A King was crowned today! - Review of the JBL 4343 and co.

That's a pretty cd player down there:)

What happens if you remove the diffusers behind the speakers? What amp is powering this handsome looking fellow.

Audio imaging improved with the diffusers, though visual imaging deteriorated ;)

The CDP is Esoteric SA50. The amp is Kinki, fed by a Berning mz2 pre.

Hi Hari for one fifth and one seventh, you measure from centre of speakers to side wall and for one third you measure from inside of speaker to side wall.

So your speakers are set up using one fifth principle from side wall :)

Hi fiftyfifty, the one third principle has nothing to do with the speakers. It has to do with how room nodes interact. Room node interaction is supposedly lowest at one third of side wall distance between the centre of speakers. But this is not practical. So next best is one third between the insides. Then one fifth between centre of speakers. And so on. Depending on driver dispersion, you may need to add some treatment.
Hi Prem , my room is 420 cm (approx. 14 ft) . Left on the back wall is a door , because of which I can't manage 1/3 from side wall, hence the speakers are placed slightly to the right (off center) in the room. Therefore to reconfirm, 1/3 between the speaker's inner walls, i.e. 420/3 = 140 cms is the next option ?
Amitk777, if speakers are off centre, I have no idea what rule to apply. I would then just do it by ear.
@audiopro Great report - fantastically written, and some good insights to do experimenting over the weekend!

@prem Congratulation on the JBL. Had been following your journey through the years from the initial Rethms to the Rethm Saadhana v3. Am sure the JBL sound sublime in your system.

A quick couple of questions:
- My room width is 12 feet, and I have the opportunity to keep the speakers from the side wall using either the 1/3rd rule or the 1/5th rule. Which one is a better option if you have the choice of both placements?
- For the speaker's placement from the front wall, does the distance from the speakers to the listening position have any role to play? or do we just chose the best option (1/3, 1/5 or 1/7) depending upon feasibility (and domestic harmony!). Works out to 1/7 in my case for an 18 feet long room.

Yes. Or you can use the quarter wave formula which I have spelt out in one of the posts in this thread
A superb thread that has lot of information on setting up speakers but with an inappropriate title; a hidden gem IMHO. @prem if you're okay with it, may I branch off all the posts relating to speaker placement into a different thread with appropriate title like "Loudspeaker placement guide for newbies: firsthand account from senior members" and make it sticky?
A superb thread that has lot of information on setting up speakers but with an inappropriate title; a hidden gem IMHO. @prem if you're okay with it, may I branch off all the posts relating to speaker placement into a different thread with appropriate title like "Loudspeaker placement guide for newbies: firsthand account from senior members" and make it sticky?

There was also a very nice thread on speaker placent by former FM mpw.
Unfortunately, I am unable to locate the thread.
There was also a very nice thread on speaker placent by former FM mpw.
Unfortunately, I am unable to locate the thread.

Is this the one?

Is this the one?

For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!