So I dusted out my old file server lying unused for many years - it had a GA-E350N mobo with a soldered-on primitive 2 core cpu and weak radeon 6310 onboard gpu. Now I want to install Plex on CentOS using a brand new Biostar J1900NH2 purchased 5 years back but lying around in the cupboard. I want to use the quad-core celeron j1900 with Intel Quicksync to transcode the videos rather than continue with the older weaker mobo. I need Plex to quickly review my vacation videos edited on my desktop on my Ipad's wide-gamut screen. Basically copy work-in-progress color graded clips to a Samba share on the CentOS running Plex and playback on iPad. Dont want to plugin with a lightning to usb connector and copy files and delete endlessly.
So 2 hours into the project basically stripping down the chassis and more dust cleaning - I ended up plucking out the nylon ATX Motherboard Standoff Support Spacers using a needle nose plier as the space was too tight to prise out the mobo attached to it.

Now rummaging through the knick-knacks with heaps of assorted tidbits from various computer builds I discovered that I have no ATX Motherboard Standoff Support Spacers left!!
Meaning I cant attach the new mobo and get going. Its lockdown week in Bangalore and searching online leads to ZERO sellers selling this basic stuff! I. am looking for either Brass or the plastic version - Brass preferred for grounding to chassis.

Ideally i want to buy a. packet of one or two dozen and be done with it for the next few years. Where can I get it home delivered in Bangalore? i am desperate to finish this sooner than later.
Cheers & Thanks for any inputs on this.
So 2 hours into the project basically stripping down the chassis and more dust cleaning - I ended up plucking out the nylon ATX Motherboard Standoff Support Spacers using a needle nose plier as the space was too tight to prise out the mobo attached to it.

Now rummaging through the knick-knacks with heaps of assorted tidbits from various computer builds I discovered that I have no ATX Motherboard Standoff Support Spacers left!!

Ideally i want to buy a. packet of one or two dozen and be done with it for the next few years. Where can I get it home delivered in Bangalore? i am desperate to finish this sooner than later.
Cheers & Thanks for any inputs on this.