Allo digione signature

Looks like I would need a USB card reader to use with the emmc connector (attach emmc to micro sd adapter). I thought i could directly plugin the connector to the USB port. Sigh.
see you also have/had USBridge. This runs off eMMC and I am not sure if I can remove that and flash that with picoreplayer OS.
Yes you can. I have thread somewhere in the forum on how to set SD card as the 1st boot device. Let me see and link

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Allo shanti lps arrived today, hooked it to digione signature. pic attached.
Have both good and mixed feelings so far.

the good:
- digital grain has gone away.
- can listen for longer duration.
- Can listen to the full song without the urge to skip.

the mix:
- songs sound slightier mellow
- though there are lots of details in the sound, it sounds a bit restricted. the sound has not yet 'bloomed' fully.
- there seems to be a small tinch of low end in all songs. Before shanti there used to be a digital grain all around and now instead of that it is the small tinch of bass in the aura around the songs.
- the pace of music has become relaxed, giving an impression that it has become slow.

Further impressions after using allo shanti power supply for 3 weeks.

- Never realized that "linear power supply" on raspberry pi can have such a good impact.
- Music has never been so 'pleasant' to listen to. Its not that in my previous setup i never got goose bumps, but with linear power supply there is something new and something different, which i am unable to clearly articulate further than my previous post comments.
- you can really 'see' into the mix of the recording. This is something i had read many times, but experienced now only.
- Music from speakers is not thrown on you. Rather you will feel that some musical performance is happening in between the space of your speaker and some instruments are being played in that space.
- You are not listening to vocals, rather the singer is singing, and that too singer is singing specially for you, in front of you.

- Some hip-hop songs do not have power. e.g. song from 'war' film. Not sure after further burn-in this will get resolved or not.
- A shift has happened on the list of songs i have started listening. Some songs which I did not find pleasant earlier and used to rarely listen are now sounding musical and i find myself listening more to them. For some songs it has reversed.
- allo digione signature was a step-up already for me. And shanti has brought it to another level. Well ofcourse the change is not a night-and-day difference. However it is a clear improvement which if we hear once, then would never like to go back to the non-shanti setup.

- sometimes when I am not facing my music system, and suddenly there is some sort of dialogue by the singer, my natural instinct is to turn around as if some person in the room spoke.

- Some songs which i used to pleasantly listen before, are not sounding that musical any more. I am not sure whether this is happening if signature / shanti is more revealing thats why. OR if my previous setup which had more warmth, used to hide the unpleasantness inherent in the source.

- Last but not the least.
-> "Noise" / "RFI" / "EMI" I could never hear in my old setup.
-> But after digione-signature & especially shanti, i now realize it was present. :)

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Lifepo4 batteries best they say. I never used them. I used eneloop rechargeable batteries AA size that work well. I also used lead acid 6v batteries. Different batteries will sound different. You can try any AA size 4 batteries in series
@firearm12 : Did you try eneloop pro(2300mAh) or just the regular eneloop(2000mAh)?
I am planning to buy a new Allo DigiOne Signature with Shanti LPSU.

Compared to this, how is USBridge? I have gone through the web but I don't see many videos for their comparison.

If we already have a thread, please share it.
I am planning to buy a new Allo DigiOne Signature with Shanti LPSU.

Compared to this, how is USBridge? I have gone through the web but I don't see many videos for their comparison.

If we already have a thread, please share it.

There is a review of the usbridge signature by Hans Beekhausyen on youtube. He compares the 2 devices briefly.
I am planning to buy a new Allo DigiOne Signature with Shanti LPSU.

Compared to this, how is USBridge? I have gone through the web but I don't see many videos for their comparison.

If we already have a thread, please share it.

Depends on the dac. If your dac has better usb implementation then get usbridge sig
Guys any advantage in upgrading pi3b+ to 4 with Digione Signature.
Is 2GB RAM enough or should I go with 4GB.

I know bluetooth is superior plus ofcourse processor.

Any other benefits
I do not think any great advantage would be there except may be the USB bus and Ethernet ports are now separated from the power management I guess in the 4 or 4B versions. In the earlier version they both were sharing the same power and hence noise issues if you were using the USB out to the dac along with the attached HDD.
I am using Musical Fidelity M1 DAC which I bought from an FM a month ago.

It has Coaxial, USB Type B, AES XLR, and TOSLINK input connectivity.
My personal opinion would be stick to coax if the DAC supports that. M1 looks like a reasonably dated DAC, so prefer coax. Unless you have a USB only or a well implemented USB DAC, go with coax.
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