32" FullHD LCD or 42" HD ready Plasma?

ok, lets talk models. Compare good best 32" LCD and 42" plasma (720p) available in the market interms of contrast, pQ, black level, required brightness, glare, ghost, response time

I am also in race to get one 42" either LCD/LED/plasma. Infact looking for 2 :)
Oh My Goosh God, who on mother earth said anything about internal upscalers.....lol you dont even know what DVD Upscaling is, the scalers present in a LCD or Plasma does not upscale DVDs Llololslsssssss.......man you call yourself technical.........I am talking about any player that sends upscaled signals to the display, and LCD displays those upscaled signals better than Plasma........God!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Good to see it hurted exactly where I wanted.....lol:D

I honestly dont think such comments are warranted in our forum, Sam9.

If you prefer LCDs over Plasmas that is great. But if you actually wanted to claim that that is the unadulterated truth, you will have to come up with actual proof. Without that your comments are not valid.
I honestly dont think such comments are warranted in our forum, Sam9.

If you prefer LCDs over Plasmas that is great. But if you actually wanted to claim that that is the unadulterated truth, you will have to come up with actual proof. Without that your comments are not valid.

Absolutely agree with thevortex.. let's not make global statements and most of all, let's not make it personal.. Thanks
Apologies I missed that....

Not only that, HQ HD rips, Upscaled DVDs and Gaming all looks better on Current gen LCDs, The only things that might look good on Plasma is DTH, DVDs VCDs, 3GPs... ....etc....etc....:)

aha.. :clapping:
At last you agreed that few things are good with plasma..

do check PS3 games on a plasma and see how good it is with input lag compared to any LCD.. I am talking from my experience.. just try it once..
I know you are a hardcore gamer :cool:.. 90% of ps3 games are 720p.. so resolution doesn't make a difference against 720p plasma and fullHD lcd..
Not only that, HQ HD rips, Upscaled DVDs and Gaming all looks better on Current gen LCDs, The only things that might look good on Plasma is DTH, DVDs VCDs, 3GPs... ....etc....etc....:)

Oh My Goosh God, who on mother earth said anything about internal upscalers.....lol you dont even know what DVD Upscaling is, the scalers present in a LCD or Plasma does not upscale DVDs Llololslsssssss.......man you call yourself technical.........I am talking about any player that sends upscaled signals to the display, and LCD displays those upscaled signals better than Plasma........God!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Good to see it hurted exactly where I wanted.....lol:D

Member warned for violating forum rule!

With all due respect, I am unable to take in the amount of junk you put in your posts. Your reputation could be high because you know a lot of stuff in other areas but reading your comments THIS thread makes me wonder you have no knowledge but a bunch of misinformation to start with.

Being a hardcore forum member in many forums does not warrent you to spread misinformation and to abuse other members. I wonder if you were doing this in other forums too. It is wise to write about stuff you know about rather than stuff you 'think' the way it is.

When you write things in a place like this, please be noted that you are interfereing in the thought process of many people looking for information on their next TV purchase. This calls for reasonable justification for your claims.

You have the habit of bringing in words like "perception", "preference", "subjectivity" "Current gen" etc to void facts and others' views and write wrong information at will.

If you did not demo a similarly priced LCD and a plasma in regular home environment, You absolutely have no say. Stores are bad places to have demos for plasmas.

And writing ambiguous stuff like "Current gen LCDs" does not help anyone. 40" LCDs range from <50k to >1L differing considerably in PQ. When people compare LCD vs Plasma, they have a fixed budget in mind and would want answers based on that.

When people ask for advice, they ask for 'facts' and not 'your opinions'. Based on facts, they will apply 'their opinions' after the demo to finalise a purchase.

Facts remain facts,

FHD gives better results only till a certain distance and till 50" size, viewing from that distance is a pain unless you are involved in interactive game play.

LCDs have poor viewing angles and black levels decrease with increasing angle. They are nowhere closer to plasmas in the same price range.

Consumer level IPS LCD panels are only marginally better than rivals in viewing angle issue. They cannot even come close to plasmas.

Please try to live upto your reputation going forward.

And regarding upscaling, every LCD and Plasma upscales to its native resolution. If you send a 720p upscaled DVD signal to both LCD and Plasma, Plasma wins. If you send a 1080p upscaled DVD to both, LCD wins. It is because of native resolution and extra upscaling/downscaling done by the TV. Please do your homework before writing stuff like these.
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ok, lets talk models. Compare good best 32" LCD and 42" plasma (720p) available in the market interms of contrast, pQ, black level, required brightness, glare, ghost, response time

I am also in race to get one 42" either LCD/LED/plasma. Infact looking for 2 :)

