32" FullHD LCD or 42" HD ready Plasma?

Just when I had decided to get myself an LCD i bumped into this and you guys have got me all confused.

Again @gadgetcrazy do not make a decission just because one says.........again......A/V is subjective.........check by yourself, preferably by playing your own source.......fiddle around with the setting for both Plasma and LCD side by side, and then make a decission.......also if you are planning to play a BR, then in any case LCD would be better.
Exactly. The only problem with Plasma is they are rarely available in Full HD under 50 inches, bar Panasonic. That's the biggest hurdle for people who want an HDTV under 50 inches.
Yeah I suppose atleast in India this is an issue. But, seriously what is the fascination with FULL HD in a small 42" size. It's not like one can tell the difference between 720p and 1080p, in a 42" size, from the average viewing distance that most sit at in their homes. Also, the relatively low price (approx. 65,000) of a 50" FULL HD plasma, more than compensates for this.

Here's when, 1080p FULL HD matters (Screen Size vs. Viewing Distance vs. Resolution)
I am sorry but you continue to sound like a stuck record. Your misconceptions, or should I say your personal, "subjective" views, are clouding your ability to see technical and scientific arguments in favor of Plasmas.
A/V is subjective.........check by yourself, preferably by playing your own source.......fiddle around with the setting for both Plasma and LCD side by side, and then make a decission.......
Everything in life is subjective, but only to a point. Audio/Video is not just subjective, there are clear scientific ways and standards by which to measure different aspects of A/V. It is by these, universally and scientifically accepted standards of measurement, that almost ALL experts clearly rate Plasmas to be superior to LCDs in most aspects of picture quality. The aspects that LCDs are generally found to have an advantage are mostly unrelated to 'picture quality'. Do I really care if my TV is a few more cms thinner or weighs a little more or less? I certainly don't.

also if you are planning to play a BR, then in any case LCD would be better.
That statement is bordering on the limits of absurdity. I can guarantee that the best LCDs cannot compete with the best Plasmas, regardless of the source. This fact, also holds true, for every single size (42" and higher) and price category. Also, you continue to give way too much importance to 'resolution' as a parameter of final picture quality. This inspite of the fact, that even the Imaging Science Foundation (ISF) states the the most important aspects of picture quality are (in order of preference):
1) Contrast Ratio
2) Color Saturation
3) Color Accuracy
4) Resolution

Plasmas are generally superior to LCD in all of the areas except for 'resolution'. But not only is 'resolution' 4th on the list, but even that too is an issue, only in sizes below 42". LCDs on the other hand are very difficult to manufacture in large sizes. The largest commercially available LCD is available from Sharp, which is 1920x1080 and is 108". Panasonic on the other hand has a commercially available 150" Plasma with 4K resolution. That's right, that is only, 'FOUR times' the resolution of FULL HD 1920x1080.

Plasmas are preferrable over LCDs, for almost all situations except the following:
In smaller sizes than 42".
For display of static text.
For very bright overly lit public places.
When quality of picture is less important and energy consumption is important, such as always on public displays.

More conclusive, scientific and non subjective comparisons. For anyone who still has doubts on this issue.
LCD-Plasma Display Technology Shoot-Out

This one, is for those still obsessed with FULL HD in small TVs, ie. below 50".
Here's when, 1080p FULL HD matters (Screen Size vs. Viewing Distance vs. Resolution)
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Like i said when a review site measures contrast ratio they either take in ANSI contrast a checkboard pattern of white and black squares.Then their is FULL ON/OFF contrast this is where plasma tv suffers,due to ABL,again all these measurements are done in a pitch black room

In the real world no one is going to watch in a dark room.Now days in most UNBIASED review sites they have started to mention about the viewing conditions how ambient light plays a role.
Again people here talk as if all plasma have the contrast ratio & color accuracy as a Kuro.Only the panasonic plasmas such as the Z and the newer 2010 V models have a slightly better pixel level blacks vs current sony/samsung/sharp lcds on the market .Which can only be seen in the night time viewing with light source behind the tv,the color of wall will also a play a role.
offcourse black rise in panasonic plasmas is another matter

