How low (in frequency) should a subwoofer go?

Many Tower speakers can output 40hz or even 36hz depending on driver size. Subwoofer is supposed to dig deeper. Sub with 10in or or larger driver will go much deeper.
Room size, phase alignment and listening position (should be 12' & beyond) is more critical for lower freq. , thus larger room will give a better sub-bass response.
Many home theatre subwoofers only go down to like 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
HT manufacturering co. are aware of the fact that at current real estate prices , its a rare occurance that a typical HT will be ever placed in any large listening room. Real subs starts around 40 Hz and go down from there.
For frequencies you cannot hear, it will be below 20 hz. Few movies will have these frequencies and the subs that go down to those frequencies without distortion will be expensive.
Most of the movies have mid bass from around 30 hz to approx 70 hz like gunshots, door slams which are actually very enjoyable. The room also affects how low the sub goes and it helps sometimes.
There are few subs that do both well and would be quite expensive.
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