I am sorry but you continue to sound like a stuck record. Your misconceptions, or should I say your personal, "subjective" views, are clouding your ability to see technical and scientific arguments in favor of Plasmas.
A/V is subjective.........check by yourself, preferably by playing your own source.......fiddle around with the setting for both Plasma and LCD side by side, and then make a decission.......
Everything in life is subjective, but only to a point. Audio/Video is not just subjective, there are clear scientific ways and standards by which to measure different aspects of A/V. It is by these, universally and scientifically accepted standards of measurement, that almost ALL experts clearly rate Plasmas to be superior to LCDs in most aspects of picture quality. The aspects that LCDs are generally found to have an advantage are mostly unrelated to 'picture quality'. Do I really care if my TV is a few more cms thinner or weighs a little more or less? I certainly don't.
also if you are planning to play a BR, then in any case LCD would be better.
That statement is bordering on the limits of absurdity. I can guarantee that the best LCDs cannot compete with the best Plasmas, regardless of the source. This fact, also holds true, for every single size (42" and higher) and price category. Also, you continue to give way too much importance to 'resolution' as a parameter of final picture quality. This inspite of the fact, that even the
Imaging Science Foundation (ISF) states the the most important aspects of picture quality are (in order of preference):
Contrast Ratio
Color Saturation
3) Color Accuracy
Plasmas are generally superior to LCD in all of the areas except for 'resolution'. But not only is 'resolution' 4th on the list, but even that too is an issue, only in sizes below 42". LCDs on the other hand are very difficult to manufacture in large sizes. The largest commercially available LCD is available from Sharp, which is 1920x1080 and is 108".
Panasonic on the other hand has a commercially available 150" Plasma with 4K resolution. That's right, that is only, 'FOUR times' the resolution of FULL HD 1920x1080.
Plasmas are preferrable over LCDs, for almost all situations except the following:
In smaller sizes than 42".
For display of static text.
very bright overly lit public places.
When quality of picture is less important and energy consumption is important, such as always on public displays.
More conclusive, scientific and non subjective comparisons. For anyone who still has doubts on this issue.
LCD-Plasma Display Technology Shoot-Out
This one, is for those still obsessed with FULL HD in small TVs, ie. below 50".
Here's when, 1080p FULL HD matters (Screen Size vs. Viewing Distance vs. Resolution)