Journey of a fellow Audiophile.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2012
Hello Guys,

I wanted to share my experiences on a fellow audiophile's Journey. I have had the privilege of listening to all the gear he has got and he only recently allowed me to post the photographs of his gear. Some fellow FM members also had a chance to listen to this setup when we went over once.

Here are the Pics.

I hope this will help others buying same or similar gear.

When I met him he was just getting into serious gear, He was using focals before.
He was convinced that Tubes bring out the best character in music so most of
his gear is mainly tube or hybrid.

Setup 1.

Cadence amaya Speakers
Cadence Canasya Amps.
Conrad Johnson ART Preamp
and the source was Meridian 808.

This setup was the first tube setup to impress me with HF detail. I am always of the opinion that Tubes do not reveal enough of the HF for the true details to come thru. Tubes do have the advantage of being very good at midrange.

This setup had the details that you would normally expect from a SS setup but without the SS fatigue when playing music with a lot of HF.

I liked the Midrange and LF in this setup very much. I bet anyone who has heard amaya would rave about the purity of the voice in classical ragas with their ElectroStatic Drivers. On the downside I felt that they are not the best for listening to modern AR Rehman , synthesised or DJ style music.

Setup 2. Pantheon+Canasya+ART+Meridian

He felt that since speakers are the ones which generate the sound and the ones you have the closest relationship with and the ones that last the longest, the first upgrade should be that.

Enter the Siltech Pantheon. These are the best speakers I have ever heard (Ive heard MBL, Focal Grand Utopia, Wilson, Magicos etc at showrooms and audio shows), These are the only speakers that have almost 5.1 style imaging when you sit in the sweet spot. It's amazing how some sounds appear to come from the back when playing a stereo track. You have to hear them to believe them. Although every high end speakers have a unique excellence to them, I assume imaging is the one for the Pantheons. They made only 39 pairs of them globally. I read that have used advanced aeronautical simulation software to design the cabinet.
6moons industryfeatures: Siltech's Pantheon 25

Setup 3. Pantheon+Canasya+ART+Esoteric P02 D02 G01

Next came the Source, For the source he got a three piece system from Esoteric . This was the first time I saw and heard Esoteric gear. There was a CD transport (P02) and a DAC (D02), the ones we are used to , but to squeeze out that extra bit of detail he went ahead and got the Clock (G01).

The Clock is a unit that looks like a DAC but generates a Reference clock signal that the transport and the DAC lock on to so that the clock does not have to be regenerated in the DAC. When there are two clocks one inside the DAC and one in the CD Transport ,it seems they might go out of sync. There are articles online about how these work.

This was a big step up from the Meridian. The resolution was ultimate best with wide sound stage & excellent tonal details. Especially the vocals were alive, didnt feel like i was hearing through speakers. I could feel the layers of sound very clearly. The build quality of the esoterics is exceptional with machined aluminum chassis.

Setup 4. Pantheon+Siltech SET Reference Monoblock+ART+Esoteric P02 D02 G01

Now came the time to upgrade the power amp, for this he chose the Siltech SET Reference.

100 Watt Pure Class A Tube (per channel)
Pure Silver winding Transformers
Operation in Zero Feedback or Feedback Mode (switchable)

The Pantheons are huge speakers you would hardly expect a pure Tube amp to power them. The canasya are atleast Hybrid, so they were able to manage. i honestly thought that a SET amp is only for single driver speakers, because previously i have heard unison research reference 845. so when i went to hear the siltech SET amps, i was thinking that these amps wouldnt be able to drive such huge drivers of the pantheons. But to my pleasant surprise i found them to be extraordinary, with perfect PRAT, decay was longer & drove the pantheons without a sweat. I bet you would very rarely see speakers this huge being driven by Class A SET amps. This is truly next level.
Only 12 amps ever made globally. it is a collectors item & lives upto its reputation. Stunning to look at too.

Setup 5.
Pantheon+Siltech SE Reference Monoblock+ART+Esoteric P02 D02 G01
Pantheon+Siltech SE Reference Monoblock+ART+Metronome Kalista referance + Stahltek opus prime DAC

The icing on the cake.

