DeepCool Kendomen - CPU Cabinet (< 5K) - Hands on experience


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2009
Hi All,

Wanted to share my experience with this Deepcool Kendomen CPU cabinet. (Comes in 2 colours Red & Titanium).. I choose Titanium.

My PC consists of

Mobo- Intel DG33FB
CPU - Intel Core2Quad Q6600 processor
CPU cooler - Intel stock fan (Soon to be replaced, Need inputs)
RAM - 8GB DDR2 (4 x 2GB each @800Mhz)
GPU - Nvidia Geforce GT740 2GB DDR5
SMPS - Corsair VS550
HDD - 4 TB internal HDD (2 x 2 TB)
ODD - 1 CD Drive + 1 DVD Drive
LANcard - Livetech 10/100 PCI Network card.

I had been using a very old CPU cabinet probably 10 yrs old, which came with zebronics 450 W SMPS. It couldn't power the CPU few times as i started to add more components and my PC was restarting many times and one final day refused to boot-up...

Really never paid attention to any of the CPU components until my PC refused to boot...

Later discovered that it was due to incompetent power-supply.. Was able to source an year old used Corsair SMPS VS 550 for 2.5K..Never had any issues with PC restarting/booting issues... Re-Used the same old cabinet and upgraded the power supply...

The old cabinet was cramped fully with the components i had & full of SMPS wires around.. I was doubtful if it could add a CPU cooler as there was no room to breathe.. So finally decided to upgrade the CPU cabinet & then the CPU cooler..

Did my search for cabinets under 5K max which provide optimal airflow.. Accidentally came across Deepcool Kendomen on Call it crush (or) love @ first sight, i couldn't convince myself for an other CPU cabinet for the features & price Deepcool Kendomen was available..

Support for ATX boards with reasonably good space with 5 pre-sintalled fans...Finally ordered it thru Amazon for Rs 4,500 + 75 shipping charges to my location...

Some pics : -





Shipping & Packaging : -

- Was shiiped by FedEx to my location.
- Package was intact, with no traces of bruises on the shipment (So Kudos to Fed Ex surface transport)
- Very good factory packing (Good Thermocoal packing on eother sides of the panel to absorb vibrations in transit).
- No extra packing done by Amazon India.

Unboxing the cabinet : -

- 5 x 120mm fans pre-installed ( 2 x White LED fans in the front for intake, 2 x black fans on the top for exhaust, 1 in the rear for exhaust).
- Fans alone worth Rs 2,000 (Assuming each fan is 400 bucks), making the skeleton cabinet worth Rs 2,500..
- Black matte finhs colour throughout..Didn't find anyinconsistency in painting.
- Per the website, it says it is made of steel... But could feel the gauge thickness compared to my old cabinet..
- Removable dust filter for bottom mount SMPS.
- Removable front grill juz in case it accumulates dust over usage.
- Removable top exhuast fan grill for cleaning.There is soft sponge attached to the grill which holds very fine dust...
- Top panel & the front shrouds add a bit of oomph to the cabinet... Makes it kind of muscular.
- Power button right on top edge of the cabinet..makes life easier..
- 3 USB ports in the front ( 2 x USB 2.0 and 1 x USB 3.0)
- A fan switch controller next to power button.. 3 settings ( Low - Off - High). This is to control for top exhuast fans only...
- The front 2 LED fans have 3 pin & molex connector.. I have connected to PSU directly...(looks good in the day & cool in the night)..
- Top exhaust fans have integrated molex connector..(fans look ordinary, but thats's okay as it is covered and gets the job done)
- Rear exhuast has provision for 3 pin and molex connector..(fan look ordinary, but thats's okay as it is covered and gets the job done)
- Good ground clearance for the PSU to suck air from the bottom.
- Cabinet comes with a bunch of screws to hook it fully up with components.. Good quality of materials..

Performance :-

Remember i don't have a good CPU cooler.. It is with Intel stock cooler..Am a casual gamer..My wife too, but she is hooked to Luxor 2 HD, plays it for more
than 30 mins continuously..

Old cabinet
CPU idle temap was around 58 - 62'C and
During cont gaming for say 30 mins (Luxor 2 HD) it used to reach 77 - 82'C..
GPU Idle temp was 35'C
Bit of gaming - 50'C

With Deepcool Kendomen
Idle temp is around 49 - 55'C. Almost 7 - 9'C drop in temp, which i think is very good..
Bit of gaming for 30 mins it is 74 - 79'C. Around 3'C drop in temp..
GPU Idle temp is - 36'C
Bit of gaming temp hits 50'C..

Note : Temp readings based on Core temp, CPU Usage & GPU meter application..

Looks like GPU doesn't stand to benefit much from the cabinet airflow since it has its own fan.. But CPU does benefit even with intel stock cooler..Guess with change in CPU cooler and good airflow, it should keep the temperature's even down..

Some more pics : -






Some thought on the design : -

I would have prefered the CD/ DVD drives sandwiched between the front intake fans..This way the bottom fans would provide fresh air to the Harddisk,
GPU while the top fan would have provided abundant air directly to CPU cooler and the RAM slots..

My thoughts - A very handsome looking cabinet, roomy, functional (Good cooling) yet fashionable (flashy)..:thumbsup:

If you have an old cabinet, looking for an upgrade and with a budget of 5K, take a good look @ Deepcool Kendomen...

Product Link - KENDOMEN DEEPCOOL Cases
I had replaced the stock exhaust fan on the cabinet with Deepcool GS120


The fan has 4 pin PWM connector by default...I have connected it to motherboard 3 pin fan header..

