Well ...I think for power amps its best to buy locally due to the shipping weight. But processor as they are light weight, the shipping cost isnt much. So would work out better for a group buy.
For power amps, the volumetric weight being significant, the 42% will be on top of the landing price. For ex. When I got my Emotiva, the UMC was fairly cheap, while the poweramp became more expensive due to this.
For relatively low priced units I'm sure there will be friends and family who can carry stuff back from US.
The Outlaw monos weigh about 8Kg. A family traveling can easily get 2 of these in suitcases. It'll also be under the 50K limit, so no duties.
I got a friend carry a similar 1U unit a couple of years ago, wrapped in jeans.
Explore amongst your friends and family, you never know what may click
