Welcome to the new upgraded forum.

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Super Moderator
Jul 23, 2006
Hello and welcome to the new upgraded forum. We are now using a new script for a faster and more responsive forum site.

You can log in using your existing username and password.

The new forum site is pretty intuitive and easy to use. If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback please post them here and we will work towards helping resolve them.

The new forum will not work with Tapatalk. However you can access the forum from your mobile device using any browser.
The older forum view was minimalistic and very easy on eyes. With this new one I am kind of searching for things. Not liking it.
Change is good.. More options than before for replying posts..

Am facing issues accessing forum on Tapatalk (android).. Any one else facing similar issue?..
I would prefer a dark theme though!

There seems to be a mismatch in the number of likes I have received; a small number, a difference of 10, but, good to have on the profile ;)
Please post your feedback and other bugs or issues or requirements at http://www.hifivision.com/threads/welcome-to-the-new-upgraded-forum.68716/
Putting it here since I am not able to post in above thread.
First of all I thank all folks involved in this upgrade, apart from the look and feel the two factor authentication is must in current world and thanks for incorporating it. Also to highlight I am no able to post in some threads and having issues with tapatalk in iPhone.
Please suggest if anything needs to be done from my side since I have enabled two factor authentication?
In the new format all the categories are listed in the main page instead of the recent posts. Is this the expected way?
How can I get a quick view of latest posts?
Putting it here since I am not able to post in above thread.
First of all I thank all folks involved in this upgrade, apart from the look and feel the two factor authentication is must in current world and thanks for incorporating it. Also to highlight I am no able to post in some threads and having issues with tapatalk in iPhone.
Please suggest if anything needs to be done from my side since I have enabled two factor authentication?
Tapatalk is still not enabled. It will be enabled later once all the other issues are sorted out on the forum.
I prefer a more modernized materialistic theme rather than the this, And also i prefer a linear and clean font like Roboto rather than Georgia or Trebuchet MS but i hope i get used to this.
Thanks for upgrading.
In the new format all the categories are listed in the main page instead of the recent posts. Is this the expected way?
How can I get a quick view of latest posts?

Click on the new post link to view the latest posts.
I hope that tapatalk is enabled soon as I mostly read this forum using that.
Nice upgrade. One thing that appears a bit off and out of place is the signature and time stamp in the replies which are vertically centered. It will be great if the time stamp is on the top left and signature is placed at the bottom of each reply.
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