After a weeks time of usage, the Idle temp hovers around 46 - 51'C compared to 58 - 62"C of the old cabinet

Thtaz approx 11 - 12'C drop in temperature which i think is very good..

Anyways i have ordered 3 pin fan-header to 3 pin molex connector from amazon.. Once i receive it, will connect to GS120 and check for improvements if any..

With the stock Intel CPU cooler, am thinking of replacing thermal paste once before i change the CPU cooler.. Your thoughts..
If the thermal paste has become old applying new paste will help a lot
Try to get silver based thermal paste
If the thermal paste has become old applying new paste will help a lot
Try to get silver based thermal paste

I got the Intel DG33FB motherboard along with Intel Core 2 Quad Q 6600 processor as an used one... Not sure how old it is... Roughly should be more than 6 yrs old...

If replacing the thermal paste helps, i don't mind going for a good one...

Any pointers on good silver thermal paste ?
Right.. Understand.. Sure.. Will a nail polish remover help here?

I think you missed the product link... I end up on the homepage..

Just search for thermal paste on flipkart and you will come across one by cooler master
About rs 250

One regeha suggested is surely very good but yeah is pricey. I don't think you can use it for 3 or 4 cpus
Just search for thermal paste on flipkart and you will come across one by cooler master
About rs 250

One regeha suggested is surely very good but yeah is pricey. I don't think you can use it for 3 or 4 cpus

Thx.. I have ordered Artic silver 5 that regeha has suggested from amazon along with alcohol wipes to clean the CPU..

Will this thermal paste suffice atleast for 2 CPU's?
It lasts for multiple uses... but more importantly it also lasts a long time... like 5-6 years between applications.

CM has thermal paste for 1/3rd the cost... but it lasts like 2 years and its not that efficient especially when temp is 60-65 C (typically what i7s run at). Its good at bringing down at 45 C, but not very efficient at higher temps.
Re: DeepCool Kendomen - CPU Cabinet (&lt; 5K) - Hands on experience

5 - 6 yrs of time is good.. Awaiting the thermal paste :)

I strongly disagree because India is a hot & humid place. This costly thermal paste may do its job for 5-6 years but what's about dust? If your room is not hermetically sealed ( nobody has unless it's a scientific lab), processor, processor fan and heat-sink's fin will definitely attract dust and eventually heat dissipation capability will reduce. Whatever paste you use, it's better to clear the dust periodically using compressed air-can or vacuum-cleaner's blower function. And before the advent of summer, every year you apply a fresh coat of thermal paste ( after completely removing the residue of last coat). I do it every year, once in the month of April, once in October and use blower in between to clear the dust inside the cabinet. Also I remove the fan and heat-sink of the GFX card and clear dust and apply fresh coat of thermal paste. Trust me! if you follow this process religiously, you won't require costly thermal paste, just basic thermal compound costing around 20 bucks would do the job, this kind of thermal compound is used between Mosfet, transistors and heat-sink of any electronic circuitry and it's locally available.

Now second part, you cabinet may have mesh that prevents dust, still finer particles will enter and when cabinet fans ( or for that matter any fan) rotate, they create static electricity, this charge attracts dust particles and fans accumulate layers of soot, this way fans ability to deliver colder air or blow out hot air reduces significantly. So at least twice a year, you remove all cabinet fans, and clear it painstakingly.
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I strongly disagree because India is a hot & humid place. This costly thermal paste may do its job for 5-6 years but what's about dust? If your room is not hermetically sealed ( nobody has unless it's a scientific lab), processor, processor fan and heat-sink's fin will definitely attract dust and eventually heat dissipation capability will reduce. Whatever paste you use, it's better to clear the dust periodically using compressed air-can or vacuum-cleaner's blower function. And before the advent of summer, every year you apply a fresh coat of thermal paste ( after completely removing the residue of last coat). I do it every year, once in the month of April, once in October and use blower in between to clear the dust inside the cabinet. Also I remove the fan and heat-sink of the GFX card and clear dust and apply fresh coat of thermal paste. Trust me! if you follow this process religiously, you won't require costly thermal paste, just basic thermal compound costing around 20 bucks would do the job, this kind of thermal compound is used between Mosfet, transistors and heat-sink of any electronic circuitry and it's locally available.

Now second part, you cabinet may have mesh that prevents dust, still finer particles will enter and when cabinet fans ( or for that matter any fan) rotate, they create static electricity, this static electricity attracts dust particles and fans accumulate layers of soot, this way fans ability to deliver colder air or blow out hot air reduces significantly. So at least twice a year, you remove all cabinet fans, and clear it painstakingly.

Thanx for your inputs buddy... Me on the learning curve when it comes to PC... This will be my first hands-on with any PC component's...

Do agree with you on the dust.. Yes.. Will take the efforts to clean them as you have mentioned :thumbsup:
Re: DeepCool Kendomen - CPU Cabinet (&lt; 5K) - Hands on experience

Now second part, you cabinet may have mesh that prevents dust, still finer particles will enter and when cabinet fans ( or for that matter any fan) rotate, they create static electricity, this charge attracts dust particles and fans accumulate layers of soot, this way fans ability to deliver colder air or blow out hot air reduces significantly. So at least twice a year, you remove all cabinet fans, and clear it painstakingly.

I have attached a flour sieve (very fine nylon one used in Kitchen) over cooling fans. It filters far more efficiently than the aesthetic meshes but is an eyesore.

Nevertheless, I do open up my cabinet and dust them off at least once a year.
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