The plasma from Lg and samsung aren't great as far as blacks are concerned on par if not inferior vs VA based lcds.

here is a quote from HT mag panasonic G10 plasma vs sony V5100(equal to V550A but has the inferior BE2)
While the plasma still had a better pic- ture off axis, the Sonys color fidelity was far more natural and consistent, which is entirely inconsistent with my overall experience with LCDs. To top it off, turning on even a little room light killed the plasma, while the Sony still looked awesome.Im a kook who prioritizes nighttime movie watching, but the Sony had the better blacks with the lights out, too. So my little world was really turned upside down. Im a plasma guy. I own a plasma. I love my plasma! But this Sony was the best of the bunch.

from another panelist
Overall, the Panasonic plasma came in at a very close second on my scorecard, earning just three points less than the Sony. The Panasonic handled motion admirably and had very acceptable color and shadow detail. But its black level dropped substantially when the room lights were on, and that alone was enough to lose it my first-place vote

From the silent observor who wrote the panelist comments and who tested the objective measurements
I cant say how I might have voted had I been participating blind, but I like to think I would have placed it on top(sony lcd), given my partiality to serious viewing in a darkened room and the resulting need for great black levels. As I noted earlier, the Sony also won raves for its performance with the lights onalthough that was a very short part of the test and not included in the scoring.

The objective scores for G10 plasma
Black: 0.014
White: 25.97
Full-On/Full-Off Contrast Ratio: 1,855:1

offcourse that panasonic plasma now will have even poorer blacks.

Objective scores for Sony V5100
Black: 0.008
White: 25.94
Full-On/Full-Off Contrast Ratio: 3,243:1
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Sam, you have already been warned once. Please do not push this discussion into a personal war between you and Sanjay by jumping and clapping every time someone takes the side of LCD (in the other thread).

And Sanjay, it is much better to use words such as 'I agree', and 'I disagree', rather than using words such as 'absurd', 'sound like a stuck record' and so on. Such words will only increase the provocation to people who are already heated up.

This is simple discussion on LCD/Plasma. What ever information you have, just post it politely. It is upto the reader to read what is written and come to whatever conclusion he wants and likes.

I am repeating the same post in the other thread.

Sam, you have already been warned once. Please do not push this discussion into a personal war between you and Sanjay by jumping and clapping every time someone takes the side of LCD (in the other thread).

Yes I know that, just tell me how does thanking and agreeing and clapping becomes a personal war, agree the comment I gave was wrong on my part which I humbly apologized and removed it as well, but saying that jumping and clapping is makeing a personal war looks like you are pushing things to make it look like I am out with some personal vendetta......

adder has'nt taken my side neither has he taken the side of LCD as such, he is merely stating his openion which matches mine and I agreed on it by thanking him for that, on both the threads.....and I think I have the right to do so.......tell me other wise if I dont.......

I think this a free fourm and I can express my feeling by thanking, clapping and agreeing (for what ever reasons)..........again as I said a personal comment was something I did do wrong and I think I did everything to show that I regretted.
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The objective scores for G10 plasma
Black: 0.014
White: 25.97
Full-On/Full-Off Contrast Ratio: 1,855:1

offcourse that panasonic plasma now will have even poorer blacks.

Objective scores for Sony V5100
Black: 0.008
White: 25.94
Full-On/Full-Off Contrast Ratio: 3,243:1

Hi Adder, What are prices of the the above TVs in question?
Are they comparable? Do they vary considerably in the indian context?

I ask because, when I was looking around for consumer level TVs in the same price range, there were subtle differences in favour of plasmas.

