3D TV that that does not strain the eyes?

Its not the TV but the glasses that give strain to eyes..When it comes to glasses, they are two types-Active glasses and Passive glasses. Active are the ones which produce strain to eyes as they have batteries installed in them which have negative issues with health.
Passive glasses don't have any such issues as they don't have any batteries in them and are said to deliver best picture quality.
I have an LG Cinema 3D (LW6500) and truthfully speaking I have found all 3D TV's to strain the eye to soem extent but compared to other brands LG, due to its passive technology, strains the eye the least.

Initially I did find the strain to be cumbersome to the eyes but its a matter of getting used to it. Its been 9 months since I bought the TV and ironically I have not watched a complete 3D movie on it till date :)
Recently purchased AOC 3D monitor with passive 3D technology but unable use due to headache issue totally waste of money. :sad::sad:
I have watched both Hugo and Despicable me end to end without break and I got no problems except maybe you keep reminding yourself that something is on your head. Initially when I bought the TV I did feel the headache..but not now
While we can surely discuss/debate this ... however The originator of this thread has only 1 post and probably never came back to check it :)
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