I would like to share my latest DIY attempt with fellow forum members for valuable suggestions and feedback. This is going to be a long post with multiple stages of my thought process and build.
Some details about my current setup,
TV : Samsung 51” Plasma
AV Receiver : Marantz SR5200
Front : The famous Tritrix TL MTM ( another DIY way back in 2011 with speaker kit from Parts Express). https://www.parts-express.com/project-gallery-speaker-project-tritrix
Center : NAD 808CC
Sources : Pioneer BDP 170, PS3
Projector : Optoma 141HD (Projection on the wall)
I was happy with the way Tritrix was performing but as you must have noticed the absence of a Sub in my current setup which was felt during high action movies. As per the designer, the towers go down till 40Hz and I had confirmed it with a frequency test as well. This would be more than enough for music and most of the movies but the heart pounding thump was missing, more to blame my movie sessions at my friend’s house who was sporting an SVS PB2000.
It all started with this thread (Bolton) where I had asked help of forum members to identify an old Bolton woofer, and there you go; I was thrown in to the world of Open Baffles. I should mention my gratitude to yogibear this time who was always there to answer my silly doubts on or and off the forum. I did make an OB sub with that for my home in Kerala and I was awed by the quality of the bass and the openness. Now I want the same for my Bangalore flat where I spend most of my days due to work.

This was how it was running all these years with my makeshift arrangement of a long shoe rack as TV unit and there is no way I could accommodate a regular sub among that leave alone an OB. The DIYer in me saw an opportunity here, Why not a TV unit with inbuilt sub. I started searching online forums for such a design which took me to this Hideaway Design ##Hideaway TL## which is perfect for my requirements.

This is a TL enclosure based on Quarter wave design which I thought would be a perfect fit for my TL towers.
I started reading about various box design tools and speaker TS parameters but most of those jargons were non-digestive with my limited knowledge in this area. Anyways I have decided on the design so started looking for different components, this is going to be a 100% DIY in its true sense.
The design board had the following elements,
The hunt for woofer was the toughest as I didn’t find any promising candidate under 8K except Ahuja but Fs was high where my design wanted something in the range of 30Hz. Drivers in Amazon had mixed reviews and had no TS values, after a frustrating week of online search I decided to scout the local market in Cochin. Sadly none of the shops had the driver I wanted but I met a speaker winder who was ready to make one for me as per my requirement, seeing no other options in vicinity I agreed. The next day I had this in my possession and oh boy it’s a beast.
There you go, 12 inch, double magnet, 400W RMS, 8Ohm woofer and those are the only values me and the winder knows. There go my speaker box design hopes for a toss, it’s impossible without TS values and I was not equipped to find it myself either.

The amp I shortlisted was using TDA8954TH chip which is capable of doing 420W RMS in mono configuration, ordered the same from AliExpress. ##TDA8954##

The filter board is from Eight Audio of Hyd, a 25-250Hz one using TLO72 opamp.##LF Filter##

Regulated power supply for filter board from Eight Audio again. ##Filter Power ##

Transformer was from ebay, 24-0-24 220VA ##Transformer##

Other miscellaneous items were ordered from diyaudiocart.
to be continued ......
Some details about my current setup,
TV : Samsung 51” Plasma
AV Receiver : Marantz SR5200
Front : The famous Tritrix TL MTM ( another DIY way back in 2011 with speaker kit from Parts Express). https://www.parts-express.com/project-gallery-speaker-project-tritrix
Center : NAD 808CC
Sources : Pioneer BDP 170, PS3
Projector : Optoma 141HD (Projection on the wall)
I was happy with the way Tritrix was performing but as you must have noticed the absence of a Sub in my current setup which was felt during high action movies. As per the designer, the towers go down till 40Hz and I had confirmed it with a frequency test as well. This would be more than enough for music and most of the movies but the heart pounding thump was missing, more to blame my movie sessions at my friend’s house who was sporting an SVS PB2000.
It all started with this thread (Bolton) where I had asked help of forum members to identify an old Bolton woofer, and there you go; I was thrown in to the world of Open Baffles. I should mention my gratitude to yogibear this time who was always there to answer my silly doubts on or and off the forum. I did make an OB sub with that for my home in Kerala and I was awed by the quality of the bass and the openness. Now I want the same for my Bangalore flat where I spend most of my days due to work.

This was how it was running all these years with my makeshift arrangement of a long shoe rack as TV unit and there is no way I could accommodate a regular sub among that leave alone an OB. The DIYer in me saw an opportunity here, Why not a TV unit with inbuilt sub. I started searching online forums for such a design which took me to this Hideaway Design ##Hideaway TL## which is perfect for my requirements.

This is a TL enclosure based on Quarter wave design which I thought would be a perfect fit for my TL towers.
I started reading about various box design tools and speaker TS parameters but most of those jargons were non-digestive with my limited knowledge in this area. Anyways I have decided on the design so started looking for different components, this is going to be a 100% DIY in its true sense.
The design board had the following elements,
- A solid woofer 10/12 inch with around 300W RMS 8 Ohms
- Class D mono amp board
- LPF board
- Toroidal Transformer for power duty
The hunt for woofer was the toughest as I didn’t find any promising candidate under 8K except Ahuja but Fs was high where my design wanted something in the range of 30Hz. Drivers in Amazon had mixed reviews and had no TS values, after a frustrating week of online search I decided to scout the local market in Cochin. Sadly none of the shops had the driver I wanted but I met a speaker winder who was ready to make one for me as per my requirement, seeing no other options in vicinity I agreed. The next day I had this in my possession and oh boy it’s a beast.
There you go, 12 inch, double magnet, 400W RMS, 8Ohm woofer and those are the only values me and the winder knows. There go my speaker box design hopes for a toss, it’s impossible without TS values and I was not equipped to find it myself either.

The amp I shortlisted was using TDA8954TH chip which is capable of doing 420W RMS in mono configuration, ordered the same from AliExpress. ##TDA8954##

The filter board is from Eight Audio of Hyd, a 25-250Hz one using TLO72 opamp.##LF Filter##

Regulated power supply for filter board from Eight Audio again. ##Filter Power ##

Transformer was from ebay, 24-0-24 220VA ##Transformer##

Other miscellaneous items were ordered from diyaudiocart.
to be continued ......