Dear FM's
I require your expertise with selecting the right power amp. My requirement is 5 channel with minimum continuous power of 80 watts when all channels driven and most importantly THD should be 0.05% or less. I don't know a lot about power amplifier's, available brands and what specs to look out for. Through google research i came across 2 models that met my requirements one is the emotiva bass x 500 which has a 5 channel rating of 80 watts and economical as well. But draw back for me is its THD rating is 0.1% and i want minimum 0.05% and also no damping factor.Next comes the rotel RMB 1555 which ticks all my expectation with 120 watts all channel driven THD of 0.03% and damping factor 180. But the Rotel price is 1700 USD well above my budget. So kindly advice. I am in no hurry to buy a power amp may take 6-8 months in getting one but i started this thread so i can collect enough information and invest wisely when i have the funds ready
Oh congrats just saw the thread will keep an eye on it for detailed review on the Amp. so THD 0.1% will not have a huge difference from 0.05%? Cause the 2400 had 0.08% rating and now with the denon 4500 rated at 0.05% i can feel the difference clearly with the speaker performance
That's a lot of numbers you have considered in your criteria.
If you can hear differences between 50W vs 80W or 0.05% vs 0.08% THD, you have bat ears (just pulling your leg

If you are not too hung up on "watts", "THD", etc consider this option.
Parasound ZoneMaster 650
Parasound ZoneMaster Model 650 6 Channel Amplifier B-Stock Full Warranty Our ZoneMaster models are very similar in their feature sets, differing mainly in size and number of channels. Looking for more channels? Try the 1250. Fewer? 450 or 250. Universal amplifier for applications from 50 to 200...
It has 50Wpc output (normal mode); Class A/B input stage and Class D power stage.
Lots of flexibility and control features. May not play at THX levels, but may work for your room/speakers.
Eg. for 5 channel amplification you could use:
- zone 1 for fronts
- zone 2 for rears
- zone 3 (normal or bridged) for center
Light enough (5.5 Kg) to be carried by someone coming from US. Just ensure the correct mains voltage model.
If you want an all external powered Atmos solution, check
Parasound ZoneMaster 1250
Parasound ZoneMaster Model 1250 12 Channel Amplifier B-Stock Full Warranty Our new ZoneMaster models are very similar in their feature sets, differing mainly in size and number of channels. Looking for fewer channels? Try the 650, 450, or 250. Universal amplifier for applications from 50 to 200...
Sample config:
- zone 1/2/3 in bridged mode for L/R/C
- zone 4/5/6 in stereo for surrounds/heights
It weighs 7.7 Kg