Get one each of LCd and Plasma. Then you can compare and post results here.. ;) :D
Just a year old Plasma hanging on the show room was dull in comparision to the sam age LCD........
I am sorry to say, but you sound more and more like the average TV salesman. Most of what you are stating is pretty much the same misinformation that TV salesman have beeen spreading for the last few years and whihc has played a big role in the higher sales of LCDs. After all, it's hard for the average joe customer, to sort through the the junk and get to the facts.
It makes absolutely no sense, and is actually nonsense, to compare LCDs vs Plasmas in any average showroom conditions. I wouldn't even judge jewelery in the overly bright artificial lights of a showroom, let alone a TV.
You ask Ten, or even a HUNDRED TV experts and guess what, Ninety Nine if not all Hundred, will choose the very natural picture of a plasma, over the extremely overbright and absolutely artificial looking picture of almost all LCDs.
LCDs have gotten closer, but sorry to say are still behind Plasmas in almost all the categories that determine a good picture. Maybe, and this is a big maybe, someday, the 'localised, back lit LED LCDs', might actually equal the picture quality of a plasma. By the way, please don't confuse the 'side lit LEDs' being marketed in India with 'localised, back lit LED LCDs'. Which, due to their very high price, Samsung does not even market in India. But, for now Plasmas are better on almost all fronts.

LCD vs Plasma - Fact vs Myth

1080p Does Matter Here's When (Screen Size vs. Viewing Distance vs. Resolution)
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I am new here and bumped in while googling for LCDs as I am looking to buy a first one for myself.
Read most of this thread. I gather that for most situations, Plasma wins hands down.
My simple question is why is everyone buying LCDs. Please pardon my ignorance if the answer to this query is a very simple one. I am a complete n00b to this forum as well as to the world to LCD/ Plasma TVs
I honestly dont think such comments are warranted in our forum, Sam9.

If you prefer LCDs over Plasmas that is great. But if you actually wanted to claim that that is the unadulterated truth, you will have to come up with actual proof. Without that your comments are not valid.

Agreed and hence comment removed...... but the only difference was I was blunt........ but the intentions of the other party were the same......We live in hypocritical world dont we????
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With all due respect, I am unable to take in the amount of junk you put in your posts. Your reputation could be high because you know a lot of stuff in other areas but reading your comments THIS thread makes me wonder you have no knowledge but a bunch of misinformation to start with.

Well then the junk is not for you I guess. so spit it and move on...simple.....
My reputation point was not intented to be arrogant neither am I the kind of person who shows off.......but I change my attitude per the user I am dealing with, and the person crossed the line as well.........there is no missinformation what so ever I said............. quote me one statement which seems to be missinformed.......

Being a hardcore forum member in many forums does not warrent you to spread misinformation and to abuse other members. I wonder if you were doing this in other forums too. It is wise to write about stuff you know about rather than stuff you 'think' the way it is.

As I said I might be blunt but the intentions of the other party were the same........and yes things get bad in other fourms as well, but IF I had been doing the same thing every where I would'nt have survived online, let alone fourms.........

When you write things in a place like this, please be noted that you are interfereing in the thought process of many people looking for information on their next TV purchase. This calls for reasonable justification for your claims.

you have the habit of bringing in words like "perception", "preference", "subjectivity" "Current gen" etc to void facts and others' views and write wrong information at will.

If you did not demo a similarly priced LCD and a plasma in regular home environment, You absolutely have no say. Stores are bad places to have demos for plasmas.

And writing ambiguous stuff like "Current gen LCDs" does not help anyone. 40" LCDs range from <50k to >1L differing considerably in PQ. When people compare LCD vs Plasma, they have a fixed budget in mind and would want answers based on that.

When people ask for advice, they ask for 'facts' and not 'your opinions'. Based on facts, they will apply 'their opinions' after the demo to finalise a purchase.

There is nothing I wrote that did not have a reasonable justification and things like Audio Video are always subject to perception and preference.......do you deny this fact ????........which is a fact that I am giving to the people not an openion......

And stores are bad place to view not only plasmas but LCDs as well, coz you dont knwo at what setting they are playing the source, or infact what source they are playing.........my observations were, when I played my personal BR and fiddled with the setting, mostly keeping them neurtal and then doing all sorts of comparision.........is it any fitcious thing involved here?????

Any what is so ambigous thing about current gen LCDs.....there is a huge huge differenct in the quality, technology of a 2009/2010 LCD than what it was couple of years ago.......technology of LCDs hae improved drastically than Plasmas, I agree Plasms have improved as well but major changes have been done on LCDs (for what ever reason)......is there something ambigious/fitcious in this statement???????

LCDs have poor viewing angles and black levels decrease with increasing angle. They are nowhere closer to plasmas in the same price range.

Yes agreed, but have you ever actually measured the viewing angle of a IPS LCD and Plasma side by side.......I have done that and though yes LCD were suppose to change the color (as generally said by all reviews per old concept) what i observed was different, there is not a substaintial change to make a hue and cry out of it and claim that Plasma is a clear winner....simple......infact Black Levels .....which were supposed to be too good on Plasma were wee bit better, but over all brightness was easily better in LCD specially playing a BR.......simple.......am I stating any fitcious concept here......all statements made are personally executed by me....