Also, 'somebody' here has a consumer level LG IPS panel and is churning out words in favour of it against plasmas. What do you think about that? :p
Hi Adder, What are prices of the the above TVs in question?
Are they comparable? Do they vary considerably in the indian context?

I ask because, when I was looking around for consumer level TVs in the same price range, there were subtle differences in favour of plasmas.

Also, 'somebody' here has a consumer level LG IPS panel and is churning out words in favour of it against plasmas. What do you think about that? :p

That "Somebody" is me and I never said anything in favour of LG IPS, where did that come from, neither did I went against Plasma.......Once again I will quote the entire crux of the debate that I posted in the other thread as well...

BTW your samsung plasma is no more that an avg consumer level comodoty as well.......

sam9s said:
........actually OP is so pissed off by a simple fact I brought that though Plasma had a clear advantage over LCD, .... current gen LCDs have come a long way and have drastically bridged the gap. Though technically on paper reviewes still put plasma over LCD with X,Y,Z advantage, the fact I think people would agree is LCDs have come a long way since Plasma ruled...... and now practically the differecne is not as much as..... that we can claim plasma way too ahead or a clear winner over LCD, viewing angle, contrast ratio...blah blah ....every things has been improved so much in LCDs that we cannot now say Plasma is the obvious choise.........that my fellow members was all I was trying to put .......and yes there was one more thing I emphasized .......much like audio, video is also to an extent subjective and so even though technically on paper Plasma has an edge, people should still go and do an extensive auditioning for both the displayes specially with a HD source like a BR keeping all the setting neutral and judge side by side......only then make a decission........simple...

That was the entire crux of the debate for which this hue and cry has been made...............:) PEACE :)
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Hi Adder, What are prices of the the above TVs in question?
Are they comparable? Do they vary considerably in the indian context?

I ask because, when I was looking around for consumer level TVs in the same price range, there were subtle differences in favour of plasmas.

Also, 'somebody' here has a consumer level LG IPS panel and is churning out words in favour of it against plasmas. What do you think about that? :p

Well those tv are very much comparable in terms of panel used contrast will be the same the indian model has better image processing,the US g10 i believe has thx mode.

Well obviously not all have the same critera as you,the low end plasma advantages doesn't fit the critera of many.

As far ad ips based lg i have posted my comments on the other 100hz thread.
That "Somebody" is me and I never said anything in favour of LG IPS, where did that come from


Again thats old news todays gen IPS pannel LCDs have same viewing angle as Plasmas have........~180D

BTW your samsung plasma is no more that an avg consumer level comodoty as well.......

I wrote consumer level IPS panel because professional level IPS panels have much more colour accuracy and viewing angle advantage than the consumer level panels. The person I replied it to (adder) knows it. You, looks like you always do, took it personally and came up with personal bashing!
Well those tv are very much comparable in terms of panel used contrast will be the same the indian model has better image processing,the US g10 i believe has thx mode.

Well obviously not all have the same critera as you,the low end plasma advantages doesn't fit the critera of many.

As far ad ips based lg i have posted my comments on the other 100hz thread.

I queried about the price part as I genuinely dont know. Are their prices comparable?

The thread title targets a 32" FHD LCD vs 42" HD Ready Plasma and that is the criteria Iam taking into account. My own criteria or preference is irrelevent here. Infact for the usage of the thread starter, Iam still suggesting an 32" LCD.

Why are we discussing on general stuff everywhere? Can we stick to the thread title?

With that in mind, what is your view? I dont think both the TVs compared in the link you provided is relevent here?
Guys, I din't even see the existance of the other thread LCD vs Plasma or something to that effect.

All posts by me in this thread are relevent to this thread and to this thread only which pertains to "32" FullHD LCD or 42" HD ready Plasma". The title brings in requirements to clarify the advancages of LCD over Plasma in the budget segment of 40-50k where high end 32" LCDs and 42" plasmas are typically placed at.