Just when you think the system cannot get any better, He has recently acquired a new Transport the Metronome Kalista and Staltek Oppos Prime DAC . These are in a league of their own. The Kalista looks like a high end turntable with its own balancing mechanism that are supposed to completely isolate the CD player mechanism from vibrations. The Stahltek DAC is a reference DAC, Jim Auds brainchild, that sounds amazing.

What is interesting is that Esoteric Transport with Stahl-tek Sounds different from Metronam Kalistha + Stahltek , the Esoteric+Stal-tek sounds a tad bright. I assume that Esoteric does something to match their all their gear to extract the best balanced performance.

I am a strong non believer in Cables, but he IS so he uses siltech reference on all of the interconnects and digital cables. Once he showed me how the sound quality changes between a PC SMPS cable and a high end 10k USD power cable for a DAC. To my surprise it changed. I being a skeptic , attributed it to better grounding of the gear on the 10k cable since it was huge and very thick. That incident has not made me a believer yet.

Much to my surprise, I could see that at each stage that some aspect of sound quality was indeed improving be it imaging, mid range clarity,Dynamics etc. I always assumed that once you start investing in audio gear you would hit the law of diminishing returns very soon , but to my surprise for him, it has not, and keeps going on.
I seriously doubt if i will be hearing a setup better than this and so i asked him to let me document his journey till now which could be a point of reference for fellow audiophiles.

So the Quest continues.
Hi Guys,

I have had quite a few questions regarding the technical details of the setup , which frankly I do not know, So I have kindly requested Mr Venkat to respond , Its his setup :) .

Warm Regds,
Ravi Kiran.
Hello Ravi
Thanks for taking the time to write about my audio journey. I've been thinking of documenting my journey for a long time now but whatever free time i have is spent in research, search, travel, buying & setting up of various components and tweaking takes endless hours of time. As you know due to the demands & tensions in my work, i only get an hour's free time during weekdays, nil free time on Saturdays & couple of hours on Sundays.

Now that Chennai is flooded & i'm on a forced break since labor can't turn up for work, your thread has come up at the right time for me to respond to some of the queries.

Will start with the speakers & hopefully will add about other components one by one.
The most important criteria for me to select a speaker is that they should disappear completely, not even a single small note should be visible. i have heard almost all hi-end speakers during my various travels, some in India, mostly abroad. A few which made to my list of probables were Rockport Altair, Ascendo System MS, Wilson audio Alexandria, Focal Utopia, Crystal Arabesque, Siltech Pantheon XXV, Kharma Exquisite midi.

The whole process which started in 2011 and continued for almost 3 years involving numerous travels, auditions, comparisons & talks with the dealers. One Indian dealer even called me an 'empty buyer' due to this long process. I was not bothered about his opinion. I'm a self made man & i know the value of every rupee. i'm willing to pay the price but only if i'm completely satisfied.

Anyway, when i heard the pantheons which, ironically, were the last of the lot which i auditioned, i knew they were the ones for me.
The pantheons were all i imagined & the availability in India & the presence of cadence audio(friendly folks who don't do force selling, they are more towards customer satisfaction than closing the deal ) which will take care of service issues, if any in the future were all added bonus for me.
I told them that i'll pay & take the speakers but once in my room, in my setup if they are not in sync with my rig, then they'll have to refund me. Mr.Ajay Shirke readily agreed, such was his confidence in the Pantheons.

Finally in Jan 2014, I got them & when I connected the Pantheons to my setup i was stunned to find that it was way beyond my expectations. They were completely invisible, imaging was extraordinary, width & depth of the sound stage was outstanding. Diana Krall was literally singing in front of me.
As Ravi said, in some tracks you can feel the music behind you. one must hear tracks like 'Narumugaiye' from 'Iruvar', 'Oh, Maria' from 'Kadhalar Dhinam' or 'Dark of the moon' by 'Pink Floyd' to appreciate the imaging. there's nothing to write about the HF,LF & midrange, i'm running out of superlatives here.
I've had them for almost 2 years now & every time i listen to them they put a smile on my face & a warm glow in my heart. it is truly money well spent.

Now some details about the Pantheons:
i have the MK2, the difference between MK1 & MK2 is:
LF is tighter in MK2 since there is a 'bass level' switch, when kept in + position tightens the bass perceptibly. One can feel the bass in between the speakers. in MK1 there is no bass level switch.

