Attended for a couple of hours on day 1.
Registration is on 2nd floor with a couple of suites. Most listening rooms are on 6th floor.
No pics, sorry guys. It did not occur to me in the melee.
I don't know much about HT, I claim to know about 2-ch; so there you go, disclaimer done with. Here is my low down.
1. ProFx Suite(s)
Suite 1:
KEF Ci series in 7.2.2 Atmos; Atmos speakers were down firing.
Way to noisy; felt like I was in a cheap theater or noisy bar. Someone needs to tell them that volume control is a valuable knob.
And wonder why Dolby Atmos demo has an Enrique Iglesias music video.
I cringed and walked out after few minutes.
Suite 2:
Inside the suite, they had lined up their Polk offerings. LSiM was in action, but after being shell shocked by the HT experience did not feel like listening to them.
Anyways, I have heard these in their showroom; no novelty value for moi.
Outside the suite, KEF-Q, KEF R, Reference and Blade FS were on display (
eye candy only).
Really wish they had hooked up the Reference or Blade to a suitable amp for listening.
Verdict: Stonehenge like monoliths outside, noisy bar inside.
2. Klipsch Suite
When I went in there was no demo, it was crowded with floor reps busy engaging visitors. So really did not experience anything.
3. Invention Audio (must visit room)
Very tastefully done 2-ch setup. Speakers reminded me of Wilson Audio type design.
TL speakers, with Woofer, Mid, Tweeter in separate enclosures, stacked one on top of the other using tiny metal feet as separators.
The crossover was on display outside; these speakers were driven by 10W Class-A amps (with a power conditioner).
7.5L for speakers and 7L (I may have heard wrong here) for amps/conditioner.
Price apart, they perform beautifully. On one track, I swear I could hear the click of drumsticks 6 feet behind the speaker plane.
Sat and listened to an entire section of Pirates of Caribbean soundtrack.
The entire setup tricked my brain. I could see the speakers in front of me, but the music was floating in and out from the curtains 6 feet behind the speaker plane.
Wonder what will happen if you fire one up and then go listen to them. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

I will surely go back when I visit again Sat or Sun.
4. Devialet (Starship Enterprise like offerings)
They have playing, Gold Phantom in mono and Silver Phantoms in Stereo (or dialog mode as they like to call it).
Heard both. Was greatly impressed with the Silver series. Gold Phantom was confusing.
The Silvers are truly phantom speakers. I could not place them at all (even with eyes open)
They had MJ's Billie Jean on demo, a track I have not listened to for many many years.
They have the Expert series only on display. They look like shiny "Induction Hot Plates". Seriously!!
If I wasn't at an Audio show and seen them, I would have donned an apron, grabbed a pan, some eggs and tried to make an omelette right there.
Urge all to visit this room.
5. KEI (Denon + ELAC) - Dealer is DYNOX; confused about who is who here
Went in and again Enrique Iglesias in Atmos demo (up firing mode). Thankfully it was not a noisy bar. The setup was nicely done and I actually enjoyed the music video.
Politely asked to hear ELACs in 2-ch mode. The guys more than obliged and demo'ed the Debut FS and one other series FS (I think it was 500).
The debut series was seriously good in detail, though I was not convinced about the bass.
The other series took the detail and bass up a notch but I personally felt they would cause ear fatigue very soon.
It may be my listening tastes at play here.
6. Dali
I think it was the Rubicon and Opticon series in action. really good speakers, but stuffed in a small space. Intend to visit again as the floor manager said they may rearrange tomorrow to showcase the capabilities better.
More to come Sat and/or Sun ...