Coming to Upscaled DVD, when you upscale DVD it "means" 1080p", well atleast thats what obvious is........if the other party does not understand and refuets with contempt I am bound to react........
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To add I would like to sincerely apologise if for any reasnon I violated the "rules" and in turn made my self looks like the bad guy here, being up front and stright forward might not give the trure picture of an indivisual, but definately does not mean his true intentions were to hurt somebody.......so apologies again and PEACE ....... :)
aha.. :clapping:
At last you agreed that few things are good with plasma..

do check PS3 games on a plasma and see how good it is with input lag compared to any LCD.. I am talking from my experience.. just try it once..
I know you are a hardcore gamer :cool:.. 90% of ps3 games are 720p.. so resolution doesn't make a difference against 720p plasma and fullHD lcd..

mmmmm that might be true, but sadly I dont have a PS3, I am a hard core gamer...true (wonder how did you make that conclusion) but I am hard core PC gamer.... :) and all PC games are full HD, but anyway ....... I have to buy another 42 inchie in couple of months ..... will do an extensive research again....... but I presume Full LED LCDs will anyhow out shine Plasmas after an year or so.......
but I presume Full LED LCDs will anyhow out shine Plasmas after an year or so.......
I wouldn't be so sure. Also, please remember, comparisons make sense only as long as they are made within the same price category. Thus, my suggestion to you too would be to only compare Plasmas and LCDs at the same price, before you make any purchase decisions.
Read most of this thread. I gather that for most situations, Plasma wins hands down.
My simple question is why is everyone buying LCDs. Please pardon my ignorance if the answer to this query is a very simple one. I am a complete n00b to this forum as well as to the world to LCD/ Plasma TVs
The answer to your question can be summarized into two counts, ie. to make it short.
1. LCDs are inherently brighter than Plasma. The most common misconception is that a brighter picture is a better picture. Therefore, in the unrealistically overbright, showroom conditions, LCDs outshine the Plasmas, which have a more subtle and and natural picture. Thus the average Joe walks in, takes one look and says "yaar yeh Plasma to bilkul mara hua hai LCD ke saamne".
2. Because of reason One, tv salesman picked up on it and started spreading the fallacy that LCDs are a newer and better technology than Plasma, which is an old and dying technology. The truth be damned, that the fact actually is totally the opposite. To a salesman if an LCD is easier to sell, then it is better.
As to why lcds sell more its because people prefer them,despite it being more expensive.
one need not be concerned about burn in or IR in a lcd.

The plasma will reflect more leading to poor blacks,shadow details & it also lacks the brightness to defeat the glare.(Average joe ireason to pick a lcd)
Runs hotter, makes buzzing sound especially when displaying bright scenes or if area of white color or any bright shade displayed increases.
Brightness can be as low as 1/3rd the peak brightness due to ABL.

Plasma use more number of components,requires a good amount of cooling fans,where as lcds use far lesser components & most of the lcds are passive cooled,meaning no fans .

Plasma consume more amount of power on average atleast twice as more then a lcd & even more compared to led lcd.(average joe will probably know this)

Plasma on average are more thicker & weigh more.(average joe will probably know this)

Dithering in plasma makes the image appear softer.People can see phosphor trailing.(Average joe reason to pick a lcd)

The screen in a plasma can break with lesser effort compared to lcds.

The power supply in a plasma needs to be more beefy then a lcd.

Even though in theory both lcd and plasma are rated at few thousand hrs,neither will reach those figures,before the panel dies ,the electronics will fail,again the plasma complexity & higher temperature isn't helping.
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Thanks a lot.... now that's what the average joe consumer needs to know before making that purchase decision :)
Just when I had decided to get myself an LCD i bumped into this and you guys have got me all confused.
No need to be confused. Go with Plasma and you will not regret it. Unless you plan on using your TV as a monitor or you plan to have your room lit up like a showroom, in which case I might suggest you go with LCD. A plasma will not only give you a better picture, but it will also by far be a greater value for your money.

Plasma vs LCD - Fact vs Myth
No need to be confused. Go with Plasma and you will not regret it. Unless you plan on using your TV as a monitor or you plan to have your room lit up like a showroom, in which case I might suggest you go with LCD. A plasma will not only give you a better picture, but it will also by far be a greater value for your money.

Plasma vs LCD - Fact vs Myth

Exactly. The only problem with Plasma is they are rarely available in Full HD under 50 inches, bar Panasonic. That's the biggest hurdle for people who want an HDTV under 50 inches.
Exactly. The only problem with Plasma is they are rarely available in Full HD under 50 inches, bar Panasonic. That's the biggest hurdle for people who want an HDTV under 50 inches.

But then under 50 inches (42 to be precise) the differences between FHD and HD ready wont be that stark is what I gather from most of the discussion here.
On that note, does it make any sense to buy a Full HD TV if I am considering one of 32' be it LCD or plasma.
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