Also "LCD vs Plasma" debate without considering the price factor is like shouting at the wind. It will not have a definete answer and the question itself is invalid.

Given a 10L budget for an LCD, ANY manufacture today can manufacture an LCD which can eat the plamas inside out on pretty much any account (vice versa is also true). But information like this is useful to no one. That is the reason I did not post a thing in the other thread and am not intending to also.

But in the segment of 40-50k, and with a typical indian home ans size of guest room etc in mind pertaining to this thread ONLY, the viewing angle advantage, black level performance of budget plasmas at ANY angle, Colour reproduction of contents etc and all posts I made in this thread still holds good.

(This year the 40-50k segment shed 5k to become the 35-45k segment.)

Again thats old news todays gen IPS pannel LCDs have same viewing angle as Plasmas have.....

So......where does LG come in to Picture.......I said IPS pannels in general, have the viewing angle very much compariable to Plasma these days......and I still stick to it.

I wrote consumer level IPS panel because professional level IPS panels have much more colour accuracy and viewing angle advantage than the consumer level panels. The person I replied it to (adder) knows it. You, looks like you always do, took it personally and came up with personal bashing!

If thats the case OK ...... Point taken!!

BTW it sounded like a direct comment, does not mean I always take things personally, again you are passing a judgement on me ...... How do you expect me to take this now..........
does it make any sense to buy a Full HD TV if I am considering one of 32' be it LCD or plasma.

Hi. No one answered this question. Even I want to know the answer.

Plasmas are preferrable over LCDs, for almost all situations except the following:
In smaller sizes than 42".

Could you enumerate the reasons?:)
I queried about the price part as I genuinely dont know. Are their prices comparable?

The thread title targets a 32" FHD LCD vs 42" HD Ready Plasma and that is the criteria Iam taking into account. My own criteria or preference is irrelevent here. Infact for the usage of the thread starter, Iam still suggesting an 32" LCD.

Why are we discussing on general stuff everywhere? Can we stick to the thread title?

With that in mind, what is your view? I dont think both the TVs compared in the link you provided is relevent here?

Well my post where in general in response to some other post with lcd & plasma in general.
personally 32" fhd vs 42" is subjective.take for instance one of my friend was sure to pick a 32" FHD lcd in the showroom who was looking primarly for picture quality and wanted a lcd from either sony or samsung and didn't even wanted the korean brand LG but when he learned in the showroom that the 42" plasma was cheaper,he didn't care of what brand /performance ,he even considered the LG plasma PQ30 but finally went with a samsung plasma.
he is a average joe who fell for the better size vs price factor and no one can't blame him.Same thing happened to another friend of mine way back in 1998 when he was decided on buying a 21" sony crt at 19k bought home a 29" BPL which had crappy picture can't blame him either.:)
Is there any TV in the <50K range that offers better picture quality than Pana X1 or Samsung B450/C450 plasma's ?

Honest, educated replies would be very helpful because I (luckily) have a chance to replace my Samsung B450 42" plasma.

I'm a slave to movies/games and the audio-visual experience they bring but not to specific AV equipment or technology or brands. I watch exclusively HD content (or at the very least, DVDs) in a quiet, darkened room and only at night (this ambience I think is most suitable for enjoying movies.)

I had a look at Samsung B550 LCD and some Sony LCD which were both slightly above the 50K range but I thought both these were not as good as the Sammy B450.
I do not understand this urge to brand a Full HD TV better than a HD Ready TV. That is not necessarily the case. Whether one is better than the other is decided by the source files/discs we use. Nothing more, nothing less.

Anyhow, how many here can spot glaring or even consistently noticeable differences between the same image at 720p and at 1080p? The question is moot.

In my opinion, one should just pick that TV which offers them the best picture - for their ambient light settings, for their viewing or colour/contrast preferences etc. I dont think there can be one particular TV or brand that can work as a universal recommendation or as a 'best' product. At least not at the budget range.

Again - just my opinion.
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