At the bottom of the mid unit there is a 1" dome tweeter. there is an 'Ambient' switch in the mid unit which when kept in 'on' position will activate this extra tweeter, the mid range & LF will be much more filling than the MK1 which has no extra mid unit tweeter.
When i 1st connected them to my setup, i had the canasya amps, CJ ART pre(6922 tubes), humble denon 700 cdp, ordinary cables. with such a moderate setup the effect was mind blowing & i knew instantly that further changes in my other components & tweaks would only take the music to higher levels. that's what is happening since then.

the Pantheons are the gold standard for me in speakers & i don't think any other speaker is going to be made which i would be impressed with.
I will try to add my journey towards each component one by one. Hope this post answered the queries of my fellow audiophiles.


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Since this is Mr. Ravikiran's thread, i'm answering the queries directed to him. So will continue in the same thread.
The next in line to decide about was the source. 4 different routes to take settle with a cdp & save the bank balance/ turntable/separates/computer audio. Thought would go the TT way. Since we cant get all genres of the Indian music in LP format decided to get a good cdp along with the TT. So I ended up getting the meridian 808.

After this I started serious research about TT & spoke to lots of TT veterans, traveled a lot to see various TT setups & what it involved. It was then I came to realize that TT is a lot of hard work, one has to spend lots of time to not only set it up but also every time to listen to music. For my lifestyle & phase of my life I felt it would be practically difficult to maintain this level of upkeep. But still took a long time to accept that now is not the time for TT.

Also now that I have a cdp but to get TT like output, good details & to get the maximum out of the pantheons I have to go for separates.
Again started the cycle of research, search, travel, talks & saw wide range of separates ranging from Antelope, MSB, MBL, Esoteric, DCS, Acuphase.

Of these Dcs Scarlatti & Esoteric P02, D02, G01 made the final 2. Scarlatti was very good for computer audio, was a bit dated, music from the cd was not very impressive. Esoteric was equally good for both cd & computer audio, built like a tank & very high reputation. Excellent details with some notes livelier than Scarlatti, mid range & HF were too good & LF was well controlled, timing was perfect & background was very dark.

The vrds neo transport works its magic, Dcs Vivaldi too uses Teac's vrds neo transport. So I immediately went for Esoteric. Finally in June 2014 got the esoteric to complement the pantheons.

When I connected them to my rig it was harsh & I was so disappointed. I did the auditions in HongKong & now in my room it was nowhere near what I heard. Wrote a mail to the company & scoured the various forums, found that burn in period is essential for them. So just held my impatience in check & started the burn in process.

After about 3 months, the output started changing gradually & what was harsh & cold previously turned mellow with even minute details being played out perfectly, the sound stage opened up & music was well balanced. It was a moment of huge joy & relief when all the time spent patiently finally yielded better than expected results.

While using meridian cdp, the electrostats of the pantheons were tilted to the front for optimal listening experience, for the Esoterics they had to be placed straight to get a wide sound stage. Now they have gelled so well with my chain & boy am I glad that I don't have to go through another round of search for the holy grail as for the separates are concerned.

Attaching closeup pics of the esoterics & a picture of the setup at that time. Will continue my journey towards power amps next.


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Hey guys
If anyone has any doubts about the technical/musical details of various components feel free to ask. I'm not comfortable with revealing price details.
My aim is, by sharing my journey, others in the search n upgrade phase would get to know few useful pointers.

First of all congratulations on a fantastic setup!

Read your replies and Ravi's original post with a lot of interest.
Took a bit of time to go back and forth to the pictures and your posts.

I had not really heard much of the Pantheons before and it was great reading the 6moons article linked to earlier.
What a fantastic speaker from Cadence. Definitely on my list of speakers to listen to now.

Thanks for sharing the journey - look forward to more in the future.

Around 2014 August, I got the urge to upgrade my amps. Though the Canasyas were performing very well, felt that the PRaT could have been better. Even when I bought the speakers I had a thought that I might need to upgrade the amps in a couple of year's time but didn't think upgraditis would hit me so soon. The PraT issue was bugging me & so started the search for power amplifiers.

