Lets talk about blurays--movies/ scenes/audio/pq /repeat values


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
Wondering if any body has the same effect with Blue ray discs,
I used to buy a lot of Region 1 dvds earlier , but never did i rewatch, it was all stocked up ,after a lot of hesitations i ended up picking 2 BD players region A / region C , but let me tell you the effect with blurays is something out of the world

unlike dvds i have been rewatching certain scenes from movies inumerable number of times , coz i have never experienced such effects earlier

its such that after watching the movie rewatching some scenes has now become an addiction

in comparision the dvds just totally pale out
For me the addiction is there for last 15 years when VHS era is there... i entered seriously into Video songs/ Movies VCD collection...I can remeber when movie minnale was released my friend got his first released VCD songs from singapore and daily morning i want to watch it while taking cofee and proceed with some other job later.. Addicted to that..

Next era no question.. DVD era... Addicted to Hollywood movies like anything... When T2 first I bought it from USA and run like anything to play it, since that time i dont know it is region coded...Not aware of such things.... Been mad for sometime till i could hack my DVD player... For this I got my AIWA DVD from singapore 10 years back.. Been crazy to Matrix 2 freeway chase scene... Could have watch end number of times before Hifi Setup and after that:lol:. Still one of my favourite and perfectly taken scenes where we could not find out mistakes( Not like T2- where we can point out end number of mistakes in line). T2 is my next favourite.. Still love it and more number of times watched FULLY goes to that film...Not scenes alone:lol:

List goes in next era Blu ray..Been addicted to it,,, almost tried few films and impressed like anything with Projector and SD-DVD cannot match the quality( still bad blu rays is in the market which is badly produced equivalent to SDVD). Still favourite is T2 / Matrix 2 / Songs of Sivaji --Ayan-Om shanthi Om ( daily my 4 year old kid ask me to put Darde disco song-clear favorite for her- she is already in repeater list) / Mission Impossible-1 last scene train chase / MI-2.... List goes.. As of now clear favourite is Blu ray...

There is no end to it... Favourite scenes comes all along our life repeatedly / Still we are buying in next format repeatedly to get more juice out of it..Present share goes to Blu ray...

Upgradits fever never ends and also repeat watching of our favourite never ends..........:lol:
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Terminator Salvation Blu-ray (Director's Cut) (2009)

never actually liked this movie when i first saw this movie in theater sometime back
but when i saw it yday @ home on Bluray , its a different Story
this one is an awesome movie and definetly worth buying the BRD

The truck chase scene is such that u will hit the rewind button instantly, this is one of the most awesome action scenes seen in recent flicks

the inumerable blasts will shake you up like never before

the background score by Danny elfman is something u got to experience

the disc is on DTS HD MA / sony/ multiregion--it does have dts on regional lang too (am sure none will opt for this/theres hindi too:lol:)
the PQ is fantasic and a real treat

definetly a disc worth buying has great repeat value
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Do you bought Indian version??? How is the PQ transfer ???

i rented it yday
it was on sony /indian edition coz it had regional lang audio too (there was hindi/tamil/telugu)
am going to buy it tommorow
picture transfer is great
Audio is breath taking
its such that after watching the movie rewatching some scenes has now become an addiction

in comparision the dvds just totally pale out

I have watched standard 720 and even upscaled 1080P movies many a time. There are some movies (Dark Knight, Die Hard, Terminator, True Lies.......) that I see 4 to 6 times a year, and every time is like seeing it again for the first time.

In my case I take the following Blu Rays as the reference disks to check out any system:
1. Dark Knight (Bank Robbery Scene, Hong Kong Scene, Tunnel Chase Sequence)
2. Transformers Revenge of the Fallen (Opening Credits/Scene, Robots Fighting Scene in China,
3. Die Hard 4 (Hitting the Helicopter with the Car)
4. Spider Man 3 (The fight between Sandman and Spiderman)
5. Death Race (The Race scenes are all too awsome)
6. Iron Man (The flight scene with F1 planes trying to shoot down Ironman)
7. King Kong (The fight between Kong and Dino)
8. Quantum Of Solace (The opening Chase scene)
9. Casino Royale (The opening Chase Scene,The Airport Scene)
10.The House of Flying Daggers (The dancing scene, the fight in woods)
Star Trek Blu-ray (2009)

was never really a fan of the star-trek series
but after watching this on blu-ray have definetly become a fan
the disc is on Big home video / multi region
audio -dolby true HD
this movie has a great repeat value
audio is superb , but felt slightly thin compared to Terminator salvation but never mind it still souded gorgeous

video transfer is suspect in certain white scenes

but the movie is splendid , with great repeat values, definetly recomended to buy
You should get a BR copy of Avatar. The special effects will be fabulous. I am sure even GI Joe will be excellent.

I am also waiting for the day when they will bring our BR discs of movies such as Sholay, Sarfarosh, Ghajjini, Sivaji, China Town, A Wednesday, etc. In Sholay, just listening to the creaking sound of the Joola and the accompanying music after the Thakur family is killed always chills my bones.

You should get a BR copy of Avatar. The special effects will be fabulous. I am sure even GI Joe will be excellent.

I am also waiting for the day when they will bring our BR discs of movies such as Sholay, Sarfarosh, Ghajjini, Sivaji, China Town, A Wednesday, etc. In Sholay, just listening to the creaking sound of the Joola and the accompanying music after the Thakur family is killed always chills my bones.


Keep an eye on this Website, DDLJ has been released in blu-ray .

Bollywood Dvds, Bollywood Movies, Indian Dvd Films, Bollywood Films, Bollywood Music, Bollywood Masala, DVD & VCD, Indian Movies

Yashraj has released up to 10 BD's currently and more in pipe-line. Prices seems to be a bit dearer, However we can understand the market is very limited at the moment.
That website isn't working here, Probably to mint money from us.

BTW How much is it in India?
You should get a BR copy of Avatar. The special effects will be fabulous. I am sure even GI Joe will be excellent.

I am also waiting for the day when they will bring our BR discs of movies such as Sholay, Sarfarosh, Ghajjini, Sivaji, China Town, A Wednesday, etc. In Sholay, just listening to the creaking sound of the Joola and the accompanying music after the Thakur family is killed always chills my bones.


me too waiting for GI JOE , the Blu-ray shud be out anytime soon, some action scenes am sure will be rocking!!

coming to hindi movies i think they have recently released Jhoda Akbar and Rock on, on Big home video and also abt 500 titles shud be on its way by year end

sholay wud be minblowing ie if the transfer is spot on
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wud love to get the bluray of
Fana (the quality of the dvd of this is also fabulous, wonder how the bluray wud be)
Rang DE basanti
Ghajini wud also be fantastic on Blu

How long do we have to wait??
Buy from India's official online dealer!