un-answered.

Also, I know for a fact that Panasonic is not gonna be making anything to do with a plasma anymore, hence I am not sure if they are even gonna fix my TV or being in India honor my warranty. Please let me know what can be done in such a case.

Thank you for all your help.

PS. This is the second TV of Panasonic that has gone bad on my first being the P42V20D, but that was fixed within 4 weeks. I know I will never be getting another Panasonic though they made lovely TV's just not worth the hassle.:sad:

@nanu, there is no need for you to worry,just tell them that if the issue is not resolved within say 15 days you will be moving the hon.distt donsumer forum,record their response if possible, dont worry if its not, but you ll have to make sure you have all the documentary evidence to support your claim along with the requests you made to the what you have to do is draft a notice as per the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act(you can search the internet for a model draft) and send the same to the panasonic service head and direct a copy to the regional office in your region through registered post only and keep the receipt and copy of the notice as proof.chances are you wont have to go any further than that,beleive me it has happened thrice for me and has worked every time.dont be disheartened if this also does not work,you can move the district consumer forum after the notice period. if what you claim is right,and have the documents to substantiate your claim,you will most likely get a favourable verdict, thats if the company doesnt settle for a compromise.consumer forums are special courts with usually three judge members who have a wide range of experience in dealing with issues like this and have the power to award damages/compensation in case of mental agony over and above the claim amount, also the entire process usually takes less than a year.lets not give up our hopes on the judicial process as yet...hope this helps..will be happy to reply in case you have anymore queries.
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I did receive a call from them last week, but they just told me that they will call me next week, by the 11 or the 12th. If nothing happens today I will be starting the legal process thru my lawyer and will register a complaint against Panasonic in The consumer court.
Thanks alot.
Got an email and call form them today:

Dear Mr. Sharma,

Good Morning !!!

This has reference to the below mail regarding performance of your Plasma.

At the outset, please accept our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused to you.

As discussed with you, we have got the confirmation from our service team that they arranging the part required for repair of your product.

It will be resolved by tomorrow or Monday.We will get back to you on Monday for the confirmation.

With Regards,

Customer Service
Panasonic India Private Limited
Website: Panasonic India
Helpline:1800 108 1333 ;1800 103 1333 hopefully by Monday it should be fixed.
The Panasonic Service guy called me. He has told me he has got the part and if could come in today to fix it.
Today I am gonna be out for the weekend and have told him to come on Moday to do the repair.

He has also informed me that he has gotten a msg form Panasonic. That should he not be able to get it fixed, then I shall get a full refund from Panasonic, incase the do not have the same set for replacement.

Nonetheless, I am just gonna get it fixed and stick with it. I quite like the set.
That is a happy ending. Thank you for sharing your Panasonic experience.

Yes the TV has been fixed.

I really dont see I should be happy, Happy Ending maybe. BUt have 2 months of agony? I feel this is too long a turn around time to get a TV fixed. I have a hotel so it was easy for me to use another set for the mean time, but I can't imagine a customer who used this is their ONLY TV and never had it working for around 2 months?

But nonetheless, it is fixed now, and I am content, not really happy though, just content.
all's well that end's well.i still feel you should have taken a full refund if they were ready for it though,but thats just
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