I was sure that it will not be solid state or hybrid. Pure tube especially SET amp was in my mind.
The amps in my list were Unison Research Reference SET amp, CAT JL3, Siltech SAGA, BAT Rex2.

CAT JL3 is push pull triode but still it made to my list because its midrange was supposed to be as good as SET amp. So I went to HongKong & listened to JL2 with Graham Audio BBC LS5/9 speakers. It was not so great and thinking that it was because of the speakers, I asked him to change the speakers. Kaiser was the next set of speakers, I think Classic SE. That too was not so impressive so I dropped the idea of JL.

Next I tried BAT Rex2. Though it too was not a SET amp, it has been well reviewed widely. I couldn't get a satisfactory audition for it, also there were no distributors in India & so dropped it too.

Then I decided that I would be better off if I get a product which has good service support in India. So rang up to Cadence audio from HK about SAGA demo. SAGA is also not a SET amp but still since it is from the same family as my speakers I decided to give it a go. But there was no demo option in India & so took an audition in HK itself with Crystal Arabesque & Vivid Giya G1. It was too good, PraT was perfect. It not being a SET amp made me hesitate & increased my confusion. So I just decided to defer my amp upgrade for sometime.

After about a month, Mr.Amba made a followup call & I told him about my dilemma about SET amp & hybrid. He told me that they have a SET amp from Siltech itself, only 12 pieces ever made. Till then I didn't know that there existed SET amps in Siltech. Even after I heard about them, google search didn't reveal any review/specs/detail. This would be the 1st user review of them.

Still, due to my good impression about Cadence & Siltech, I told him that I'll proceed to get it. Similar to my caveat about the speakers, I told them that I need a week's time to evaluate them & if i'm not satisfied then i'll take the SAGA. They agreed to it & I got the amps in Dec 2014.

I didn't connect them to my setup immediately, since the binding post would be different & impedance need to be set in the amplifiers. So the next evening Mr.Amba came to Chennai & when I opened the box, it was a moment i'll never forget. It was built like a tank & had a very attractive appearance. It was too heavy to lift. After connecting, within a few seconds I told Mr.Amba that i'll take them & wouldn't be returning them for anything else.

To tell that the difference between the Canasyas & the Siltech SET amps was like day & night would be an understatement. The instruments sounded like they were tuned up fresh & played. Tonal difference was amazing, bass was very well controlled . The speakers came alive & their potential was revealed.

There was absolutely no coloring in tones & saxophone, acoustic guitar was cleaner. Brilliant resolution with lots of unheard details. All this with the new tube & I was sure that after burn in it is only going to improve & was extremely happy & satisfied.

After about 3 months burn in, what a pleasure to hear them. The instruments were lush, percussion & string were sweet & transient, you can easily make out the depth , vocals were open & natural, excellent PraT & decay, spacious & transparent soundstage I just had to close my eyes to feel the stage in my room.

Every time I listen to them I feel that if I had missed out the chance to buy them, I wouldn't have come to know about many things about my speakers & music in general. I'm glad I got them & sure will hold on to them for a long time.


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Nice to know about the Siltech SAGA amps.
I think it's great that Cadence is offering some real high end gear.

Since you mentioned your amp search, I couldn't help but notice that you have a Symphonic Line Kraft 300 for sale.
Was that amp used in this setup as well? FM Sidvee also has a Kraft and he mentioned that they need a low output impedance preamp.
Did you consider looking at a matching preamp?

Once again thanks for sharing your experiences.
the kraft is in my 2nd setup. though very briefly connected to the pantheons for a couple of hours & then disconnected it.
i found that any pre with output impedance of 500ohms or lesser was ok with it.
i have connected it to:
CJ ART(o.imp:under 500ohms)
Gryphon audio Athena (o.imp:25ohms)
But compared to Athena i liked it better with CJ.

Thought of you along with other Chennai FMs.
I hope and pray that all is well with you at this time.

Thanks for your thoughts. our area is at higher level, so no issues. spoke to FM Ravi kiran, his area too is ok. certain pockets of the city are better off but most of the city is flooded. unimaginable destruction of property. will take a lot of time & effort for the people to recover. now the situation in nearby cuddalore is getting worse with non stop deluge again. May the rain gods have mercy!
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